What does Sup Forums think of witches in video games?

What does Sup Forums think of witches in video games?

good for burning

The hat's a classic.

I want to cuddle a witch

Not enough to be honest.

I just want more pic related looking witches.

I want to _ _ _ _ that witch.

im excited about the game for witches now that i know theres multiplayer

They're pretty cool.

Zullie is for Alva only!


Too ugly.
All these bitches posted are uggos





Love them



They are a great



dumb loliposter


I'm sorry, I have a problem.


Post moar



She fucked a literal cat


Witches make the best waifus, it's a fact.

Witches gonna witch.

So is her game any good?

I wish there were more games where you can play as a witch

Does she disapprove because of him being a manlet or because of the flower

Both. Morrigan likes shiny things, not flowers


I want to be a witch

Morrigan fucks every race and doesn't mind dwarves. It's the gift that is shit.
>No worth
>No use
>If she wanted a flower she would just get one herself
I get it desu. Flowers are a dumb gift.


This is 100% true. A good witch will follow you until her death

>cuck souls 2


Don't bring your opinion of Dark Souls into this witch thread
The Black Witch Set is objectively the best witch set in any Souls games


>tfw witch attire is your fetish

best witch reporting

Hey twitch