What games feature deep chemistry-related mechanics?
What games feature deep chemistry-related mechanics?
Why do they keep pushing black vs white cuckoldy narrative?
>implying there are black people named Chris
really made me think.
>the virgin wimp
>the chad hard-man
Rolling on a river.
So serious question - if a person can be "controlled" by seeing this kind of imagery, are they actually being "controlled" to begin with? I don't care how many new commercials feature some dude with a Black girlfriend. I'm not attracted to them. It cannot make me attracted to them. Getting so infuriated by seeing this kind of innocuous nonsense only reveals your weaknesses and people will continue to exploit them just to piss you off.
tldr: quit getting mad over nothing
Why is chicken-chan on there twice?
>chris brown
>chris rock
it's not about controlling it's about normalization
I would slam my dick in every hole on that list. Satan guide my cock
I don't think anyone's getting controlled, it's just weird
Anytime I see something like this I reenact ??? man irl
Not famous blacks, they had a better upbringing caused by rational parents that knew how to name their children.
I think the intent is to be funny, not controlling.
Gimmie chie cunt
You sound like an SJW faggot.
>no one answered OP's question
>Trying to get your kids into big acting
>Ratonal parenting
Nah man.
For a real answer try spacechem.
It's not like it never happens and it's not like it's anathematized. And these are just drawings. Who gives a damn?
It's not your taste being controlled, it's your tolerance. The more of this shit you see, the more normal it seems. Imagine seeing that image and not immediately realizing that girl is literally getting blacked and the guy getting cucked. For our modern society this is considered normal and most people wouldn't bat an eye let alone realize the perverted implications.
rolling hard
fuck it, this is the only good thing in this thread anyway
There are actually two objectives with propaganda. 1, make people ok with the ideas they express. If they do not think the ideas are worth fighting against, the propaganda can continue to exist within culture. 2, convince people susceptible to the ideas they express. Typically these people are younger. Children absorb information around them without a filter, because they haven't yet developed an ideological framework of their own. So the ideas they witness become normal to them.
reroll i don't want that western roastie shit
Here we gooooo
of we go
one more time, fuck chie
Yeah, Chris Brown turned out so well.
rollan even though that chart is a minefield.
Because it's a template troll thread.
SS13 is as close as you are going to get.
winnie winnie chicken tendie
it's about chemistry you silly goose
Count me the fuck in
yes, rolling
Give me a busty one!
i can dig it
Why does Ian look like his mother never stopped dressing him.
giv me
Based rollposter saves another thread.
give me something good
It's honestly for the best. The sooner people see what's going on, the sooner we'll see public outrage and hopefully a race war following that. People are already waking up, and that's why Trump is in office.
Rolling rolling
>Mai Shiranui
Welp, time to go fap to some of Kenix's works
Please no lolis
>someone explains something
man are you yanking my chain user?
derailing successful
rock n' roll
Nugg Get
>Why do they keep pushing black vs white cuckoldy narrative?
amazon's been producing a lot of wm/bf commercials as of late
triggered desu
let's get a blonde.
>The only blacks that exist are ghetto blacks with ridiculous names, and famous blacks from affluent families.
I realize most of the racism on the site comes from people who don't know black people, and never interacted with black people. Their only point of reference is television.
Give me 37, 79 or 98
Roll nigs
What if you get 99?
Here we go.
no lolishit for the love of everything
Top Banana Expander
It's called the Hooton Plan
Nasty CuntMassacre
Thank you user.
Rollerino suckmydiclino
>not wanting best girls prime for breeding and head pats
Your loss.
rolling right now
This seems like way more complex and maybe even outright obscure way to explain displacement reactions.
What is #4 from?
Oh boy
>Cranky Bananafucker
couldn't have asked for better
Because it's not real, it's Sup Forums falseflagging.
The Virgin Helium molecule vs. The Chad Hydrogen molecule
>they had a better upbringing caused by rational parents that knew how to name their children.
Chris Brown? The same Chris Brown who beat his girlfriend and fell in with the Bloods street gang not because he was poor, living in their neighborhood, or scared for his life, but because he wanted to adopt a tough boy persona.
That Chris Brown? That's the man you're pointing to as being raised correctly?
roll me a waifu
You take chemistry classes in Bully.
Damn it, not sure why I said molecule, meant atom, could change it up and say atom for helium and molecule for H2
Yes, he fell for thug culture perpetuated by other black people, he wasn't poor so that means his parents were probably ok people.
Where does this picture come from? Someone wrote a bit on it, but that doesn't look like a real problem.
gimmie dat chie
Also Heather from SH3 uses chemistry to solve a puzzle.
>Yes, he fell for thug culture perpetuated by other black people
No, he's just a piece of shit. Don't go too hard in defending Chris Brown.
Dysfunctional Schlong Massacre
Can't resist a roll
ITT everyone gets banned for "replying to a roulette post"
Fucking nu-jannies never let us have any fun anymore
Also a chemistry puzzle in Resident Evil with Jill or Rebecca to weaken Plant 42.
The virgin duplex
The chad quadruplex
Dont do this user