This is your WIFE

This is your WIFE

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thank god I'm married to a human woman and not a stinky fish bitch

Is it worth Emulating this game?

>wanting to play a powerpoint presentation

Yes, but I see no reason to do it now instead of waiting. If you have a good cpu and wait a while, it might be playable at a consistent 60fps everywhere. Also the DLC is gonna come out. And maybe somebody will make some nice mods.

No, THIS is my wife. We're going to have 15 children together.

>liking tall girls
>under any circumstances

>Being a manlet
>Under any circumstances
I bet you're under all of them aren't you

this, shortstacks are elov

shortstacks = borderline pedrophiles

I'm a manlet who has most 12 yo girls matching his height or taller. At this point, I just dream of scaling bitches like mountains desu.

I don't really like short girls, they have shitty proportions, but I'm 6'4 so a tall girl to you is an average girl to me.

She's talking about how Link loves the taste of his husband's cum.

In TP, when we run through the Temple of Time, are we in the Sacred Realm? Is this actually the Temple of Light that you never got to see during OOT? You have to access it by shoving the master sword into the Temple of Time's pedestal and there's Light Medallions drawn everywhere in it.

Not beeing a Chad and liking both tall and short.

(I prefer short though)

You should only make gay stuff about 100% canon gay characters. Everyone else is straight by default.

This. Link's only possible romance is with Sidon. And maybe Kass.

Link is 100% canon gay. Also all cuteboy characters are gay by default until explicitly shown otherwise, so even if Link wasn't confirmed homosexual he would have to be assumed homo.

>being gay
>under any circumstances

Nah, he loves zelda or saria or some shit. There is no such thing as assumed gay. Until a character expressly calls themselves gay or is seen kissing the same sex they're straight.

>100% canon gay characters
So, Link and Sidon?

You're thinking of the Switch version

I didn't play botw, do they fuck or kiss? If not link is straight.

He's right though, Link is gay and has never loved a woman. Also in Japan pretty much every character is actually assumed gay. Even the girls. Their way is clearly superior and we have no place to question it.

>Mipha dead
>Zelda won, again

How can she be stopped?

They do both. Link has been confirmed gay for a while.

Why does BOTW have more gay porn when there's plenty of girls with little to no art? It's not fair bros.

>Link is gay and has never loved a woman
*blocks your headcanon*


Zelda didn't win though. Sidon did.

>not liking tall girls
>not appreciating dating an amazon when you're a manlet

What fucking shit taste.

You're the one pushing headcanon, user. They're completely right. Link has always been and will always be a total fag.

t. insecure manlets

No he hasnt.

I don't know that feel because i'm not a manlet
If a girl's over 5'4" then she's no good

No they don't and you're just talking about fujos who are considered subhuman.

It's completely fair. Yaoi and Yuri are just better than lowly hetshit. It deserves more art because it's superior.


Link is gay, canonically speaking. And every bishie is gay. Even the ones that say they aren't are just in the closet. This is how the world works, and you're delusional if you think otherwise.

Girls under 5'4 have stumpy ass proportions, 5'6-5'10 is ideal.

>falseflagging gay man

Fujos are based. The only ones who are subhuman are the cucks who support heterotrash desu.

yaoi is not even debatable. disgusting shit. But yuri can be okay. I personally cannot relate to seeing some girls rub clits though i wanna see a girl actually get pounded and loving every minute of it. Especially when its a couple its cute..

Correct taste.

Man we're pretty nice to you nerds letting you get married and shit. Don't get all uppity on us now.

>judging every girl under 5'4 on earth.


Objectively wrong taste. Sorry pleb, but you have to kill yourself now. Love only exists between boys and only gay couples are acceptable.


Thats where you made a mistake.

best canon couple in years desu

this is the only canon
also sharks have two dicks

Not all of them, but I don't generally like their proportions as much. I'm pretty tall myself so the girl being a bit taller is fine with me.

Manlets are the ones desperate to date tall women since literally no women are attracted to them.

Because you can play most of the game as a shirtless twink?

And the franchise is unusually popular with fujos anyways?

has there ever been a time in zelda history where link was straight? still cant think of a time

Right thats why all those gays have straight parents.

this. link x sidon is a canon miracle. thank you based fujos for the art.

Speak for yourself. I'm 6'7", little guy.

To each their own bud. I got a 5'0 gf and she's perfect but i aint a big guy anyway.

Nope, never. Link has always been gay.

Because Link is a twink, and Legend of Zelda is normalfag shit. So fujos get to fuckin' work with the gay porno.

I really doubt that. But if you are good for you. I don't think I'd want to be any taller honestly. I think 6'3 would be fine as well.

I dated a short girl once, I had to squat to kiss her and a ton of things were just awkward. I much preferred the taller girls I've dated. Enjoy your gf though fella.

100% this. Link married a shark man.

>liking womanlets
just why? They resemble midgets.

t. manlet

Because gay porn is always better.

hahahah manlets

I would be surprised if even the dev team thought that much about it.

Going by what's in-game, I don't believe that it's in the Sacred Realm, because Oocca was able to follow Link there, and Zant/Ganongorf was able to access it to hide a shard of the Mirror of Twilight there.

Thanks bud, Good luck on your amazone quest. Nothing wrong with that pal make sure to make them go on top thats good shit. And for me i dont mind the squatting and she's perfect for carrying like a princess.

but user I am a manlet 5'7'' manlet and I've dated plenty of women. Granted I've only ever dated one girl taller than me and it was the best. Being a manlet I've noticed that we fall into two categories
A. Tryhard faggot that gets upset by anyone mentioning anything about their height. Will do anything to try and get with women except improving their personality. Will never actually admit their a manlet and constantly pretends to be a 6'4'' chad despite getting mad at manlet jokes.

B. Manlets who have accepted their lot in life and just do what we can to make the most of it. Will also joke about being a manlet because if you can't laugh at yourself every once and a while you turn into a category A manlet. You wont have the same luck as tall people but you can still make it work.

I don't like woman on top at all, I'm pretty aggressive in the bedroom, I get bored if I'm not in charge.

>because Oocca was able to follow Link there, and Zant/Ganongorf was able to access it to hide a shard of the Mirror of Twilight there.
But after the Master Sword is yanked from the pedestal, the doorway to the Sacred Realm is open and people can just walk in (which is how Ganondorf stole the triforce in the first place). So it would make sense that Zant/Ganondorf could hide shit in there and Oocca could walk in, since the ToT that you travel to in TP was missing the master sword in the pedestal.

Delete this right now.

I'm a tall guy and I have a lot of category B friends, but the As that try to fight me at bars and shit really get me down.

>Those annotations.
Never change user.
Keep your innocence.
BotW lookin like a 10/10 with that video. Brb emulatan.


>tfw tall girl at 6'1"
>too insecure to approach tall men and don't like guys shorter than me
i'm doomed to be alone

there should be a C, where it's exactly the same as B, except they can't make it work because they're turbomanlets

t. 5'5"

Not gonna lie I do wish I was tall sometimes because I know it would help me out career wise but it's not all bad. I never have to worry about hitting my head on anything. Category A manlets truly are the worst people.

No, Fuuka is.

My last gf was just a smidge shorter than you. Honestly tall women are a pain in the ass to approach. You always assume we're there for one of your short friends and it takes forever to convince you we're interested.

I'm sorry user. Try to have some more confidence in yourself though! Turbo manlets have it the worst but if you can pick up a good skill it helps a lot. I learned how to cook out of necessity since I lived alone for several years and nothing has helped me with women more than being a good cook.

>B. Manlets who have accepted their lot in life and just do what we can to make the most of it. Will also joke about being a manlet because if you can't laugh at yourself every once and a while you turn into a category A manlet. You wont have the same luck as tall people but you can still make it work.
my nigga
tfw 5'5 manlet, but life is pretty cool.

You can't really improve your personality as a manlet. It's a death sentence. I fell for the "focus on hobbies and women will come into your life eventually" meme

t. 32 and 5'6" KHHV who gave up at 21

5'9 is the absolute minimum acceptable height for a woman.

I mean Jesus, how can a woman even have nice legs and a nice ass if she's a fucking womanlet?

we're the same height! you got this my manlet friend!

If it makes you feel any better I have friends who are over 6 feet that are still kissless virgins. I've made being a manlet work. You'll more than likely never land a woman taller than you but if you do it feels great. Being relegated to the little spoon was pretty comfy.

>I share a board with people that have THIS shit taste

keep on keeping on fellow manlet.

>playing at 60fps
The menus are all sped up, it sucks.

This is unfortunate. You have a bunch of guys beating themselves up just because of some inches, who completely lose confidence and grow bitter. It reminds me of myself in younger years, honestly.
Yeah, okay. I'll be the first to admit it. I'm 5'2" and I only really date men 5'10" or taller (because I wear boots a lot and because of aforementioned height insecurities) but I know PLENTY of women who date shorter men, some even going so far as to date guys shorter than them. Yeah, you're at a small disadvantage, but don't let it be your defining trait. It's not so much the height that is unattractive, but rather the short man syndrome that come with it. Hell, even I recall having a crush on some 5'8" guy in one of my college classes, because he dressed nicely, was hygienic, and was an overall decent person.
Try not to be bummed out about being short. If you focus on self-improvement, the pieces will fall into place by themselves, trust me. You're worth more than some arbitrary number.

>mfw 6 feet even
>mfw so desperate for love that I'd wife anything human and feminine with a pulse

>this upsets the fujos and faggots


>You're worth more than some arbitrary number
>I'm 5'2" and I only really date men 5'10" or taller


why does zelda have a giant ugly nose

Why would they be upset at some shitty SFM? There's like a dozen god tier gay ones for them to enjoy. Plus, they're right and they know it. Link belongs with men.

You're really bad at spotting bait.

What annotations?

When the fuck does this happen?

>being so insecure and beta you're afraid you'll look like a bitch next to a girl taller than you