What was Sup Forums's first Video Game?
What was Sup Forums's first Video Game?
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that one
Donkey Kong Country
Something on the Sega Master system. But i dont remember. First one i remember is Super Mario Bros. And whatever NES game used the athletic track pad.
tetris on game boy
duck hunt on nes
super mario bros on nes
one of those, cant remember
liar that image is only 10kb
Joe and Mac, I would mostly watch my brother play though
Tetris on the old Game Boy. I'm still not very good at it.
sanic 1
I was like 3 when I got it for xmas.
Despite being autistic I'm proud to have never made a Sonic OC
earliest game i can remember playing is Excitebike
Something on my dad's Atari 2600. Probably pic related.
Ecco the Dolphin, stuck in first level for one week.
My dad had an SNES. When I was like 3 or 4 he bought these kinds of games. These and Home Alone for SNES were the first games I remember playing. The very first game that I was hyped up for and wanted to play was Yoshi's Island, which I still adore to this day
Pokémon Stadium
>The very first game that I was hyped up for and wanted to play was Yoshi's Island, which I still adore to this day
Still the best snes game. Right up there with donkey Kong Country 2. It's pretty much perfect. I can't say that about many games.
I want to say Star Fox but I can't remember
>inb4 tasteless brainlets start complaining about baby Mario
ADVENTURE on the Atari 2600
mortal kombat 1
street fighter 2
kof 94/95
art of fighting 1/2
samurai shodown 1
buster bros AKA pang
world heroes
l think
Baby mario was SUPPOSE to be annoying. That's the point. It's your punishment for fucking up. If someone complains about it they're clearly bad at the game.
Is that the one whee the dragons look like ducks?
it wasn't wario land 3 but i'm going to say wario land 3 because it's the first one i remember
Playing pac-man in a pizzeria when I was little
says 10KB right above the image, senpai.
That image is only 10KB tho
yep,that's the one
I also remember playing Yar's Revenge,Pac-Man, and a few other games. The 2600 was fucking weird
my first memory is playing hey you pikachu. i'm 19. i've lurked here since i was 14
Berzerk i think
for sure it was an atari 2600 title
Pitfall on my older cousin's 2600.
The first game I bought with my own money was Megaman 1 from a Funcoland for like $15.
Ratchet and Clank and Burnout 2.
I know, I'm a child compared to you guys, but they're still two of my favorites.
Yoshi's Story
>Baby mario was SUPPOSE to be annoying
>SUPPOSE to be
>Image is 10kb
>Image claims its 410kb
What did it mean by this?
2600 pac man sucked though didn't it? I've always wanted to try Berserk, but emulating it feels wrong.
Do you have the perspective to realize you grew up with the last good game generation? It was all down hill after PS2/gamecube/xbox/. DS & wii are probably the last systems I had actual fun with.
I feel ancient.
This game is my earliest recalled memory of playing vidya.
It was compressed a ridiculous amount, just to get replies like yours. It probably was 410kb at one point.
Bug! On the sega saturn
I oughta emulate it, just to see exactly how much i remember
>pic related
>This image is 410 KB.
>10 KB
>world heroes
I remember renting that from movie gallery one night in highschool and my best bro crashing at my place for the weekend while we played that piece of shit all night until the sun was coming up, cracking jokes about the characters and their moves the whole time.
Duck Hunt. And I was such a softie I only played the Clay Pigeon game cuz I felt bad shooting ducks.
mario galaxy 2
I wanna meet that dad,
A toss between: sonic 2 (gen)
Super Mario land (gb)
Alleyway (gb)
Operation C (gb)
I played games on the demo consoles at the stores, but the first game I ever owned was when I got the sega with sanic2 for christmas.
It was all autism from there on.
It was a dosgame probably bomberman or maybe it was win98 pitfall or was that dos pitfall I am also remembering two other games called dangerous dave and iron blood
It was fucking atrocious, but 2600 Ms Pacman was great.
>Do you want to hunt the wumpus?
>You have Chosen "NO"
I expected text adventure. How does this even play? Is it like minesweeper?
>10 KB jpg
It was super mario land on the 1st generation gameboy.
Good times were had.
>I wanna meet that dad,
So that's where it came from
SOMEONE Grew up in Mexico. Probably you.
Super Mario World.
I remember mom and I playing it when she had free time from work, but that's as far back as I can remember. Makes me think about going back and trying to find the cart and set up my SNES
Either that one or Megaman 2.
Mickey Mania for some bootleg version of the sega genesis, i never passed beyong the first level becouse of gliches
Some 90s educational game teaching basic words and animals, and the disc cover had an owl on it. Wish I could remember its name.
A little bit. You have a bunch of connected rooms and as you move around, they give hints as to whether an adjoining room contains a bat (they pick you up and drop you off in another random room), a pit (death) or the wumpus. Goal is to figure out which room the wumpus is in and shoot an arrow into it.
>I've always wanted to try Berserk, but emulating it feels wrong.
id say go for it. i dont think its worth investing in an old and expensive console for just berzerk. you may not even like it
>look guys we're new
Vaguely remember playing duck hunt before Super mario bros.
Not sure why but that damn dog still haunts my dreams.
I think it was my Contra cart or the SMB/DA CUNT, but probably Contra. Those were the days, just blasting away on the NES with my little brother.
My family had an NES and played Duck Hunt and Super Mario Bros. on it all the time, so that was one of my first experiences.
Besides Super Mario games on the NES/SNES, we didn't really have many games for Nintendo and had a lot of Sega games I don't remember. I have vague memories of playing the first Mortal Kombat game.
The first console I ever got seriously into and played was the N64, with Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time.
Duck Hunt
Wew la are you a fucking wizard
A winner is you
Some learning game on a farm on PC when I was like 2. It helped you learn names of animals, spelling, etc.
My first video game not for learning purposes I think was SMB at my cousin's house when I was like 3.
The first video game I owned was either pokemon red or sonic the hedgehog when I was 3-4
God I wish I remember. Definitely going to keep a note down for my kid and take a picture of their first game.
Animal crossing.
Going by ebay listings, they sell for around $30-$60. Atari & SEGA have the advantage of not having modern systems drive up their price. Maybe if the Atari box was a thing that actually played carts it would make berserk expensive, but it's not. Then again, those things are antiques at this point. I've never re-capped an atari before.
>have a physical copy of this
>cool as shit game but the computer demolishes me because I'm a spazz
>have nobody who wants to play and practice with me
As far as I remember.
in reality, probably something on 2600 or Super Mario Brothers
but in my head canon, it was Hogan's Alley
Super Mario World was the first I remember.
A lot of people do. He's a cool physicist with a PHD whose job is shooting shit with lasers until they turn into crystals. That Atari 2600 is now mine, though.
some top scrolling space shooter
I have a vague memory of the sprite of the enemy I hated most
joe & mac for the snes
Senpai you lucked out. Playing unirally against my siblings on the snes at my grandparents place was the shit.
>Pixar sued Nintendo & got them to stop making copies of uniracers because they thought they had the rights to a fucking unicycle
Still pisses me off. What a weird lawsuit.
All you listed were neo geo & other arcade games. We all know Mexico is a magical land where bootleg arcade games flow like wine. It's kinda a dead giveaway.
this shit
I love the 1up ballon noise and exploding pepsi noise
Jak and Daxter
game is great
Here it was called uniracers though
Do modern games even have iconic sound effects anymore?
Do you play games on mute or something?
I wrote "Iconic" sound effects. Modern games in my eyes have way too many sounds going on to make anything memorable.
get on my level scrubs
How the fuck do you guys remember?
I honestly cant remember like playing video games for the first time. But the earliest video game memory i have is getting 2 NESs and a SNES and a box of a FUCKton of games. Duck hunt gun.. for super cheap at a yard sale after soccer practice. Definitely member playing super mario with my sister .
I also have this super old kinda static memory of my cousin and i playing sonic on the genesis.
>When the badguys are more interesting than the good guys
Why would anyone root for the toys that weren't army men? I guarantee you the non army men toys sold like shit.
Get some fish oil in your diet user. That or bacopa. you should be able to remember your first game. It's not hard.
Either Kirby's Dream Land, Mario Land or Donkey Kong (GB)
'95 reporting in
I know you didn't make this, and I know the point of this isn't that it's real or fake but the way the lighting on the hand isn't even close to the correct lighting for the room triggers me as a photographer. The brightness and temperature is completely wrong.
Whoever made this should be locked in a cell with 1 computer in it and not be released until they can do it properly.
Tetris on gameboy
My first home console game was ocarina of time
Super Mario Sunshine
Like very first? I was poor, man, so it was a probably some McDonalds toy, a disposable Tetris toy or something similar.
I really didn't get into videogames until about five years ago, and boy do you learn to resent the "I've been playing videogames sinces before you were born" crowed who do nothing but complain about social issues and suck at games.
Bacopa, enjoy your heavy metals from China, kek