>home alone on a saturday night playing video games
That's a million yen fine
>home alone on a saturday night playing video games
That's a million yen fine
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Hey user lets play games together
>there will never be a misaki
I'd like to discuss my dream about the large snake.
That’s only like 12 bucks
It's about 8 grand. Do you have that much money just lying around?
If you're saving up like you should, then yeah
She'll never come to you.
jokes on you, dumb anime poster. i'm home alone on a saturday night watching OTHER PEOPLE play video games.
Do you people even watched the anime? She was a cunt and was just using the MC.
She was using him as something to look down on, but he did end up literally going out on his own and getting an actual job. I hear she was nothing short of a gigantic bitch in the novel/manga but I haven't had the motivation to really dig through it.
Fine, I think I've got $4 around here somewhere.
Dumb sissy white boy
Yes, hell I read a light novel a manga and anime are based off.The fact that I would still prefer someone as her speaks volumes about my desperation.
someone as her to loneliness*
They try to make her more likeable in the anime. She is a turbo bitch in the manga. The LN one is like a totally new character.
>home alone on a Saturday night
Right now I am alone, but I'm going to a concert alone in an hour.
I found Welcome to the NHK to be annoying.
Misaki is the epitome of the self wank wet dream of the loner loser, it's all made so the loser NEETs who watch the anime self insert with Satou and mentally jerk off over cute girl Misaki chasing them.
Tough luck faggots, this shit doesn't happen in real life, stuff like NHK is just masturbatory material, only of a non pornographic kind.
I found this show almost insulting. Satou doesn't learn anything, he's just in a flurry of the last episodes forced to get off his ass and get a job. Misaki doesn't learn anything either. And I guarantee you the NEETs who loved the show didn't learn shit either. They'll keep waiting for their Misaki. Any minute now she'll be around the corner, any minute now...
Hey vern nothin wrong with playing video games
>no misaki gf
How about you get on your knees and start slobbering all over my fucking dick
i watched the show when i was a depressed neet, that was around march last year but now i have a job and i'm figuring stuff out one step at a time. i miss being neet though.
Dogeyes' death was so fucking satisfying.
We don't know if he ever ended up alright. The kind of dysfunction that leads to such an isolated lifestyle is almost always the result of deepseated psychological problems. There's a good chance he'd regress in a year or two.
What the protagonist really needs is a good psychiatrist, but the Japanese don't really appreciate that field of medicine.
I don't think you get it. In life you don't just magically change your ways, and it's easy to fall back into your old ways. Even the author went back to being a neet, real life doesn't always end so nicely.
You call it a wank, I call it a daydream of salvation from the depths of despair. The author of LN was in this very situation, in addition to drug abuse. An afterword 2 years later mentions he changed nothing in his life, still depressed, still NEET. Fucking sad. I watched it back in 08 when I was 17 yo neet so I could relate, but even now it still has a place in my heart.
I watched it when I was a NEET too and found it insulting.
I have a job and my own life now, and looking back at it, it's even more insulting.
It literally is a daydream of salvation that doesn't help at all.
I am sad now.
It wasn't meant to help to fix the situation, it was just an escapist haven.
>Daydream of salvation
>Only salvation is an attempt at not starving to death
Jeez look at that damn AK, so pretty.
Sounds like you literally missed the point. Also read the VN.
You were a neet, not a fucking hiki you retard, and like the others said this was nothing about fixing the situation, life doesn't always have a "fix"
But I've spent the night so far watching a movie, I played video games in the daytime.
Falling asleep with tears drying on my face ages ago. Self pity is disgusting but so enjoyable.
In the anime she's fine. She's not perfect of course, but you could do a lot worse than having a girl like her. She's a bitch outside of the anime, though.
its not hard to get drugs for mental issues in Japan. Just as drugged as america when it comes to anti-depressants and benzos. As long as its prescribed by a (((doctor))) your not viewed as a degenerate druggie.
>Hopeless neet
>1 in a godzillion chance that a cute girl knocks on your door to help you
>She can't actually help you at all
Was this thing supposed to be depressing or encouraging or what idk
And Watamote is the inverse of NHK. Girls like Tomoko may exist, but they're 0.0000001% of women.
its called real life. hard concept to grasp in an anime.
why isn't there more of this in anime form
i need to read the manga
>But you can help her
Watamote is straight up comedy with the dark bits carefully cut out. I wonder how much bullying the author had in school that she omitted.
Tomoko's actually a pretty great representation of social anxiety, barring the massive amount of sexual repression she seems to have.
I was expecting something like Komi-san.
>tfw haven't gone outside in four months
You know I wouldn't even mind it if it was something that I could keep doing the rest of my life without ending up on the streets and making my parents sad.
Anyone else felt sad about Yamazaki giving up on his dreams, going back to countryside and becoming hillbilly? It was presented in such an optimistic angle, but something didn't sit right with me about it.
He took the redpill and realised that realising your childhood dreams isn't everything in life and that you can be happy with other means.
He got a banging wife anyway, much better than his prospects in the city. Sometimes a simpler life is really the answer, or so I think.
I actually had a girl just like her in my class in trade school.
I don't think they are rare, it's just that you almost instantly forget about them the moment they leave the room. Society literally hates them and doesn't want them so everyone pretends they don't exist in case they even realize they are there.
In fact the one in my class was even worse. Had a REALLY fucking terrible voice and I had to stop myself from cracking up everytime she had to read something. I'm also pretty sure she took pics of me. Not just me though, also some other dudes.
They were ugly, right? It all stems from looks, gene lottery. If they looked like picrelated they'd never find themselves in that position.
Perhaps if they were legitimately ugly I'd agree, but Tomoko is described as average and therefore, IRL some decent looking guy would overlook her awkwardness and wife her eventually.
Yeah she was pretty ugly. 3/10 or maybe 4 on a very good day but she had that crazy look on her face that legitimately scared me sometimes
>"what do you do on the weekends, man?"
>getting that question every single Monday lately
Look, man, I know I've got that 'plays video games alone' look, do you want me to say it out loud?
what if I'm just home alone on saturday night thinking about playing video games but never do?
>she had that crazy look on her face that legitimately scared me sometimes
I have come to the conclusion that this is just the effects of being useless at socialising, based on personal experience. My guess is she was just thinking in a negative self hating spiral at the time, though it's also possible that she's simply crazy.
That's a paddlin'
Tomoko would be realistic if she was portrayed as ugly. Tons of guys would be into girls like her irl if they were cute, but they aren't.
What concert?
>implying benzos actually helped anyone ever
>went on an autistic barefoot run at 2 am
>cat runs up and meows hello while I'm resting >start talking to it, starts rubbing up against my calves
>too beta to touch fluffy tail
I don't really like cats but this one was super friendly and makes me wish I had one
I didnt even realize it's Saturday
Tomoko is only kinda cute looking because she's an anime character. She's described as average, and there's even an episode dedicated to her not showering. She's even intentionally drawn uglier in the anime than the manga (wider chin). Tomoko is a 6/10 maybe, but like I said, a decent looking guy would still wife a 6/10.
>too beta to strike a cat
You are the betamax
>tfw knew a cute girl in middle school and high school that was 100% irl Tomoko
>tfw she even liked me
>so incredibly autistic that I sttaight up ignore her while I hold out hope I can get with the girl I had a crush on that was out of my league a thousand times over
A-at least we're still friends these days.
tomoko is cute because she looks like a boy
user, 6/10 girls don't end up not being talked to all of once outside of a few chance encounters for two years. I like Watamote (the anime, at least) but it's not exactly realistic. That being said I wish Tomoko was real so I could wife her myself
Tell her you regret how you acted, maybe she still has lingering feelings for you
>victor entertainment
>not available in your country
for my fellow sloppy NEETs
I want to be a social recluse and not bother anyone but it's impossible unless I become a hermit hunting for furs in Alaska or something.
Boyish body but she's 14 so that will change (if even minimally).
Well it's Japan and guys are kinda pussies over there. The guys who aren't pussies are essentially Chad, and Chad doesn't want to wife up a 6/10. In the anime when she moved seats everyone near her was excited about a chance to talk to her and she just ignored them/silently thought they were trash. Tomoko's loneliness is her fault.
It's been years and I'm pretty sure she's got a boyfriend. I think she was spiteful for a while because I ignored her too. Which funny enough was when I started liking her myself, but I'm over that too. It's mostly just regret over a missed opportunity. She still has some part of me in that I think her small frame made me like loli so much, but there's no chemistry anymore.
Besides, there's a different girl I'm in love with right now that I am certain likes me
Boris. Pic related, best Boris album.
Not a fan of them, but I got to admit, they got something unique going on