I said, look BEHIND you

I said, look BEHIND you

still got my data, how bout you Sup Forums?

same here how much could i sell it ?


Is Konami the worst fucking video game company?

Worst for home console shit plebs, probably.
When Konami killed off Kojima's money pit, they started funding Bemani again.

Fuck stupid shit like PT when there is new DDr and Beatmania.

given there treatment of IPs recently though arent you worried there gonna ruin those?

>start namedropping random plebshit
>most people here don't know much about it so I can just pretend it's not plebshit but rather a sophisticated product for true patricians
You might as well just namedrop Kinect Just Dance at this point

He's just being a contrarian, typical Sup Forums behaviour, don't mind him

>tfw desperately want to play it
How do I go about it fellas?