what went wrong with WoW?
What went wrong with WoW?
battlegrounds and shared server shit c 2007/2008
It followed in the footsteps of EQ. Fucking carebear shit.
prove me wrong
Battlegrounds, arena, flying, lfg/r, weapons not having unique effects, stats being streamlined, weapons are just stat sticks, ability pruning, and a couple dozen more things. There is your daily answer to this daily thread.
battlegrounds were fine when they were same server only
and xrealm BGs were introduced in 1.12, and you better believe that will be in classic realms.
games in general stopped being for nonlife nerds
need to have fucboi and man's best friend on battle for azeroth
i played on a server in the battlegroup that got lumped in with ragnaros in vanilla, i doubt ill have a worse experience on classic realms
Too many changes that undermine what an MMO is, in favor of strictly end-game raiding and repetitive gear "progression". As well as a complete disregard for challenge, hardship, and perseverance and it's effect on the human mind in terms of reward and accomplishment. Also, class homogenization instead of specialization. And Activision and it's lazy, money-hungry bullshit.
Each expansion lessened in quality.
Yes, even TBC, Horde bitch boy Paladindus and Alliance lore-shattering futa Shamans, RNG mace stunaroonies, arenas in general, and the death of World PvP stemmed from it.
Yes, even WoTLK. Massive swathes of cut content, actual welfare epics, and the tradition of releasing new classes are horrendously broken bundles of bullshit stemmed from it.
Became too streamlined, flight paths fucking everywhere, mounts at lower levels, quests being closer together, dungeon finder makes dungeons feel uninteresting
An emphasis on only the end game content making noone care about the levelling content. May aswell just have players start at max level when they make an alternative character, because everything before that is a waste of time to people
Battlegrounds (Especially cross-server.)
Dungeon Finder/LRF
Flying Mounts
Instanced areas everywhere to the point where you can't even see people on a different stage of the same quest
The removal of all group quests and elite mobs
The "streamlining" of all leveling content to the point where there's no sense of accomplishment, and no balance whatsoever
Basically they removed or destroyed everything that gave the world any sense of life, community, and adventure and replaced it with (((streamlining))) and (((quality of life improvements))).
What's wrong with cross server battlegrounds? Can't make friends afterwards?
The people in the BG may as well be AI at that point because you'll never see them again, or remember them, or care at all.
You wanna know what really killed WoW?
Bored players.
Im not talking about people just bored with the content. Im talking about entitled shit heads who got bored with the massive amount of shit in the game and started whining about it on the forums.
There are a shitload of active players in the game, but morons were too lazy to actually gather for dungeons, so what happened? LFR.
Battlegrounds were fucking amazing before cross-server, but the xp rates were a little low. So people complained. What happened then? LETS JACK THE FUCKING XP RATES SKY HIGH, WHATS THAT? HATE LEVELING? JUST QUEUE FOR 3 HOURS AND DING YOURE MAX. Fuck that and fuck you.
People got tired of actually exploring and doing side quests in the large and quite beautiful world. "Wahhh I have to fucking walk between two zones to get to point Y". So what did Blizzard do? WHATS THAT NIGGA? YOU LIKE FLYING POINTS BUT WANT THAT EVERYWHERE? HAVE A FUCKING GLOBAL FLYING MOUNT. Ruined the immersion and the excitement of beautiful zones now neglected.
Bored and whiney mother fuckers killed this game. Blizzard is just as much to blame for changing the shit in the first place. Like a fed up mother who gives their kid a toy just because they screamed a lot.
Fuck you, I miss attuning, I miss walking 30 minutes from point A to point B and fuck you I miss gathering up and collecting retards from the city just to half ass our way through a dungeon and make new friends or end up in an autistic fight about who wiped.
Fuck you Blizzard, and fuck you lazy players.
Vanilla: Battlegrounds ruined world PVP
BC: Draenei weren't the Broken from WC3, high Elves joining the horde makes no sense whatsoever, removal of faction-specific classes, you could only get pvp gear from Arena, Flying mounts
Wotlk: Welfare Epics, DKs, the beginning of class homogenization, "there must always be a lichking"
Cata: Old world literally and figuratively destroyed, "streamlined" leveling, pet battles, microtransactions, female worgen model, more (complete?) class homogenization
MoP: Pandas.
WoD and Legion : Two (2) filler expansions trying to shamelessly cash in on the success of BC, stinks of Activision
>MoP: Pandas
Not a valid criticism. Pandaria was an interesting continent and had some cool shit like the Mantid.
Dude Pandas LMAO
Uhh sweetie, it has pandas which makes it shit
bad thing about pandaria was that it didn't fix anything. Good thing about pandaria is that it only got a little bit worse, unlike WoD which made everything MUCH worse. Also female pandaren are furbait.
>MoP sux cuz le le disney pandas xxDDD
This is a shitty meme and it needs to die
The specifics aren't important. What happened is that Blizzard merged with Activision and their business focus shifted from creating great products to creating very accessible products.
You see this in every game Nu-Blizzard has created, from WotLK to Overwatch. They aren't interested in making deep, interesting, satisfying games. They are interested in making games that appeal to the lowest common denominator and wringing as much money out of their userbase as possible.
The one time this wasn't true was SC2, but it wasn't on purpose. In their effort to appeal to koreans and chinese, they created a game that has too steep a learning curve for the average user. They have not since made this mistake again, and their subsequent RTS (lol) project, HotS, is so simple a toddler could play it.
Pandas are actual filler expansion.
I sympathize a lot with this post. I play on the 1x vanilla servers nowadays just for the leveling experience in a vibrant busy world. I love exploring and walking around doing all the quests. It's much more fun to level when the leveling is not finetuned to have each zone cover a clean 5-level-bracket and when all the quests aren't overblown gimmicky singleplayer stories where everything is zoned and you have to get in a tank and blow up hordes of enemies or whatever.
I like collecting bear butts. I like having to worry about overpulling and dying while out adventuring. I like that I can run out of mana. I like bumping into someone else on the same quest and teaming up with them. I like having to actually pay attention to how much money I have. I like having to scrape together cash for things I want like spells and mounts instead of just getting them. I like having to watch my back and always being on the lookout for gankers.
They streamlined the game so hard that there was nothing left for the imagination. Just rails, xp bars, mounts, pets, item levels.
chinks ruin everything
Try not to bullshit us next time, user.
In the pursuit of more money they abandoned the smaller fanbase of less casual players and catered to the ultra casual, but the casuals are incredibly fickle and never stay around for long in anything.
>Vanilla WoW: Grind for Three months and let your baby starve to death to get to level 5.
>Burning Crusade: DUDE FUKIN DEMENS M8!
>Wrath of the Lich King: "No Man can kill the Lich King!" *Sylvanas pops in* "I AM NO MAN!" *Sylvanas falls off a cliff and dies lol*
>Cata: *ACHOO!*, Oops, I changed ALL the leveling zones and quests! Surely Blizzard would update them so it won't feel dated three expansions in the future.
>Panda Land: Just like Kung Fu Panda, I'll make you assume this will be stupid as all hell, then you'll play and get into it and see more in me beyond the concept of Pandas.
>Draenor: WAAAGH! Also DEMONZ 1/2!
>Battle for Asseroth: Praise the lord and pass the ammunition!
>Not SoO or daily marks
Panda memes are why WoD and Legion sucked
What was the point of this post?
dungeon finder desu as soon as the need to actually socialize with anyone went away the game became completely anti community and people burned themselves out with the dungeon finder because it was so much more convenient that the alternative, in the end a mmo needs a bit of inconvenience to keep it going streamlining everything is the recipe for a soulless game that burns out it's players
Or maybe you should get real life friends you inbred cretin?
>high Elves joining the horde makes no sense whatsoever
It does after you play the Frozen throne campaign
Kael'thas had a bone to pick with the alliance and the Night Elves hated magic junkies
Things became too convenient, too easy. It turned from a game you worked at to build your character into one where you just faceroll the keyboard to get to the current endgame. It became mindless.
Pandaria was one of the best expansions you fool.
Pandas break immersion.
>inb4 but you can play as a cow
Do I really need to explain this? Pandas were a marketing tool and they ruined wow.
see, now I play ffxiv and used to play lots of F2P mmo's as a kid, my only experience with WoW is the trial version of vanilla, BC,and Cataclysm.
And I can tell you that making friends online because you've happened to run in to someone in the middle of a quest doesn't happen any more, nobody talks like they used to, everybody queues up for a dungeon enters and then because the games are entirely soloable and treat everyone else like NPC's. And god forbid someone hasn't read a wiki and actually wants to figure dungeons out for themselves.
My point is, I don't play MMO's without my real life friends anymore because nobody wants to give anybody else the time of day.
Why in gods asshole did they call it pandaria and pandoren?
Was the fact that giant black and white bears are now a playable race not obvious enough?
TBC happened.
I got into WoW recently and here's one of the things I wish I could have in dungeons was an incentive to continue as a group. I like the idea of having a convenient tool to bundle up with a party, but then we actually get to know each other since we will be playing together for the next however long. In Payday 2 I enjoy being the host, getting a good group going and you play for two hours, get to know each other, add each other maybe.
But in WoW, I feel like with the exception of like 3 times in my leveling experience so far, as soon as the dungeon is done people just bolt out of the dungeon and re-queue. When dungeons start this randomly and people leave right after, with everyone rushing to level up as quick as possible anyways, there's no incentive to pay attention to anything in the dungeon itself or your teammates. If they were seriously somehow magically efficient AI, it would make no difference than it being actual people.
I don't know what the solution to this could be, like I said, I'm new to the game, but some sorta XP bonus for continuing to randomly dungeon with the same group over and over sounds nice. I noticed the same problem started happening in Payday 2 too, some people who just wanna get to max level/infamy already will immediately quit as soon as the heist is over in favor of finding a new server with a map they like instead of talking it out with the host what to do next.
tl;dr New player to WoW noticing there is no incentive to group up with anyone ever in any deeper sense than "I have to because I can't solo this" for questing or dungeons. Maybe it's different with raids and guilds but I'm not quite there.
>And god forbid someone hasn't read a wiki and actually wants to figure dungeons out for themselves.
This really gets me. You're not allowed to suck any more. Not that anyone wants to suck, but nowadays the only challenge in content is reading the wiki to find out how to make it as quick as easy as possible, usually with some degree of skipping content, cheesing, and exploiting. And this is before you've ever even set foot in the place. There's no mystery, no surprise, no interest in what might actually be happening. Just pushing ahead for loot and progress and you better not waste my God damn time because I've got a life and can't spend all day waiting for my loot.
Flying mounts, portals, phasing.
i can already envision "levels" essentially being removed from the game. in its place will be things like the artifact weapon or whatever they use next expac
>crossrealm battlegrounds
>second version of LFD that came during Wrath. The one in TBC was alright, but I don't remember using it that much
>daily fucking isle
>multiple raid difficulties, essentially ruining linear raid progression
>giving dps classes heals and shit, homogenizing them too much
Will mana matter ever again?
I miss when only healers had heals and mana mattered
>started catering to casuals and normies
To conclude this massive wall of text I wrote here, at least from a new player's perspective, the biggest gripe I have with this game is how there is this massive beautiful world with thousands of quests and like a hundred dungeons, yet it feels like I'm not allowed to enjoy any of it.
Dungeons are basically a speedrun of the dungeon, which sometimes is a little crazy, I usually have 5 seconds to take in where I'm at, to try to guess where this dungeon is in the world and the purpose of me even being there before the druid tank in bear form in front of me is running like a madman ahead of me. So "exploring" dungeons in any capacity is dead. Questing is a bit more alright, but there's the clear "overlevel the current zone" problem that often leads to unfinished questlines. Apparently will be fixed in the next patch so whatever. There's also the problem that both of these are way too easy. I am so excited whenever I see some world boss or stronger mob roaming around, because it means I will finally get to kill something that takes over 4 seconds to kill. Everything is braindead easy on both dungeons and questing.
The only things that felt like achievements of any sort so far was getting better mount speeds. Since I've been questing a lot (playing with someone else), being able to get around quicker felt like a massive improvement each time. Everything else is something I try to be interested in but it's kinda tough.
But of course, none of it matters, right? It's just all busywork, just "the grind" until max level. I don't know all the features of legion, but I wonder how many blowjobs I'll get from the game that would justify the fact the previous 109 levels of grinding were mediocre despite being full of content that I'll go "Oh, NOW the game is good, sure am glad I skipped about 75% of the rest of the world to get here so now I can finally had fun"
Jeez, if I just wanted to get to max level and grind for slightly better gear, I'd go play Diablo 3.
I want to say it was the kung fu panda update
But I'm going to blame graphics
It's ugly
Hideously ugly
I played a game called fly for fun (b4 it went pay 2 win) and had a lot more fun
Can you use 1 set of armor for your looks and another set of armor for stats equipped invisibly?
Or does every high level fag look identical?
I can't remember.
I've been playing as an arcane mage and mana management is pretty important. The whole premise of the class is if you have more arcane stacks your spells cost 100% more per stack. So if you just get all stacks and keep casting, you'll be out of mana in like 4 casts. You essentially have full control over how powerful your spells are at the cost or higher or lower mana and have to be careful not to burn through it and just sit there like an idiot because you mismanaged,
Unfriendly, impatient players rushing through dungeons etc, no interaction at all during questing
I used to enjoy being guildless, meeting randoms doing the same quests and grouping with them
Imagine that, conversing in an MMO!
If you want any interaction you need a guild now, and to put up with meme-spouting children instead
I hate how solo it all seems, completely fucking up the point of the game