Anyone remember this game?

Yes, I unironically still play and enjoy it sometimes - I know it wasn't as good as it could have been, but it's okay
I know it's been long enough that I'd like another game to have a crack at the same sort of formula

With Maxis being defunct and Spore's only sequel being erased from history I doubt we will ever get to see a sequel to this game.


that's what what happens when you rush the game devs

Doesn't have to be a sequel. Just a different team taking a crack at a similar idea.

The biggest problem with the game as it is, is that you have to manually collect and sell spice. This means that creating a vast star empire is pointless.


Plus, eco-disasters can suck a fucking cock.

Wasted potential: the game

There's a planetary upgrade that eliminates eco-disasters, and another one that makes invasions irrelevant. In the limit, this leaves selling spice as the constraint on empire-building.
Also, the endgame trick to conquering planets is to "de-terraform" them. Use the heat ray to boil off the oceans, and their colonies will be reduced to shit status. Blow them up and place a colony of your own, and defenders will kindly leave.


>conquer galaxy
>can only have 5 ships at any given time to defend your empire

I liked it, what happened?

Will Wright wasn't the genius everybody thought he was.

This game was and is my SHIT

literally a glitchfest

>tfw the satisfaction of your autistic creatures slowly populating the galaxy and as you start new species your old ones randomly appear everywhere

it could have been black and whites spiritual successor... it could have been gloriouss..

Way pretty good back in 2008-2013, I guess.

Anyone have any word on how the community is nowadays?

Black and white was pretty shallow.

Meh until some small dev or indy developer come along and make it. Not like EA have exclusive rights to the genre.


I was honestly hoping No Mans Sky would be a spiritual successor to the space stage

In the year 2525 I will still be mad.