Native 4K@60FPS on Xbone X

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Cool. Game still sucks though.


If the Xbox one X can already play some games in 4K/60fps. How powerful will the PS5/Xbox one X 2 be in 3 years? Considering one of the most high end graphics cards 3 years was the GTX 980 and that already is getting outdated when Nvidia stop supporting their Maxwell GPUs.

I was here for this epic post.

This kills PS4 right?

>lootboxes suck, game is good though.
fixed that for you

Hello EA

>i'm a retard with no taste
fixed that for you

Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to be fun.

It's not fair, only PC was supposed to have good resolutions and frame-rates.

what are you talking about? a 980 is still one of the best gpu for what it was originally targeted for and that's high end 1080p gaming or entry level into 1440p gaming. it's faster than a 1060 on average and can gain an extra 15% peformance due to maxwells amazing OC capabilities. so much for AMD finewine, the 390 still can't even beat a 970 on average and the 390x is now miles behind the 980 for whatever reason. hell, the rx 580 stomps the 390x when they should be about equal in performance.


>lootboxes suck, game is suck too
fixed that for you

Where's the native 4k?

The Xbox hits a top resolution of native 4k, while the Ps4 hits a top resolution of 1440p.

>Dynamic 4K
>Flakier performance than Pro

Where did it all go so wrong?


Oh, I thought he ment a constant native 4k. Nevermind.

Don't give a fuck about the lootbox and microtransaction shit that all these pseud motherfuckers are bitching about.

What the game needs is more maps, game modes and characters. That's all. Because I actually fucking care about video games and not politics.

Hopefully powerful enough to do native 4K60 on every game

Howdy reddit!

review the full game when you unlock it next year

good evening shill

Imagine if MS had waited a year. They could have done a proper next-gen machine and really cucked Sony hard on exploiting 4K. Instead now they're lumbered with this nearly-but-not-quite stopgap that's priced so much that they can't get new hardware out in the next three years without pissing off the retards who copped one.

uh no. the game is a repetitive zerg fest with grenade spam and disgusting pay to win crap, also its over priced

also it isn't even going on sale black friday

*on low console settings

No point to make a next gen console this soon + Ryzen is too expensive.
They still have to push the VR meme on xboneX like everyone. They only do it for PC right now.

What games are they playing?

That's good to know

I'll wait till the game is $10

The xbox version is actually near pc's max aside from shadows and AO. everything else is max including textures, texture filtering and goemetry. the ps4 pro is i think a mix of medium and high

>Only when nothing is going on


World of Warcraft: Legion

on medium-high settings and no AA*

>He plays at 4K
>Still need AA
Lol what

The youtube's comment section is so salty

> "Muh 4K lootboxes"
Don't you already have Shillza 7 for this?

Normies already have GTA 5

Possibility of the next Xbox or Playstation having a Intel CPU and AMD GPU?

Might be a slim chance.

GTA doesn't have lootboxes though.

I'm thinking they'll have some custom version of AMD's notebook chips like the current consoles, though luckily those have gotten so much better recently.

Buy those Shark cards though

You'll get to choose what to spend that on, I still don't like it but it's far less insidious.

The Pro was a mistake. If you see their commercials now, they use the term "dynamic 4K". It's amazing how good the X1X is for the price.


It's an incredibly mindless PEW PEW "gotta go fast at all times! xD" shooter devoid of any nuance or depth. Just like the first Battlefront and Battlefield 1. Strongly consider killing yourself.

>Dynamic resolution scaling

They made the Pro far too soon.
The level of boost was not a good enough of a step up because it basically just made PS4 go from low-mid end PC to mid-end PC.

I still think that the main purpose of the Pro was to push PSVR. I don't think Sony had any real intention to make this a 4K machine. Other than VR, I'm not sure of the point of it. Sony could have just waited a year and release something similar to the new Xbox and still keep their VR plans. It's kind of mind boggling.

It was never marketed as real 4K to begin with, just compatibility with 4K, HDR and enhanced VR.

Typical Sony business behavior, whenever they see a little bit of success they immediately saturate the market with no sense of market awareness on timing.