Does Sup Forums play fighting games?

Does Sup Forums play fighting games?

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I'm currently marathoning all the blazblues so I can catch up with the plot

Which games aren't dead online? Already have SFV and got bored of it after 100 hours.

Injustice 2, MKXL

I play quite a bit, its my favorite genre of games

Anyone know where I can get a updated version of this chart?

Sometimes. I mostly just play Guilty Gear at the moment, but there are some other older ones I would like to play more but the dead playerbase makes me not bother.

Where do you guys think dragon ball fighterZ is on the list?

>playing video games

just edit it yourself its not hard

Drop Bloody Roar down to 1-79
Put Melty Blood in 100 - 119
Put Catherine in 120+
Create a 150+ category for Gundam VS and Virtual On Oratorio Tangram

I fixed your list OP.

Guilty gear and pokken tournament mostly, both amazing in their own ways


Mid, I tend to assume fanservice games won't have much depth and will just be fun for anyone who wants to pick up and play. I'm sure it will feel good to play, though, and it goes without saying that it has great presentation.

Killer Instinct didn't deserve the fate that it got. Being a Xbone exclusive, afterwards being ported to the W10 store. Finally, after 4 years it gets ported to steam but it was much to late. The game is fucking great.

Don't worry, they'll give cute ghost girl another game. R-Right?

I hope not, fighting her online was a bitch.

I always found it easy as hell. You can grab her out of like half of her combos.

used to play Hisoutensoku

>Furrsoge on top.

im fucking dying.

>Garou MOTW meme

Where does Pokken lie?

Why are half of these irrelevant?

>mortal combat and injustice above smash
>virtua fighter that low
come on now m8
>no melee
hmm really makes me think

I'll never understand Sup Forums'a hard on for Bloody Roar, apart from being a bunch of furries. Nobody played that game. It was at best a backup rental when Blockbuster was out of Tekken.

It's one dedicated furfag.


Cuz it's old and out of date



Edit it yourself

Way to out yourself as a casual

I'm not a furry, but you are Paco. Don't forget:
>21 people on discord compared to 2.5k on Guilty or 128 on Vampire.
>no scenes aside from a 4-man Osaka weekly literally called "Kusoge Weekly" and SA 3rd world shit.
>never saw a major, never will.
>Casualized Guilty in every respect.

>tfw Shrek will never be a guest character
>tfw we will never get Shrekken


>not a furry
>plays goobey gay

Sorry Paco, but deflecting won't work.

>mspaint edit
Nice you sure showed him, literally the only people who try this are the ones samefagging

>140+ IQ
>not playing fighting games at all

Surprisingly, soul calibur V still has a few people playing. It isn't alive exactly. but it ain't dead either.

>150+ IQ
>exclusively play Shrek Super Slam

>160+ IQ
>Shaq Fu

Why do you fags hate tekken? still salty that t7 more popular than sfv?

I thought it was pretty fucking cool.

Also that guyver inspired character was neat.

Scion I think his name was.

Sorry Paco, no dice.

i was heavy into uniel and gg but i never got past pot monster who goes 2-2 level

I'm salty that the better and more popular game was killed due to favoritism,

SF2 doesn't require any brain force also stop reposting this piece of shit bait everyday

>People parading the garbage that is SFIV as one of the best now because SFV turned out to be shit
I hate this timeline

Sega shelved VF, it wasn't killed by unpopularity. Pretty sure VF4 Evo was plenty popular back then.

That's right, people need to pick up a real fighting game, pic related.

Took me a while.

Blazblue would be negative IQ.

>make a edit
>take screen shot of edit

>not playing Andrew

>not the tourney standard GC version

>Spinal main
At least you're not a Wulf or Aria main. I literally can't do shit against those fuckers.

this version got blanco shrek

the spics are all over this hamdog

>tfw they nerfed Shago into the ground
I loved pizza cutting faggots over and over. Why did they have to ruin my fun?

What's with this Bloody Roar shilling? Barely anyone has played that game, nor cared about it before some furfag started shilling it here. And the same goes VS.

its epic and hardcore

Fuck I bought it two weeks ago. I knew I ain't buying an Xbox anytime soon and I knew I wasn't a complete faggot so I didn't diddle with the W10 version.
It finally came a few weeks ago and so did I.

Spinal/ Hisako Main.

fuck aria like seriously fuck aria. not the sexual way, i mean in the she can go fuck an electrical outlet
wulf aint the worst, but is annoying

It's just shilling. Why would anyone like something with so few layers to it's gameplay?

>Not the sexual way
You gay? I hate her vortex bullshit but I'd still fug.

that thing would fuck up my dick. in the worst way

android 18> tesse > big 0 chick > persona 3 fuck >a toaster > aria

It wasn't popular at all. When vf5 came out, it was officially dead and on a console no one was buying.

> big 0 chick
> persona 3 fuck
>not remembering their names


>Got the limited edition shago skin when I bought it on release
>Wasn't a special snowflake anymore when he turned into a real character

Everything is more popular than sfv though.

I've noticed that people in fighting game threads just shitpost about other games and say that the only good game is something old and obscure that has between 0 and 3 players on fightcade to feel superior to people who actually play fighting games.


Yeah, that's how they are. They can't handle the fact that a superior game is gaining popularity.


>"Street Fighter 3 takes more IQ to play than SF2 Turbo"

No-one who has played both games at a high level would agree with this. SF3 is just too slow paced.

100 hours for a 60 game is kinda great isnt it?

i mean people pay like 80-100 for star wars battlefront and get bored in 10 hours

shut up. shut up! SHUT UP!

doing god's work user.

Mid or lower mid


It's time to get ogre your feud and move onto a real game.

imagine being this mad lol



No not that drek, a REAL game

>First fighting game was blazblue and other anime fighters
>had a hard time because my memory is shit and it's literally just memorizing combos
>Went straight to Third Strike after and picked up much faster and more efficiently

stop posting this meme chart

Yep, I play SFV because I’m in an abusive relationship with Capcom. Picked up Guilty Gear to get ready for DBFZ and am having a great time with it. Play Third Strike and ST with friends every now and then


How is tekken on the bottom tier?

Every tekken match I've ever watched at the pro tier (like say evo) is always just as exciting or even better than something like USF4 which is at the top.

Plus tekken always has more moves, more mix ups, a 3rd dimension of movement, and more. I'm not trying to say an overly complicated system inherently makes it better, but I am just wondering how someone can come to the conclusion that the IQ necessary to play something like 3rd Strike isn't equally comparable to something like Tekken.

yeah i love fighting gasmes

Tekken pros have gone on record saying only about 15 of a characters 100 moves and combos are actually necessary in high level play. Tekken is very good at appearing complex but it’s actually a lot more shallow than most other figting games.

>tekken always has more moves, more mix ups
My fucking sides!

tekken is not a complicated game, its an extremely simple game with almost no depth or complexity, the game is slow and every character plays the same. the game is regarded as a joke by the FGC and not really fit for competitive play.

If you like simple shallow games then more power to you, but dont try to make it out to be something its not.

Do they still make Bloody Roar games? Fucking loved those on PS1.

They stopped making them when Konami took over Hudson


My favorite part of this bait is that it’s always posted by silver surfers that cannot fathom the idea of playing more than 1 fighting game

Been trying on and off for years.

I love the idea of FGs. Quick rounds, 1v1 so no relying on teammates, winning is based on skill and not superior equipment, and endless replayability.

But goddamn do I suck at even basic combos. I got pretty good at SF4 when it was out because I just used good fundamentals but I was never an expert. Then too many ass kickings and I hung it up. I'd be so good now if I stuck to it.

isnt tekken supposed to be hard as fuck to master?
