This was suppose to be the wow killer and yet 75% of its users dropped off after a month.
What went so wrong?
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Turns out WoW was shit and only got played because it felt new to people at the time. So a game that was trying to he like old wow would obviously fail.
just click it. this is why it failed.
Not enough feminine Chuas in bikinis.
The raiding was good. The dungeons were about the same but got boring after a while, as there weren't that many of them. Everything else about the game felt pretty barren, so there was no reason to log on once your raid was done for that week. Lots of people couldn't stand the art style and felt that the combat was too floaty.
It had a lot going for it. Personally, I really like the slotted skills system that Wildstar and ESO (although ESO has too few slots) use rather than Wow's skillcreep system where I need a full row of keys + shift everything + everything on my mouse bound + more beyond that.
Having many skills available but picking from what you want at the time is something I greatly prefer.
As far as what went wrong, well quite frankly the available group content was just way too fucking hard and long at the intro level. The telegraph system was cool but even the first dungeon at level 17 or something took me hours to even reach the final boss where we failed almost every time. I expect that on the veteran version of things more so than at level fucking 17.
The telegraph system is cool but I do not like non-targeted abilities. It makes healing a huge pain in the ass and I don't like what Wildstar/ESO do with it. I much prefer click to target.
Also, pvp was a complete clusterfuck of having 15+ people grouped up spamming everything nonstop.
The combat is pretty much a perfect example of making action combat more than just a meme.
the pvp hurt my hand.
I liked the combat (the healing was a whole lot more engaging than any other game I've healed in for a start); I'm just relaying what I've seen a LOT of people complain about.
It's one of those mmos where they claim "you can play YOUR way!" with the restricted ability system but as it turns out there's only three or four viable builds per class
Three or four viable endgame builds per class would be above average for an mmo
at least for warrior it was more like 2.5 per role.
someone gotta buff bitch.
Perhaps guild wars has just spoiled me
Also, they were the first one I played that effectively used a "buy token with in-game currency and use for playtime" or "buy token with real $ and sell for in-game currency" system, and I really liked that. I only payed for the game and 1 month and successfully funded 4-5 more months (after which I stopped playing) just by auctioning off raw materials and such.
I wish Blizzard had implemented that system long before they finally fucking did, because once they did I scraped up more than a year's worth of playtime + like 60 bucks in cash. Of course, now I don't play wow either even though my account is paid via tokens through like august 2018
I was willing to give it a try but it was not polished at all. Clunky UI, poor performance, buggy. Combat was kinda fun but had the same problem of a lot of current MMOs in making the early stages of the game unbelievably easy
I played during the final beta stage so not sure if any of this was ever fixed but its why I didnt buy it
people think they wanted to, but they didn't
I'd FUCK a chua(girl).
>wants to kill WoW
>runs on fewer platforms than WoW
We saw it happen time and again, yet none of the MMO makers ever learned the lesson.
They'd get a surge of initial curiosity from Windows users, but then after a month or two the Mac or Linux users playing WoW would pull their friends back.
Now that there's more to play on Mac and Linux MMOs are going to have a harder time in general since the main reason WoW was so huge was it was practically the only big thing people on other platforms could play.
If a MMO wants to succeed today against WoW it needs to target everything. MacOS, iOS Linux (GNU, Chrome, and Android), as well as Windows.
In fact Ideally you'd build it so it can be played entirely from within a modern web browser because then you could operate outside of the app stores and not have to give anyone a cut of your income.
Blizzard activision marketing is what happened, they released an open beta for some wow expansion they didnt had scheduled on the release day of wildstar, and more marketing tricks like that.
Blizzard realized that they dont have to make good games if they block people trying new ones
The only people calling it a WoW killer were their own PR department.
>"If you aren't hardcore you shouldn't play our game pussies, this isn't your baby mmo. All the convenience you've come to expect from wow isn't here... Wait why is no one playing?"
This was the main problem, they didnt even meant hardcore, hardcore for me means playing 20 hours a day farming, no life......they meant challenging/diffcult for the normies, wich Wildstar is very challenging and fun but hard for the mainstream gaming community
Its also sad that WoW went to copy things from wildstar in the next expansions, because wildstar its a superior game
i dont think that was the main problem. games can come back from poor marketing, even MMOs. the inhouse political system at carbine set up incompetent people to head critically important departments. like fucking balancing. let alone the amount of people who enjoyed the game but left due to poor optimization.
carbine was fucked from the start and its such a shame what happened to an IP with such potential to be amazing.
what did wow copy? the only thing i remember liking from wildstar was the housing and no other mmo copied that yet
I enjoyed it but it caused some retarded bug on my computer that ended up burning out the fan on my GPU, so I stopped playing it
I played it a bit, and after I got outside that big city thing or whatever, I asked when the game was going to pick up and get decent.
The replies I got can basically be summarized as:
>Just wait until max level, it'll be good then!
Why is it every single MMO that sinks, fail to realize that you need to make the entire game good in order for people to want to play it?
Too much cut content in the initial release, game should've been released 2 months later with the strain zone and the Caretaker adventures should've been more fleshed out as an alternate endgame for people not raiding or grinding.
Also the World Bosses could've been interesting if they were treated as something that required planning to do with larger rewards so guilds could spend a day setting everything up with practice and wipes and all that so they could get a taste of the raid boss feel for the game and the top contributors got to walk around with a visually obvious trophy of the kill like special headgear or weapons.
It had no loli
classes and races were awful
I think a lot of them rely on sunk cost. They come with one month free which is usually enough for a committed player to reach max level.
The problem with that is, that the game needs to actually be good for me to sink time into it. I don't want to invest 40 hours playtime into something so that it may eventually be good. Why can't it be good from the get go?
Trying to sell not-pixar shorts was trailers then release potato 3D models was characters is a pretty dumb idea nowadays. This isn't early 2000's anymore.
So basically they were stuck with a six month turnaround time for even basic fixes. Jesus, no wonder they dropped the Christmas patch.