What would you consider essential soycore?

What would you consider essential soycore?

Other urls found in this thread:


Gone Home
Life is Strange

So is this a new meme or some old one because past 2 days i'm seeing it here a lot more


zelda series


new Sup Forums meme

The Last of Us

Sup Forums


"Soyboy" is just a near-2018 way of saying "hipster".

haha funny le based mem xD upboated *gives reddit gold*

Any Sony exclusive really

Dark Souls
The Last of Us
Shadow of the Colossus
The Last Guardian
Bioshock Infinite

cake boy was funnier

triggered right wing babies think that soy beans are somehow 'feminizing' men with pseudoscience about testosterone and estrogen.

It's more 'thinly veiled politics' thread than vidya. Ignore and move on.

any given MOBA

Video games as a whole. Anyone who complains on the internet instead of taking action themselves. Inferior genetics making them feminine or ugly. Unable to communicate with normal people due to being sheltered. Afraid of what other people think. The list goes on.......

It's fucking soft boy.

>not sweet boy



That's antisoy


not an argument

you can't disprove that soylent doesn't raise estrogen levels and decrease T


>not glucose boi

Is soyboy le epic meme now? Can I fit in if I use it?

gone home
life is strange

How did soyboy replace cuck overnight?

PUBG, Overwatch, Any of the jack box streamer games, FIFA, DICE games, League

I prefer Nu-Male over soyboy desu

When is this meme going to die

Any RTS is a sign your soy levels are too high.

i think neogaf would be a better fit for you actually

Undertale is anti-soy and redpilled though

soft boy is for fags though.


What's the opposite of soyboy?

Watch when this word spreads further online and tell me this place isn't already filled with cancerous faggots.

makes no sense considering soy encourages inflammation of the nervous system and RTS games can easily lead to nerve inflammation through CTS

What is this Soyboy shit.


Caesar's Legion is essential /redpill/-core though.

Trump voting big dicked alpha male


i fucking hate 17 memers


High levels of testosterone. Also known as a man.


You need to go back.


Like me, I'm a real meatman who plays meatboy.

meatman or meatboy

Can you prove it tho

I just want to be part of the secret club :(

There's neogaf invader. How about you go back to leftypol or reddit or something.

Nu-male's sky, or anything with online multiplayer, really.


It's important to be balanced.

Wrong board.

The Virgin Soyboy VS The Chad Meatman.

Persona 3/4
SMT Nocturne

>talking with a friend
>oh life is strange is on sale, as if anyone would get it it looks so sh-
>is it really? I need to pick it up then

>pol at it again

the fucked thing is Soy is in packaged things on purpose, it's like they knew already the affects of it.


>a game where your character is ambiguously female or male and half brown and the perfect cultural marxist zogbot - along with a bunch of furry fetish garbage is anything but a degenerate kike diversity propaganda

Wrong website cuck. I don't care if there was a leftypol raid on Sup Forums or neogaf died. You have to go back.

Women are given soy therapy to increase estrogen levels after menopause, so there must be some validity.

Never understood why Sup Forums looks like a ghoul

Go be a sensitive faggot somewhere else.

Rather manly, so...your mom.

This thread.
Le triggered.

Life is strange
Nier automata
Breath of the wild

Only time I ever see that word being used today is from some leddit user who migrated over to Sup Forums and eventually, all of Sup Forums during the election period. Election is over, now you can go back to whatever heap of dirt you crawled out of and stay there.


You have to go back my dude.