>The last game you played now has its player character coming after your current player character.
How does it fare for user?
The last game you played now has its player character coming after your current player character
>the last dragonborn
not well
What's your current character? How bad is the discrepancy in power?
Isaac (dead space) hunting pokemon trainer...gonna be good
current character is stealth archer bosmer infected with stage 1 vampirism. however, i just started a modded playthrough and have just reached helgen, so im not yet able to shout or anything
What pokemon do you have? Which Issac?
>Bloodeborne hunter seeks Doomfist
Only one will git gud enough
>little boy with level 16 pokemon goes after man with 3 guns
I'm fine
Ork Warboss versus Heavy Weapons Guy.
rip heavy
>A napoleonic soldier armed with a musket and bayonet
>a dedicated horse archer
TF2 Scout chasing after a Level 10 Litten from Pokemon Ultra Moon
whos quicker on their feet, only time will tell
A half-elven rogue / thief from Neverwinter Nights going after a truck from Eurotruck Sim 2.... This is...odd
I bet on the archer. Muskets weren't know for their reliability. Someone like the horseman would have the skill and the speed to win in that scenario.
Garrett from the Thief games vs Soviet Riflemen from Rising Storm
I agree. Unless he one shots me with the musket, my arrows will kill him faster than he can reload. Pic related is my horse archer.
1st isaac , lycanrock,dartrix,magnemite,wingull,zorua,hariyama
>Sheena Etranzi vs Bill Rizer
Eh, both die in one hit.
9S going after the Dude of Darkwood
Issac in the first game was a engineer who just so happen to come across industrial tools that could easily destroy any kind of fleshly limbs. He wasn't the most healthiest specimen, if his slow running speed was indicative of anything. His suit provides him with great power, being able to crush flesh and bone with ease with his feet.He could also use stasis to temporarily disable opponents. Issac would need distance and strategy to win. If he's somehow able to split them up and kill them off individually, he'll probably win. The Pokemon would have rush and overwhelm him before he does anything significant, but if Issac's the hunter, he probably has the element of surprise.
Which one's hunting? Heavy alone may not be able to defeat the Boss, but can him and the team do it? The managed to defeat a magic giant eye, a (really incompetent) wizard, a wrathful reverent, and hordes of robots. Then again, I'm not very familiar with Warhammer.
Etrian odyssey 5 party vs mario. He gets instantly hell slash chained to death
Scout may be a overconfident jackass who isn't nearly as strong as he like to think he is, but I think he can handle a cat that shoots fire hairballs.
i could add that can he kill the kid before the battle even begin
The kid's probably the highest target, knock down the command, and you can reap off the chaos. Then again, it may make the Pokemon unpredictable and most surely angry.
>Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Pretty fucked.
Speed would be paramount to the hunter if he seeks to win. One hit from the fist would almost certainly mean death for him. Doomfist's hand bullets would be problematic too.
Who are you playing?
>Detective Cole Phelps
C-could he track me d-down guys?
>The Ranger from Shadow of Mordor coming after my Minecraft character.
Depends on whether the Minecraft character has a little time to build defenses to keep the ranger out. Everything in Mordor is roughly-hewn and cobbled together. If the MC guy can make a really tall wall of something the Ranger can't grab he'll be pretty safe.
what is this idiot trying to say?
The Nameless One from Planescape: Torment and the Milletian from Mabinogi
Immortal fight! Immortal fight!
>The whole PXZ2 cast
The dude from Darkwoods coming after the loli from Yomawari:Night Alone.
>Danganronpa:UDG Komaru
I'm fine with this
I played the Heart of the Swarm campaign but I'd not mind Kerrigan coming after me. She can use Zerg evolution to make my tiny dick a giant Zerg baton and then we breed our own swarm, if you know what I mean.
>The entire military of the United States of America circa. 1945
>A level 17 Tauren Hunter
I could write a novel about this.
Morgan Yu from nu-prey
Hunting down either a generic stormtrooper/droid/rebel or a random star wars hero. Not sure how well a trusty blaster or the force would do against a Typhon powered god
An aegis rank 11 Tone titan vs. Mario.
I say Mario has a fair chance
>Pokemon Trainer going after the TF2 Soldier
Pokemon trainer from Ultra Sun vs Dragonborn. Both games have been played for about 90 minutes each. I have no idea who would win, since they're both kind of pathetic that early
I guess the titan would be forced to play by Mario rules and follow predictable patterns and die after getting jumped on 3 times.
Dragon born is nothing but a starving escaped convict at this point, with singed clothes after that dragon attack
Sophie (atelier) is picking a fight with Neptune. Who wins?
It's the beginning of VII so now transformations. Nepnep is fucked.
>My OC chapter of ESPASH MUREENS!
>Sebastian Castellanos
Well ...
Dragonborn is still somewhat strong with basic weapons and the ability to shoot fire out of her hands/self heal. The trainer is armed with a circus seal that shoots water, Donald Trump rodent, a bird, and a couple bugs
>midgame Frank West vs. a level 7 Courier
Hard to say.
I'm not sure, it's either:
>Doomguy is going after Geralt
Geralt is fucked
>Geralt is after The Reformed Aztec Empire of North and South America
Assuming my nation is AI controlled, Garelt may manage to convince the Europeans to join forces against me to stop the sunset invasion.
>Valentine from skullgirls chasing after Issac Clarke
Which Issac? How do you think it'll play out?
as long as I don't get in my car I don't think he'll kill me but I'm kinda fucked if he wants to ruin my life