“I used to think this was just ‘Smut for losers who can’t get a real girl,’ like most people,” she said. Now...

>“I used to think this was just ‘Smut for losers who can’t get a real girl,’ like most people,” she said. Now, she said, she gets it. It’s not about getting off, at least not entirely. It’s an expert mode challenge not entirely unlike finishing a high-level raid, though in this case, it’s solving a writing puzzle that the game empowers even if it doesn’t explicitly endorse.


Other urls found in this thread:


Roleplaying, do you even ?

I remember a time when shit like this was hushed and people would have the common decency to not be too vocal about it.

The fact that people are flaunting this shit, even being proud of this typefucking just shows how far the bar has fallen.

Also, paying for ERP is retarded.

>someone thought this was worthy of an article
>someone thought it was worthy of a thread on Sup Forums

>Overthinking male logic behind wanting to see tits and ass.

The age of degenerates crouching in a dark corner of the Stormwind tram is over.

Gamers are degenerate

Where do you think you are ? Go back to your christian safe-spaces, you fucking prudes.

The worst part is this isn't even the first article like this the author put out, there was another detailing the use of a certain emote with ERP

>did erp just for fun
>most people were kinda nice and you actually did other content with them
>dungeons and dickings were a thing

Now that people get shit on a 'professional' basis the whole community went to shit. The amount of drama and backstabbing in the Balmung prostitution scene is mind boggeling. Also rampart elitism.


you havent seen anything yet

You have to go back.

Fuck off retard

i didn't know au'ra could came in ceramic

that's almost enough to make me buy the game

>spend a lot of money on commissions of your character
>make sure it is the most boring possible cat


well good thing i don't spend a dime on this super weeb garbage.

Balmung players should just get nuked out of existance at this point

> it’s solving a writing puzzle that the game empowers

Yes, we call that a "video game"

yea, why is erp all about money now? it sucks

>ERP is the new Zork
What a wonderful time to be alive

teaching modern children how to read is almost impossible because they don't see the point

then they grow up to be video game journalists

No idea. It also isn't worth it. Most prostitutes are generic as fuck and can't write for shit. It is a lot more erotic to do it with people you actually adventure alongside with.

Why are they writing about this as if this kind of shit hasn't been going on in MMOs for 15+ years?

Thou mad ? How about you jerk off to relieve some of that stress ?
Oh wait, you are probably doing a "no fap challenge" right now.

because it's only just now become socially acceptable for women to whore their sexual experiences out to the general public

Sooo are we sending death threats oooor?

Faggot I probably typefucked more than you ever will. Point still stands that a lot of people have no decency and start to commercialise this shit.

Anyone have the picture with two fat neckbeard erping?

That's not an empowering writing puzzle.

>Woman comparing whoring themselves out in ERP to progression content
Low hanging fruit


>the Balmung prostitution scene
What's the cops are doing?

>I probably typefucked more than you ever will
Sure, excuse me while I remember the two last ex-girlfriends that sucked my dick.

>Point still stands that a lot of people have no decency
>people have no decency
>Sup Forums
Oh wow. Beware, or your brain matter will flow through that shrivelled dick of yours.



Literally suck out the rancid smegma fermenting under my swollen infected foreskin, you absolute faggotfuck of a cunt.

>abloo bloo bloo
Thank you user, your tears are feeding me. :^)

So basically they are saying it's 'okay' because roleplaying a character is challenging to them.

Do they not realize normal roleplaying has been around for ages and takes more creativity, yet even children are capable of doing it?

>Overwatch was no built with kink in mind

I thought it was the money you got from ERPing that got food on your table? The work of creation is never without travail.

you're right. now that i think about it erping is the lowest form of creativity. erp faggots always ruin good role play anyway


>Found the selfies

I have ten different varieties of cancer now. I mean, you make assumptions about just what kind of tainted hands forge such misbegotten aberrations, but HOLYFUCKINGSHIT.

I'll never get this shithole. You have people decrying homos, trannies, and roasties while jerking off to traps, ERP, and having a waifu.

It's almost as if a vast number of people from a number of different backgrounds with wildly varying moral considerations shitpost here.

If you don't fap to traps and loli you should reevaluate your moral values to be honest.

Nah, everyone pretty much mostly in-line with my previous statement.

They can come out in red blue, green, purple and grey too, but normies only make them white or brown

>she said. Now she said, she gets it

Goddamn whoever wrote that should be killed.

Stop fucking posting this shit every day.

Nigga you gotta get that looked at like damn you gonna lose your fucking dick.

>Admitting to having gfs
You both need to leave

>Oh wait, you are probably doing a "no fap challenge" right now.

What is wrong with this?


Post 'em

letting it last more than one week

Prostate cancer

>look at her twitter
>see malcolm young died


Add to this If you are on PMO you are loser

Worse than I imagined desu

>suck out the rancid smegma fermenting

Tepe abused me with his big fat cock


Nah, I'm not.

Too late, already did. That's only two out of three, though.


Come on, lad.


>generic blonde catgirl
A variety of colors to play with and she goes for the most boring set up.


You probably mostly are or you're just a normie.

MUD ERP is the best ERP, just saying. That's the quality shit, not the trashy crap written by 14 year olds in MMOs

That is kinda how I imagine Sup Forums posters to look like.

Post cute girls who raid

>Paying for ERP is retarded
I agree.
>Don't talk about ERP reee
Go away

>What is wrong with this?
It's dumb and it has litteraly no point, except maybe if you are a christ-cuck obsessed with the purity meme.

What the fuck is that brown thing?

Moralfags get out.

>its k bro its jsut roll playing im not really gay :)

t. porn addicts
Enjoy your death grip.


*blocks ur path*

>normalfags discover rp in mmos
Those fucking retards are more than 20 years too late.

>mfw people always assume ERP when you mention RP
fuck this shit





After reading this article I kind of wanted to try Overwatch.

I would love to spam AOEs and mash those potatoes.


>just want to run a fun story-focused tabletop
>everyone and their grandma immediately assumes it's a sex game

I know this guy, he does Feast and he kinda sucks ass.
Best bit is his ERP buddy does it too and they're both mediocre.

I think lalafell are fucking [spooler]adorable[/spoiler]. I'll never ever admit it to lalafell players though

god i wish that were me

>the one dressed as mario.
i kek'd

nibba just go play with legos or dnd not our fault that we actually wanna make things fun


I just found out Miasma II does less damage than Broil II today.

I've been wasting my life keeping that shit DoT up as often as possible


Did you not know that Miasma II is AoE only?
I thought Scholars were supposed to be intelligent.

Sup Forums is the only place on the planet where you can meet a person will tell you to gas the kikes, trannies, and homos while jerking off to loli and trap porn between ERP sessions where they are a power bottom.
