How does the D-Day CoD WWII mission compare to BF1's prologue? Friendly discussion thread.

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As scripted as that prolouge was it really was the better part of BF1 desu then again who the fuck still plays a Battlefield game for the campaign? I mean you have to be some kind of a friendless fucking loser to think that is even acceptable when the real fun is to be had in PvP.


The worst part about the Battlefield Campaigns is they have all been shit since Bad Company 2.

The Italian campaign was the only good one

I really like the multiplayer, but I like to play these single player segments at least once in a while. One thing I like is that they don't have the super obvious "GO HERE" marker bloating your HUD while your superior screams at you to get your ass in gear

BC2 campaigns gets far more praise then its worth desu besides the campaigns were a replacement for the AI conquest battles and supposed to be glorified tutorials. Problem is that even on the hardest difficulties the levels are very piss poor compared to the effort spent on the multiplayer. You can tell interns were put onto this while the majority spent in getting the maps right. Still makes me laugh about that redditcuck that cried after playing the ausfag campaign.

To be fair, I wish it were less "Space Marines LMAO" like the second half, and more unique. The setting was really great though, and I wish they put the Vetterli Vitali and the Perino Model in an update to the Italians at least, probably will never happen though

BF1’s intro was neat until the WHAT AM I FIGHTING FORRRR end scene. WW2’s was neat until you made it out of the boat because you find a ton of Russian weapons and the actual taking of Normandy happens way too fast.

Conquest or Operations? Because I swear every Conquest match I've been in the past 3+ months always turns into a one sided shitfest with some autist going 50 - 0. At least Operations try to have some resemblance of a historical battle with the briefing, the rousing war cry and scream after the artillery bombardment.
>those anons that speculated on the possibility of an Austro-Hungerian warstory or an Ottoman campaign.
Top lul they dropped that shit the moment it hit the shelves. Just looking at the cheevostats about two thirds of the playerbase hasn't even bothered completing the campaigns. Sucks to be the ones who did that work only for it to get shafted like that. Also Carcano rifles in the next update.

BF3's campaign was tolerable, but Bad Company 1's campaign was the only one that's legitimately good.

Yeah, the single player kinda lost it's appeal after the prologue. All that stuff about "behind every gun sight is a human bean" gets thrown out the window when you slaughter your way alone across the multiple campaigns

The Bedouin woman missions were a joke, they should've been group efforts, not one strong independent womyn killing entire platoons of Ottoman soldiers

One thing that really appealed to me at first with the prologue was how quickly I died to it during my first playthrough of it and how they show the date in which that person died. I tried it again only to find that you aren't actually meant to survive in part of that level as its meant to show you the overall futility of your efforts in the great war. The other stories just can't really compare to that.

They never would've done them anyways, they're probably too scared of showing the opposing side when most of the public thinks that WW1 was a black and white conflict

It's a good thing Operations gives the Central Powers a good light, in fact most of the narrations they have are a lot more jaded and depressing compared to the more gun-ho! narrations the Allies have

I liked BF1’s prologue where you jumped to another soldier when you died

Rest of the game was shit besides the plane and Australian runner missions

The first part of the tank campaign was alright, after the pigeon scene it went to shit.

Were there ever any hints that Blackburn was lying his ass off and the whole campaign you played was a big lie when he actually ditched everyone? All I ever saw was the Joker card sitting near him when he climbed out of the water

>It's a good thing Operations gives the Central Powers a good light, in fact most of the narrations they have are a lot more jaded and depressing compared to the more gun-ho! narrations the Allies have
I love how each side has its perspective of the war and how it slowly erodes over the duration of the maps. With the Americans being shown as gung-ho and cocky, the Ottomans and Brits being very arrogant and down talking of each other, the Austro-Hungarians as a proud and somewhat naive. Hell they even showed the Germans as being sympathy to the plights of those that served on the front. Its honestly pretty rare to see that now.

Is the premium pass worth $15?

The only good part about BC2's story was the writing tbqh senpai. When Sweetwater talked about "Special Ops douchebags with heartbeat monitors on their guns." on the snow level was clearly a jab at Modern Warfare 2

If you have had the chance to play any of the French Operation campaigns then Verdun is a fucking harrowing briefing from both sides. The French talking about the German deserters warning them of the incoming hellfire and the near religious fanaticism of the German as they seek to bleed France of its very soul. Doesn't help that playing as the attacking side for those matches were damn near impossiable without coordination.

Do you have friends?

>There will never be another BC

Why even live?


Probably kinda like how the Italian talking about solo'ing the entire Austrian-Hungerian airforce with just one AA gun. Or at least thats how his daughter imagined it in her head. The same can be said from the opening warstory that all those men who died fighting was just shell shock of the nog during the ending sequence.

>Carcano rifles

Tbh, I'm playing Operations right now because I am a huge cuck for the Battlepacks since the weapons skins looks nice and aren't over the top like in CoD WWII, but I usually play whatever strikes my fancy. I agree with you on the unfair, one sided battles, some plane shitter with 99 service stars snipes you axross the map with pinpoint accuracy then a squad full of shitriegels cunts slaughter you the moment you spawn

However, I really like the long, drawn-out battles where both teams are equally good and you get multiple medics and supports reviving and giving ammo left and right, while pushing to the objective with few to no hillniggers. It's especially great when you are down to the last Batallion in Operations and the team makes one final effort to capture that last sector and you win. It may be EA arcade-ish garbage but no other shooter does this for me

The speech you get as Germany when the round starts is pretty good, especially if you the on English translations, about the only use I got out of them because in any other situation they turn everyone into a brit

Then don't bother this game isn't worth playing without friends.

BF1 only briefly copied a movie and that was just for the opening cutscene. CoD WW2's opening level was another god damn Saving Private Ryan.

Also the sound design for WW2 sucks. I hate this trend of everything having this muted bass to it all that doesn't drown out other noises, it flat out gets rid of them.

>tfw /bfg/ is dead



I've been playing the base game this past year but not consistently. I might have thought it was a lack of content.

Holy fuck Americans are disgusting.

It was mostly just us complaining about the Autistico and hillniggers, these updates are so far inbetween that it can't hold a conversation for long. Shitposting with quotes from Operations was funny though

More like a lack of players pham. DLC maps only fill up for the Tsar maps, French maps are dead. Once the ANZACs drop you can expect the same to happen again.

>Surprised /bfg/ is dead when it was really just autismal permavirgin weebs making their whyfoos on the emblem maker

Eh I haven't been bothered too much by Autisticos/Heilniggers desu but those Fedora rifles are becoming a fucking meme and a half. I barely see any medic now that isn't running around with that, a pouch and some rifle grenades.

Shit that's awful, answers why EA did away with the season pass for loot boxes in BF2. You can't make money from a fragmented player base

>just autismal permavirgin weebs making their whyfoos on the emblem maker
>the ones that had swazies, dick and tit emblems aren't playing anymore because they all got banned

>playing on PC
Cringe at people who are actually fans of the battlefield series and then get it on the significantly inferior platform. There is always multiple full servers of French maps on console and the general consensus is that the french maps are better than the russian ones.

Same shit happened with BF4 and 3 desu before they made those maps free for everyone. And with that notion a lot of people jumped ship to play them. Its a very bad thing for your now year old game to lose playerbase to an older game. All these games need some level of retention because this shit is just downright pathetic now. I feel sorry for the chucklefucks that paid 200+ dollydoos on release much less the ones that bought the seasonpass when BF1 Revolution got released at half the price.

D day mission was nothing special but good god the BF1 prologue was just a joke for real

Sup Forums is fucking dead

The sound is embarrassing. Compare Medal of Honor's rendition of D-Day and there's constant fire of all kinds and you strain to hear dialogue a bit. In WWII it's practically silent while you're on the boat besides some dull thuds as rounds hit people. Like where's that deafening buzzsaw? The high pitched cracks of bullets passing near you? Deafening explosions (and not in the meme sense of the obligatory Tom Hanks looking around with muted sound)? It's all kind of hanging around the same range in terms of tones.

It's all so muddled instead of a cacophony

>playing on Xbone
ftfy senpai. I'm iffy on the french maps Fort Locker being a big one. Then again the russian maps came with Tsaritsyn which is an even bigger clusterfuck then De Vaux and Suez combined.

I really liked that as well, especially the Fao Fortress Operations where the British CO calls the Ottomans savages and in the Sinai desert he recognizes their ferocity and will to fight after they march for days under the beating sun

Agreed, wish they did this more, would've been neat if they did this in the Operations multiplayerOnly two of four dlc are out now, one is coming out this December. If you really like the game I guess you could get it, the Russian dlc is really solid with 6 maps, eleven weapons and vehicles

So much this. I remmber they had to jack up the ticket number from 250 to 350 because the French had almost little to no cover to get to the flags. Really awesome endgame music though, it fit in with the desesperation of wanting to capture/hold the ground against enemy forces.

I imagine the War Stories being exaggerations because well... they're stories. The Ace Pilot is probably lying about half the things he's done, the Italian one is probably the daughter imagining his father as an unstoppable machine who will stop at nothing to look for his brother and the Aussie one is how the little kid who survive imagines how the old guy fought.


How come? What would you change? What would you remove or add?

the niggers

One of the hard lessons that you shouldn't pay for content ahead of time. I mean the marketing behind BF1 was done extremely well, it looked polished and got you immersed just watching the gameplay, I almost bought the premium pass and was tempted a few times later on but I held off

I'm willing to take the bait with this one so fuck it. Why exactly? I get it, pandering to a non existent demographic that don't even play videogames with the sole intention to push a political agenda, I get it. To be honest, it was kind of cool how the showed these guys instead of another generic doughboy army unit. The box art can go fuck itself though. A black man representing WW1 soldiers is beyond insulting. They should've just put soldiers from different factions or all the flags from the countries that fought in he war. German Scout and Cavalry from the multiplayer can seriously fuck off.

Could be worse I bought it for the chance of seeing one of the factions in game, only to find out that they have been changed to the "Royal Marines" instead. What a load of shit it was fucking ANZACs, a combination of Australia and New Zealand armed forces at the time being called to war. It was and probably still is the most significant thing my shitty little country has done on a world scale, and we still commemorate it as a celebration day despite the fact it was a colossal military fuck up. I just want to see how they will portray them since this will be the only time it will ever happen since WWI games will not become a thing. BF1 is evidence of that.

don't Call of Duty single player campaigns have 3-5 hours of content at best in their recent games?

>3-5 hours
Thats pushing it

Story is shit. Multiplayer is okay until your immersion is shattered when you're stabbing some nigger in a German uniform.

Also it seems to me that BF1 players are of a much lower calibre than BF4 or BF3 players. What's up with that?

Tannenberg looks promising, I know it's made by the same developes that made Verdun so it's a little slow paced and boring but it's a nice refreshing pace with all these CUH-RAYZEE shooters coming out

BF1 is pretty casual but you will have your fair share of autists in game.

>There will never be a good game depicting the amazing job the Aussies did in Tabruk before the yanks took over and lost the place in a week, let alone the Gallipoli campaign in all it's horror

I know youre being facetious but the campaign used to be the highlight of fps. What else would you play it for, the multiplayer? Its played like shit for the last 5 iterations or so.

Also, it's a shame that we won't see the ANZAC in the new dlc, but it kinda makes sense since one of the Oprations will be the Zeebrugge Raid, which the Anzac were nowhere to be found. Hopefully, one of the soldiers maybe has an aussie accent and a sliyh hat like in the Alpha?

It saddens me to see this. Not many people like single player shooters, and the new Wolfenstein is proof of that. I just find it comfy to shoot up AI baddies on a cold snowy saturday morning

>How does the D-Day CoD WWII mission compare to BF1's prologue?
Haven't played BF1 but COD's intro mission was shit and arcadey as fuck
>Germans open fire on landing craft
>Most of the people in front of you die
>You dive into the water
>Have to move up the beat under gunfire
>Like 10-20 NPCs around you with janky animations running up or dying
>UT2k4 tier gibs and dismemberment
>"Hold E to plant charge"
>Fight Germans in bunkers and in their line
>Clearing a bunker
>Suddenly a German
>QTE, mash E key
>Teammate tackles German and saves you, gets stabbed
>You kill German and pick up your teammate
>Long ass section where you slowly carry him back to the medics whilst your pistol now one shots enemies

I heard that Gallipoli is pretty much confirmed next month but if Verdun was anything to go by I will be expecting a lot of crying from the attacking side again. I just hope that there will be some kind of expansion on the artillery pieces in game. Thats the only part of the game that I truly enjoy now. I liked the ones on Albion but you can't really hit anything without getting btfo'd by some autist in a plane or an assault shitter.
>tfw got 35 stars on a field-gun

I haven't encountered many good players.

>not when they are talking about cage fighting and the sarge says he'd sneak up behind them, slap them on the ear and stab them with his bayonet with nobody noticing

So you mean to say that you haven't been dive bombed by 100 SS trench fighters, shredded by autismaticos, shotgunned by A-10, farted on by a heavy tank arty truck light tank etc?

>I just find it comfy to shoot up AI baddies on a cold snowy Saturday morning
But you can do this already with actual friends tho instead of some braindead AI.

Not really. I rarely play Video Games and I still managed fine in most matches.

Damn, that sounds bad, not to mention overly generic as fuck. I also heard that the campaign is trying too much to be like Band of Brothers

I like using the stationaries too, they add a special kind of feel to the battlefield, especially the cannons in Operations. These are a lot of fun, esecially when you eternally btfo scouts who refuse to attack the objective when you play as a defender

>fps games have moved away from having very memorable campaigns and really good MP to just having "serviceable" campaigns and still pretty good MP
End yourself fuckboy.

get some friends there soyboy, lol.

>no 24/7 map servers because of that bullshit rental program.
The last one I played was some Argonne forest server and that only lasted a month before it fucking died. Seriously how do you go from BF4 to BF1 only to go back to 4 again? Shits fucked.

I do play with friends from time to time. Playing alone however has it benefits, at least for me. I get to immerse myself at least a little more with War Sounds turned on and sometimes turning off the hud in multiplayer. I'm a sucker for single player shooters, especially since Bad Company 1's campaign made me smirk like a retard ocasionally.

It's really disappointing, I was hoping that with modern day technology we might get a more engaging FPS but Normandy may as well have been part of CoD2

Those characters I mentioned at the start are where it tries to be band of brothers.
>3 teammates introduced at the start
>Particular attention paid to one
>Get placed in 1st Divison
>Lieutenant and Sergeant constantly butting heads
>Lieutenant priorities his soldiers over the mission
>Sergeant priorities mission
>Constantly references to some event where Sergeant majorly fucked up and got massively demoted
>You and the rest of the Division suffer the fallout
>During one mission teammate reveals he's of German heritage and a Jew
>Eventually Sergeant ignores orders to group up and pushes objective
>Pushed too far and Germans overrun as you join up
>Lieutenant mortally wounded and has last stand whilst ordering everyone to retreat
>Sergeant promoted and now in charge of Division
>Uses Division as his fuckbois for his depression
>Token black character joins division
>Jew teammate gets kidnapped during mission
>You ignore Sergeant's order and try to rescue him
>Get kicked out of division but come back
>Show Sergeant your balls and he reluctantly recognises you whilst telling how got demoted because he refused to leave his soldiers behind and got everyone killed
>Assault and claim last standing bridge across Rhine
>Sergeant mentions they some labor camps but orders were to press on
>Says you know where to shove those orders
>Ending credits roll with talkover
>Final mission is walking through concentration camp after it was abandoned
>Find jew teammate about to be executed in forest
>Save him
>Final cutscene plays

It only ever really developed like 3 other characters. Everyone else was hilariously unimportant

Fuck that's longer than I expected
>tl;dr Teammate is jew and got kidnapped so you save him


The italian campaign wasn't good. Even if I liked it, they just took a map from the multiplayer and added some script and cutscenes

I really hated back with COD3 for that bullshit desu since they tried so hard to make it seem so dramatic when all this shit was happening around us. Same premise with that shit about sarge.
>sarge and the other trooper having a hissy
>slows the whole fucking game down to a crawl just so these two drama queens can have their moment
>they get over it and carry on
>happens again
>make sex blah blah
>happens once again in the middle of a fucking war
>fuck this shoot sarge and get deemed a traitor.
The only one that has ever done this right was WaW for both the russians and the americans since it actually gave them some proper struggles to overcome instead of some soap opera bullshit.

If you enjoy the game then yes. I doubt it will ever be cheaper.

That's... user, that's not how fucking DNA works.

Don't even remember if I played CoD3, but this story wasn't too bad since the Lieutenant and Sargent seemed human enough, and the Sargent was always a fucking asshole since the start of the game

The biggest complaint is that right after you take that bridge, securing the route into core Germany and finally having the Sargent giving you some sort of respect, everything starting to fit together, the game fucking ends

The concentration camp level was really well done and shows what they could have achieved, but that was the only example in the whole game and it was basically a walking simulator level

Next game is definitely going the full lootboxes route though. Not just tacky gold/black weapon and tank skins but also kit items like ammo and medic pouches. But hey at least the playerbase won't be split over 20 different maps with varying degrees of dead.

From how you're telling it it doesn't sound THAT bad, but knowing Activi$ion the campaign is probably chock-full of set pieces where non-essential npcs die and no one bats an eye, dumb qte's, hilariously outdated mechanics thanks to the ancient engine, and terrible pacing with forced "press x to shoot" turret segments. Out of all the 65 million who perished in the war, we have to yet again focus on americans. Why can't it be from another perspective?

I have two words to sum up how shit it is gameplay wise

Stealth sections

Because americans are the only ones that actually matter in the given context? Durr besides how am I supposed to relate with someone that isn't even from my country?

You look like you've been drinking a lot of soy yourself.

Suckiest part about current EA was Titanfall making me think they were following the free dlc path with no strings attached.

>n-no y-you!

Thats what happens when you try to put a campaign into a multiplayer FPS. RIP Respawn
You won't be missed since nobody bought your game.

>Durrr how am I supposed to relate with people???
>American's are the only ones who mattered in WW2

Is this some of that American education I've heard about?

>all these shitty opinions about what was the best campaign
>No one mentions the ACTUAL best campaign

prob shouldnt have drank as much as I did.
I forgot my image

too late faggot you already fucked that up

Calm down son.
No need to get upset over my love of kraken

No the suckiest part was EA releasing BF1 alongside Titanfall thereby giving them no chance of actually recovering from that shafting. But funnily enough BF1 died in the end a year out from release. Justice served.

you nigger is it good?

Modern sound design is so shit. No, overprocessed hit marker FX and clutched eggs are not good sound design, holy shit.

Oh man, I hated how these were put in the BF1 campaign, but at least they were purely optional. You could go from "shh nothing personnel, kid" to guns blazing in a typical fps fashion

Yea. Its stronger than captain, but I always feel that captain has a much deeper flavor in general. I drink captain by itself and kraken is better for mixing.

Truth is, ive been on a vodka kick lately and I can not get enough of crystal skull vodka.Im impressed as fuck that a fucking celeb actually ended up making one of the best vodkas ive ever drankthe god damn bottle itself is worth the $50 a bottle I pay.

I kinda liked the Gallipoli missions but only because the head Strayan was pretty much a spitting image of pic related