People are claiming that 3DS is dead, when we are getting:

>Persona Q2
>Dragon Quest XI
>A new Etrian Odyssey is confirmed to be in development for 3DS
>Alliance Alive
>Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux
>Radiant Historia
>Nintendo confirmed that it is supporting 3DS heavily in 2018

I really like Umaru. I think she's cute.

3 of those games are already out, they're just awaiting localization. Then you have 2 empty promises, topped with a literally who game. So yeah, it's pretty dead, thanks for proving it.

Anime weeb

Good, I love my 3DS.

all of those except maybe the new etriam are shit

Correction: 4 of those games are already out

It's literally her only redeeming quality.
Into the trash it goes.

But they aren't released in the west, so what gives?

It's still more alive than Vita, fucking hell, it just got a Pokemon game, i'm expecting a huge boost for 3DS this week

>new eo
i hope its eou3

Most people with a hacked 3ds can play shit like fucking dragon quest.

And how many of those people know moonrunes?

Considering they said it's not a numbered one (e.g. 4, 5, not 6) it's probably that or a best of type of deal.

Considering that's what I mean by "can play" I would say all of the people who can play DQXI know it.

If you are just blindly going through shit and you don't know what the fuck is going on then you don't count.

So a small minority then

Just because a game was released first in Japan, doesn't mean it can be counted as "new"

Hell, fucking Persona 5 was released in Nip land last year, and many people here are calling it the Game of the Year.

>But they aren't released in the west, so what gives?
The point is that you're looking for games that are still in development to prove a system isn't dead. 3DS has very few games still in development. Hell, even the SNES had a brand new game released this year, does that mean it's not dead? Being able to scrape the bottom of the barrel doesn't mean a system is a alive and well. Yeah, it's better than the Vita. Is that alone worthy of an award?

I said most people with a hacked 3ds can play it.

>Hell, even the SNES had a brand new game released this year, does that mean it's not dead?
What a terrible comparison. You are otherwise not incorrect.

Hum what is that
Literally waht

I get it, but how many of those people are actually playing them?

>3DS has very few games still in development

We still don't know that, Nintendo confirmed that is supporting it for 2018 and beyond, obviously they will announce new games next year

You ask a lot of questions.

I already said people who can't read don't count. So, obviously, when I say "most people with a hacked 3ds can play it" I mean they can fucking read.

Just put 2 and 2 together holy fuck.

>What a terrible comparison.
Why? I think it's completely fitting. "Dead" itself is metaphorical language. A piece of hardware and its ecosystem can't die, so what is it we're really talking about. Everyone should be able to agree that we're way past its prime years. Strange Journey, Radiant Historia and DQXI are all ports to boot

Good, we need more EO titles before it goes the way of every other single screen crawler.

>So, obviously, when I say "most people with a hacked 3ds can play it" I mean they can fucking read.

>implying that people that have a hacked 3DS know moonrunes


Yes, that's exactly what I'm implying. It's amazing how it took you so long to realize.

>implying that people that have a hacked 3DS know moonrunes
Are you implying someone with a hacked 3DS would be too stupid to learn Japanese or something?

>Are you implying someone with a hacked 3DS would be too stupid to learn Japanese or something?


You could have a nice 3DS thread without umaruposting user.

I think you have to be pretty stupid not to hack your 3DS, actually. I played DQ11 from beginning to end and I understood most of it, and I wouldn't have been able to do it without a hacked 3DS

>I played DQ11 from beginning to end
I kind of dropped it around the time where you arrive on that city with Silvia's boat.

Does it get better?

It's my first DQ game so I'm not sure what to compare it to. It feels very much like an oldschool JRPG, which is what I wanted. While I don't think the story is that great, it's the sense of epic adventure that I enjoyed, but you really don't start feeling it until the big event happens about half way through the game

>about half way through the game
How close am I?

About a quarter I think? You'll know when you're getting there because you'll have seen most of the map. The second half of the game is revisiting most of where you've been before, except different. Trying not to spoil

I'm waiting for EOL Homebrew exploits honestly.

Eh, if I'm going to play a game that repeats I'll just get back to Bravely Default. It's not that much harder to read compared to DQXI.

It's more like FF6 than BD if you catch my drift. Though I liked BD too so whatever