Are you gonna buy their game?

are you gonna buy their game?

Maybe if they got Melty Blood DLC but I know that's not going to happen.

So is RWBY any good?

Is robo-arm Yang gud?


I thought she was crying in front of a deformed horsecock for a second


The grimm eclipse game? No that game is actual dogshit.


No. It's a typical «US tries to do anime» failure.



Maybe. I don't know. Can you repeat the question?

I wouldn't say that. The story isn't the greatest, but at least the animation doesn't yell "WESTERN ANIMATION!" like other shows (Avatar for example). I wouldn't jump straight on to calling it Japanese looking animation, but it has it's own style that doesn't feel western.


It's okay

>the grimm eclipse devs are the ones who stole it, t-the polygons being the same angle is just a coincidence
>RT are i-innovators in animation!!1

>are you gonna buy their game?
>buying a garbage game based off an abomination of an "anime"
>even so much as playing said game

What a coincidence, I was thinking "this looks like my type of game!"

>thought same thing
God damn it.

It's shit.
Anyone who says otherwise is trying to deceive you or has the worst tastes a human being can possibly have.

but their game looks pretty gud

>flash animation
looks like ass desu

FUCK no.

That thumbnail looked like a horse cock from the catalog view. Disappointed now.

Reming me again why are Japanese okay with this?

>hand animated sprites are now flash animation
Go away.

Why are the RWBYs so fucking sexual?

Japan likes RWBY

one of you fucking degenerates use ms paint to show how the fuck you're seeing it, cause I can't

I'm ready


It's good. It's only disliked on Sup Forums by fat neckbeards who wish they were Japanese and somehow feel threatened by American anime despite the fact that they will never be Japanese.

meant to quote

>Just another generic fighting game if not sub-par
>riding off the following of something that should never have been successful in the first place

This is an entire nation of turbonerds that go nuts for stiff, awkward garbage made in MMD. Their standards for 3D aren't very high.

Which makes it hilariously ironic when these neckbeards who wish they were Japanese hate on RWBY to try and make themselves feel more Japanese.
>I must hate any anime that isn't from Japan so I can feel like a true anime loving Japanese samurai warrior otaku!!!!

Calm down neckbeards, Japan loves RWBY.

nah it's shit
just fap to the porn, watch it for fun but it's not a queque
I'm speaking this as a rwbyfag myself

Not if it was the last video game in existence.
No. It comes very close to being good several times but consistency and keeping up continuity are not the writers strong suits. The opening songs are also really shitty, the most recent one only being kinda decent.

Nipponese have shit taste.


>sharing a crossover game with 3 other franchises
Cute girls and passes as low tier shonen shlock that people anywhere eats up

Japan also loves gacha games, so I don't see what your point is.

>degen is a Sup Forums only word copyrighted by Sup Forums

anyway rwby is objectively shit
deal with it reddit

>nips have shit taste
Sounds like the norm


So judging by the responses this post got I'm going to go ahead and assume it's at least worth a watch.

The fight scenes were pretty good before Monty passed.

It's incredibly mediocre but your experience will vary depending how easily you get attached to it. I'd argue that they try way too hard to be quirky with muh random humor for the first two volumes while it finally gets some traction and identity by the 3rd.

Japan loves a lot of cancerous things, lootboxes being one of them.

yes especially because episodes are very short so you can watch the first few volumes very quickly. Even if you end up hating it you're not gonna waste much time

just try it and judge it by yourself really. It's pretty entertaining imo

>before monty passed
>faggot couldn't make a decent walk animation

he's akin to dumb 12 year old weebs who draw only anime (nothing else) and wonder why they are so shit at drawing.

You mean like this masterpiece?


You're talking about the same people who love MMD animations even if they're extremely clunky and one of the most popular animes being Komono Friends.

no, but it's worth watching.

No, there's a fucking ton of other mainstream Jap-related media you could be watching.

>Their game
It's a fucking crossover with 3 other series.

Unless you're talking about Grimm Eclipse in which case no.

Is it gonna be on the MSX?

I never implied it was copyrighted. I was telling you to go back.
>anyway rwby is objectively shit

remember to play the ruby

>3d anime
Jesus fucking christ no


Why? I have no reason to

There's a reason why I only mentioned fight scenes.

Why does Lili have a sword

doesn't look like Lili at all tbqh


Surely we're all in agreement that Blake is worst girl, correct?


of course

>always thought he was wearing a hood
>its actually just his hair

do you like jumpcuts, cringe, and bad animation? then no. If you can tolerate it until season 2? No, but it can still be enjoyable

No. I would have considered it if they weren't in it, though.

Objective answer to your question
Season 1- the intro fights were kinda cool. Mostly garbage anime girl wantabe weeb shit.
Season 2- Eeeeh action was decent enough at the end. Also Pyra episode was good.
Season 3- Tournament Arcs fix everything. Big improvement in writing, fight scenes, and scale of fights. Best season thus far.
Season 4-5 - Not as fun as 3, but its actually reached an Avatar Last Airbender quality at this point

Not him, but Avatar is overrated mediocre boredom.

>it's not
come on champ

Nice job on having a wrong opinion.

>big improvement in fight scenes
I can agree with the rest tho

Korra is. Avatar is still fantastic. Eat dicks.

post more Yang



Weiss looks neat.
Hoping Oreo gets in so I can run 2 rapier

R > W > Y >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B

You know how 3DCG anime is trash?
You know how western OC anime is trash?
Combine the two.
That's RWBY.

Truly a rare and great example of the exception.
Too bad Korra dropped the ball

W > Y > R >>>>>>>>> B

Does anyone actually like Blake?

Switch Y with R and I agree.


>Does anyone actually like Blake?
not unironically

The problem with RWBY, besides it's awful voice acting and often poor animation, is its struggle to keep all 4 girls relevant. It splits its time between them all and still the only one that you ever feel is actually important to the plot in a way that doesn't feel like a complete contrivance is Ruby herself.
Doesn't help that on top of that Jaune also steals a ton of screen time and basically shares the role of protagonist with Ruby at this point.


Would still hit it

why is she called Yang if she is white?

One of the most popular RWBY fanfic writer loves her.
It's one of the things people criticize him for the most.

Cultural appropriation.

>make a cat girl
>make it the worst girl
Western animation was a mistake

God this season's been so boring. Literally every episode is just characters saying things we already know. Were we supposed to be shocked when Raven turned into a bird? We had already seen Qrow do it last season. Why did we have an entire episode that was just two white fang guys talking about how evil the white fang is?

>browsing Sup Forums catalog
>see the thumbnail for this thread
>looks like a horse penis
>turns out it isn't

what's happening to me

>tfw it's a Blake episode