Giant Bomb
>Horrible personalities
>Good opinions*
Easy Allies
>Horrible opinions
>Good personalities*
Giant Bomb
>Horrible personalities
>Good opinions*
Easy Allies
>Horrible opinions
>Good personalities*
Other urls found in this thread:
both are shit and should be forgotten
fuck SJWs
fuck e-celebs
GB died with Ryan.
EZA is on its last leg and will soon be unsaveable.
I prefer SBFC
They're trash, but trash that are usually entertaining.
>Giant Bomb sperging out about Palmer Lucky at their GOTY show when it was only tangentially related to gaming anyways
>Dan Ryckert existing
>Easy Allies defending Nu-Male's Sky to death before it even came out
>that one guy from EA WHO ALWAYS ENDS SENTENCES WITH AN UPWARD INFLECTION. I have no idea how an adult male can go on TALKING LIKE THAT AT ALL TIMES?!
I'll pass on both, thanks.
If you cant cook you are a misogynist
Giant Bomb goty videos are always great, this year I think it will be really fun. Specially now that everyone is getting on the Automata bandwagon.
EZA had a terrible goty last year, hopefully they improve this year, but since thye have awful taste, even if they improve their presentation and discussion they'll still award shit games and forget excellent shit.
daily reminder
At this point both are unlistenable.
EA is full of autistic manchildren (except for Jones)
GB's gone full on leftist old farts mode (+ leftist millenial with Abby).
Giant Bomb doesn't have good opinions at all. The personalities from Nu-Bomb are horrible. Dan is an annoying character, Ben is intolerable and Abby doesn't add anything. They're only ok when it's Jeff + Vinny + Maybe Brad chilling, which happens maybe once every five months.
Regardless, even in this worn down worthless sorry state that doesn't compare at all to how they used to be back in the golden days, they're still a million times better than Easy Allies, which are famous for jumping on top of chairs for games announcements. Those faggots have no charisma and knowledge about anything.
Love and respect guys
I could never get into EZA. They're literally all degenerates and look the part, too.
> Jeff + Vinny + Maybe Brad
hopefully thi year we get something as fun as the Hitman video last year.
I don't follow either, but I occasionally watch Giant Bomb Quick Bombs when I need to see a slice of standard gameplay for a game I'm interested in.
Also their E3 commentary.
GB by far.
Easy Allies are more fun to watch
>GOTY coming up
>"Should I play Nier: Automata or Horizon Zero Dawn or Zelda or Assassin's Creed or Divinity II or Prey or Nioh?"
>"I know! I'll play Madden's story mode."
Playing videogames instead of watching e-celebs?
>he doesn't listen to video game podcasts while playing video games
It's not like her opinion will mater. They'll just pretend to acknowledge her and move on, and maybe have one of her favorites on 10-9 place.
>EZA don't want to post any of their GOTY deliberations because it's not "good vibes" or "Love & Respect" enoug
Seriously, none of them have male reproductive organs. This is pathetic.
Her list will be full of tiny indie games that take 1 - 5 hours to beat just like everyone else they bring on who doesn't actually play video games.
I liked Brandon plays pokemon but the rest of the crew seem annoying. GB was always kinda shit but it's really bad now.
I want to see the deliberations!
They don't want to post them because everyone will just vouch for the 2 games they played that year and then they'll all settle on Mario vs. Zelda
>Giant Bomb
>Good Opinions
I still want to hear them talk about the games they played.
Well not Ben, but most of the others.
The Last Guardian was the rightful GOTY you pleb.
I never said it hasn't. I didn't play it, so I can't say, but the other awards were pretty awful, they forgot about hitman and some other good games, and the entire discussion was terrible.
Considering that U4 and FFXV almost got the goty show how bad they are.
Fair enough.
>most of them either dropped or haven't played P5 and Nier
I'm not that interested, honestly.
Nier is having something of a renaissance over there. Jeff beat route B and said that while it was laborious to play the game again, the revelations in that route were fucking mind blowing. Considering that route C features no repeated content, and is much shorter, he'll finish it strong on it.
Brad also just beat route A and is starting route B and was gushing about it last week.
It's easily Alex's GOTY and Ben is very into it. The only person who's beat it and is cool on it is Vinny.
I just want Nier to win best narrative and best moment (ending E) so it's only competition to me is Wolfenstein, though I wouldn't put it past these losers to give that shit to Wolfenstein still.
They were talking about eza and not gb.
but yeah, I'm hyped for the Nier discution, they all seem on board.
Did anyone on GB play p5 to the end?
>best moment
this is one of my favorite awards from GB, I wish more places did these kinds of awards, but they all seem afraid of spoilers.
Ben and Alex.
They seemed to think it was weaker than previous entries, which is the sentiment I was getting here outside of waifu posting after it got released.
I was completely shocked at how incapable Giant Bomb were at playing Mario Sunshine.
Not even exaggerating. I saw them playing Bianco Hills and they couldn't for the life them manage to even get across the towers in the water without falling into the water.
>Did anyone on GB play p5 to the end?
Alex and Ben did, but neither of them liked it more than the half of P4 they played and the P4 Endurance Run so don't expect it to get anything other than maybe Best Style
It will be a serious contender for best soundtrack but I agree. I think Nier will win best music anyways.
Good opinions? Giant Bomb?
Both are trash that prey on mentally retarded kids that get attached too quickly. EZA is a bit betterm though.
Maybe, but there will be added HYEHYEHYEHYEH from Ben
>awkward numale bugmen that talk about junkfood and children's movies
>Easy Allies defending Nu-Male's Sky to death before it even came out
Brandon, de facto leader of EZA, was pessimistic about NMS up until his release and was pretty happy to be proven right.
EZA because they actually have personalities.
i watched an easy allies video because you fags keep talking about them and all I saw were manchildren screaming and hollering when an E3 announcement was shown.
why do these faggots get a free pass with this shit?
U mad
XV is the best 2016 game
EZA solely for the good personalities.
Giant Bomb has horrible personalities and has most horrible opinions these days.
EZA has some shit opinions and a couple of terrible members but they aren't as bad a Giant Bomb. They're heavily declining though so its a race to the bottom.
Of course it will be between those two. Those are the only two games that they all played.
All the other goty contenders were only played by a couple people each.
Both are shit but EZA are legitimate shills. They gave GT:Sport a 4 despite it being always online, no career mode, and borderline no cars. They gave The Last Guardian a perfect score despite their review saying "The games not perfect" and it's controls and AI being ass. In every review they make sure to thank their generous Sony buttbuddies by saying the copy of the game is provided by them but it's almost impossible to believe other publishers aren't giving them review copies. Not to mention them sucking up to Shuhei and other Sony execs.
Their reviews are all trash anyway, so I don't see why anyone would watch them. Their shilling doesn't affect the one or two actually well made videos they put out every few months.
Giant Bomb game discussion is the best of all
>mfw huge brain so didn't have problems with controls or AI in TLG
I thought it would be a fun series. Boy was I wrong.
damiani was pretty good the last podcast. He's been improving.
giantbomb aka soyboy factory
Post webms.
>Giant Bomb
>Good opinions
>Giant Bomb
>good opinions
seriously, im catching up to GB content, im currently in spring of 2017 but ive seen newer stuff when Jeff blew out star wars battlefront 2 and this guy is fucking cringy
his voice completely sounds off putting
its like when a weird developer or guest shows up on the bombcast and you put up with it....but hes not going away
i then watched this most recent UPF and hes wearing a fucking fully button up dress shirt and his wrists and hands are too large and faggy in how he holds them
the shirt was like a red/pinkish
and the most damning part is he has NOTHING TO SAY, i could maybe put up with him if he was a producer and we barely see him like jason but all this time Jeff's NUMBER 1 THING was "can you handle yourself infront of a camera"
I mean, considering how retarded everyone in Sanfran is, he did the right thing, otherwise he'd be losing the job he just got.
But what did he say on his old tweets?
I don't understand how EZA get more than 40k every month and still have these low production values. Every show is just 3 or 4 people talking for a few hours without any editing. They still film in Jones's garage instead of a real office.
Its all just a scam and you are not allowed to give criticism because of 'love and respect'
given how cringy he is, if he actually Sup Forums'd out that would make me tolerate him more as one of us
Because they are spreading that money out over 9 people when only 3 or 4 of them do anything substantial. It doesn't help that they don't have an actual boss and just pretend that 9 people having equal say is a functional business model. Brandon and Blood should be the co-owners with everyone else as employees
Brandon deserves better.
I really liked the American Truck Simulator stream :3
He's a massive casul with no balls
Considering his house and wife I'd say that he got as much as he deserves.
You are confusing Ben with this guy.
both are shilled by neogaf. both are not vidya
Bloodworth, he's the one that reviewed both games, and if you pay attention he's often on the soft side of criticisms, he also thought BotW was a 5 stars game
wait what?
what guy?
i dont see anyone else new, except some jap next to jason on the latest bombcast
also where is the girl?
or are these ppl on GBE?
desu GBE has always sucked, i rarely watch anything cause neither vinny or alex can really host a quick look, when they fucked around with the black guy and did full game playthrus those were CLASSICS
dan is fucking awesome but neither vinny nor alex have the dry humor or sarcasm to balance him out or challenge him like brad an jeff did
there are 2 e-celeb threads up what the fuck
take this shit to Sup Forums or some shit
this isnt video games
holy shit. grow a brain.
Jesus, format better you shit, it's cancerous to read, faggot
i just said im catching up, i boycotted GB during teh presidential race cause their bullshit liberalism started coming out
even tho Jeff and Dan always played up the "we want a dystopian world, fuck everything" yet showed real disdain for trump
>Huber gave SW:BF2 a 2,5
Hopefully this sells like shit. SW ip is so huge and all we get is awful mp games
What will giant bombs biggest blunder of 2017 be? I'm thinking even though BF2 has made such a mess of microtransactions it will probably be jontron in hat in time or pewdiepie
why do you type like this?
Why do you think this is okay?
I dont get it
It makes everything hard to read
and it adds nothing to your posts except making you look dumb
I've always been a big defender of the GT/EZA guys, but holy hell. What the fuck was that shit last Frame Trap?
The boy's were discussing TLOU 2 trailer and..
Huber: I'm just a white male, I believe anybody who's offended
Oh fuck, Alex will make this award shit again
And now with Ben and the girl, I can't this being any fun
Was he joking?
Such cancer. Why isn't their a single gaming website that doesn't feel guilty about being white?
Not in the slightest. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, pulled my pledge immediately
It's ridiculous, I get that (because of their audience) they have to pander but come on, quit the bullshit
Kinda Funny
Honestly I just like giant bomb for Jeff gerstmann. I wish he did a podcast by himself and just talked about shit for hours
There's something in the water of San Francisco
What happened? Did he use non groupthink approved language? R*tarded
thats very easy to read, every line is a new sentence
Anyone remotely intelligent shows disdain for trump.
hello California native
Everyone on Sup Forums should be forced to listen to this.
Are you triggered?
Anyone catch EZA's raps about nutrition? Again, Kyle proves he's incredibly talented but refuses to do anything remotely interesting with it? It irks me
Honestly, that was the closest you'll get to disagreement from Huber. He said "I wasn't offended, but I can accept that some people were".
trumpers dont get triggered
i leave that for liberals
>>Giant Bomb sperging out about Palmer Lucky at their GOTY show when it was only tangentially related to gaming anyways
You mean the black hole of fun Alex Navarro while the others wait, semi-bored for him to stop talking.
Buddy, you don't have to be liberal to hate Trump. He's not even a conservative.
There's indulging your audience and then there's plain selling out, that's what that was
does he does one f these every day?
>Don't like EZA
>Don't like GB
Guess at least those old Bombcasts are still good.
I was okay with what he said. Basically that he didn't agree, but doesn't want to tell offended people they're wrong. It's not SJW-ism, I think Huber is just a nice person.
ugh, user, don't you know that picking out news stories for the podcast takes an entire week of work?