Volition added Kinzie to Agents of Mayhem. Will you play it now Sup Forums?

Volition added Kinzie to Agents of Mayhem. Will you play it now Sup Forums?

Why should I play a game designed for coop that has no coop.

This game is so underrated I hope they come out with a good ultimate edition with all the dlc (and maybe some optimization tweaks).



I already did not gonna do it again

They could have literally any other Saints Row character instead of obnoxious smurt grrl, but I guess they want to make sure this game is buried.


Fuck yeah
Kinzie best waifu

Kinzie, a woman

If they wanted to make Saints Row V instead so badly, why didn't they just make Saints Row V?

Seriously they advertised Gat DLC more than anything else at launch. I actually liked Saints Row IV in how it stopped giving a fuck and broke its own mechanics of ever driving a car like some sort of over the top user modification.

I want to see Saints Row V with God Emperor of Mankind - Boss and Paladin Gat in much more alien environments.


>Kinzie looking better than ever
>0 desire to play Agents of Failure

They already had the best SR character (Pierce), so what else could they do?

What the fuck is Agents of Mayhem?

Saints Row 5

A video game

See Serious, is this character supposed to be important?

Agents of Mayhem is a spin-off of Saints Row
Kinzie is a major character in the Saints Row series

I've seen, at most, four threads about this game on Sup Forums, and I'm here all day every fucking day like the useless NEET I am.

Volition fucked up by not including co-op and online, as well as making this look like a subpar hero shooter only marginally less ugly than Battleborn

no but theres nothing wrong with kinzie

You don't care about neither SR nor Agents of Mayhem, why did you click this thread to ask questions that you don't give a shit about?

I don't care about these games or characters either, but at least I don't ask stupid questions I can google in 3 seconds. What's your end-game here? Are you this bored? I came to this thread to fuck with you a little, but it seems that you're having a hard time, mate

Only since Saints Row 3/4 when they decided she should be one.

Saints Row 5 probably would have been too expensive. After all, Mayhem is the only "new" game Volition technically made, SR 4 and Gat out of Hell reused SR3's assets.

Ever think they were implying that both Agents and Mayhem and the lel-so-wacky Kinzie means fuck all as they both suck?

Nah, couldn't be, that'd mean you'd have been fucked with when you wanted to fuck with them instead :^)

>Nah, couldn't be, that'd be an absolutely retarded way to phrase such an obtuse point

>Nah, couldn't be, that'd mean you fell for the bait and are assblasted for falling for it

ftfy too champ.