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Video Games #3976
Video Games
Old sale threads beginning or about to autosage, time for a new one
This is a 6'3 soldier standing right next to a 6'0 businessman...
This is the state of Battlefront ii shills on Sup Forums
Both Wolfenstein 2 and TEW 2 are 50% off already
Sonic Adventure
There's a sea of garbage in this Steam sale...
Do the Silent Hill games still objectively play well?
The government should regulate the gaming industry because I can't stop myself from buying the deluxe gamer edition of...
Filename thread
Best GTA ever
Now the dust has settled, is skyrim good now it's portable?
Steam Awards
Tfw no gf
Female protagonist
I just deleted FFXIV
*fails to read your disc*
Jim Sterling: "I was right, I warned you, EA's fucked up and thank god for me"
Isn't it funny how the "lootboxes are gambling" argument can be utterly destroyed with one simple image?
Is this like Disgea? new to the disgea series
Best character and design in the series is an NPC you will never play as
She killed billions
Press F boys, pcmasterace is done
Can anyone Get me the Binding of isaac Rebirth since its on sale, will very much Appreciate it...
Was it good
Who was the best?
Shouldn't the "easy" and "very difficult" be switched?
Find a flaw
Why are female heroes so much better then male heroes?
Is this the most kino video game
Is this really worth playing?
But don't name it so others can guess what it is
Finally play Zelda BotW after months of Sup Forums and every reviewer hyping it up as a perfect game
Why are you guys such assholes?
Please just make more Souls games
B-b-bbut its still the same Monster Hunter game!
Haha admit it Sup Forums
It's up
What games are you looking forward to, Sup Forums? What have you been playing? Indie or AAA. Off the top of my head...
Should I buy this or terraria or neither. I need something to play over break
Metroid: Samus Returns
Japan celebrates Miki's birthday
Just bought a PS4 Pro - What games to get?
Is He /Our Guy/?
Rhodok master race reporting in
So, blond or red, which side wins?
KF2 christmas update
The state of modern RPGs
When are they gonna announce it?
A remaster NOBODY asked for
I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss...
Year of birth
Xenoblade 2: 9 days left
Meanwhile, in 1940s Sup Forums
Why do Japanese girls in Japanese games always look like Caucasian?
ITT: biggest bros in vidya
Post how many copies of this game you've bought to trigger the fuck out of redditors...
Witcher 1 Prologue Remastered in Witcher 3
*Cancels Pre-order*
Changes game to appeal to a wider audience/appease alt left types
What games have good female companions?
Time to mix drinks and start a Valhalla thread
Stop worshiping Talos
Daily reminder that you can't have regulated lootboxes if you keep fighting for net neutrality
Be mexican playing cod WW2
Why he looked younger in Phantom Pain?
Final boss is immune to speed/time gimmicks
A Hat in Time
How did those Leafs manage to create this masterpiece?
The Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo is up on the JP store
Cosmetic skins are considered gambling yet rolling for a unit with such high prices and pathetic rates are ok (which is...
Hitman is native 4K on the Xbox One X
Nintendo Switch 2018 predictions
What are some good games for intelligent gamers?
No, Belgium did not rule lootboxes as gambling
Who is the studio ghibli of vidya?
Bloodborne is the best video game ever made, bar none
Just got a phone a few days ago. What are your favorite mobile games, Sup Forums? Android recommendations are preferred
Who is your fightfu Sup Forums?
Leave the Switch to me
Has playing vidya increased your intelligence? Be honest, Sup Forums
Why do people like this game so much? Its so overrated and the art style looks so cringey. They tried way too hard
Cool reptiles in videogames? can't really think of one aside from the Dragonborn
YoooongYeaaa here
I really like this game, but fuck whoever designed this level
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Best Archery in Video Games
Cringey metal playlist
Valyria Chronicles
Buckley did it again
I just came up with a way to fuck with both Reddit and EA
ITT: Only 10/10 level designs
Forza devs are working on a AAA open world action rpg game
Embarrass me Sup Forums
Why women have to continuously ruin everything?
Can gooks ever make a game series with lore that can compete with the kino that is Elder Scrolls?
At one point dark souls made me feel that way...
This is Apollo, your new neighbor!
Steam Sale is almost here lads. What are you looking to buy?
Why aren't there more threads about the best game ever made?
You did buy Reimu's game, Hidden Star In Four Seasons (HSiFS) on steam, right?
ITT we trigger womyns showing them that female videogame characters are superior, also Make:APP thread
Left or right?
Day one Yumi DLC confirmed
Yfw you realized Rex could unfold and stand up like this, but just didn't because it was inside a small hanger
PC fags just btfo
Anyone else tried the new mod the developer released? Gameplay and Immersion mod is fucking fantastic
What went wrong?
What characters do you want to see in the new Dissidia?
Would the Phantom Thieves be able to stop him?
ARMS Part Crash Day 1
Does Sup Forums like Paladins?
Buy Skyrim my fellow weebs
I swear those absolute cunts at Square Enix lowered the encounter rate for Yuffie on the PS4...
What mouse do you use for gaming? I'm thinking about picking myself up a Deathadder Elite
Let's try this out Sup Forums
Post comfy minecraft buildings
Should I play it?
What went so right?
What would Sony have to do to get back into the handheld market?
Game has a fanbase
Since when did Sup Forums openly start supporting communism along with reddit? Corporate greed is one thing...
Why is it ok when Japan does gachashit?
Do you like VN, Sup Forums?
Star Wars is now the Joe Camel of Loot Boxes
Why aren't you excited for Kenshiro's game, Sup Forums
What are some /comfy/ games?
Post yfw Disney takes the Star Wars license away from EA
Steam Sale Soon
Game is good right up until the end
Are single player games dead...
English audio or Japanese?
Is net neutrality reddit?
Three Superman films later and still no videogame what the hell?
You did buy her game right Sup Forums?
Unpopular opinions
Why did they make Luke look like this?
ITT: We summon the morrowfags
Playstation VR
Black Friday PSN
Shitty games thread
ITT: Sup Forums in 1999
Tired of these yet?
It's been a week since Pillars of Eternity 2 had its beta released and it still hasn't been leaked...
FUCK this game, how do you nigg*ers like it so much...
Media Create sales (11/13/17 – 11/19/17)
ITT: Times you're glad you didn't listen to Sup Forums
Witcher 3 being GOAT
Name a better secret boss in any game
What's Sup Forums's fighting gamer populace's opinion on Mortal Kombat X...
So this is the power of anti-nazism
What is the reddit of video games
When you fuck up SO BAD the government is investigating your greedy ass
What's your opinion on Hitman 2016?
Princess has a big ________?
I fucking hate the current state of "gamers"
Why movies are smooth in 24FPS but gaems are shit even with 30FPS and need 60FPS to be smooth?
Hey faggots, MDK is on GOG for free right now
What are you playing, Sup Forums?
Can we take a moment to remember that japanese are literally saving video games at the moment...
Anyone else playing FFXI?
Why did they lie?
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS?
How do we fix pokémon?
Monster hunter thread
How could it have gone from this
Gacha ban when?
We werent that much different back then
What's that kid? You think you can say bad words ON THE INTERNET? on a VIDEO GAME no less? Hehe, kid...
*breathes in*
Sonic Forces
Ultra Sun and moon sold 1.2 million in 3 days in japan
Claim your comfy game settlement
She can be vegan, why can't you Sup Forums?
Blizzard and Valve have been using loot crates for over a decade and everyone is ok with it
ITT Games that are criminally underrated/unpopular
What happened to WoW?
How the fuck do you people find friends online to play games with...
Is this game worth 19 Euros?
ArmA: Cold War Assault
Choose one
Post them physical collections
How will Net Neutrality effect video games and this board?
Fuck you I liked it
And the award for game of the year 2017 goes to
Ywn experience the innocent fun of playing on that server with your friends ever again
How large is your backlog?
This is "gaming" in 2017
What does Sup Forums think's about Yumi?
Why havent you bought it yet?
Which zone do you feel was the largest wasted opportunity?
What games let command space capital ships? Preferably carriers
HAHA. Datamined Shitwatch ban reasons
Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura
ITT: that part where you used a guide
This is considered improved writing
20 out of 26 characters are considered non-meta
Is this my board?
What game has the best companions?
What's the saddest game you've played?
How you holding up?
It's too good of an idea to NOT make happen
Why aren't you creating a Porn Game Sup Forums?
How long has it been since you "scored" v/irgins?
What am I in for?
You now remember that one of your usernames is linked to those embarrassing vidya forum posts on that one vidya forum...
ITT: Criminally underrated gems
She's getting ready for the release of her game today
I can't put this game down, it's so fucking fun
Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo is available on Japanese and other Asian PS Store
Your opinion of him?
Welcome to November 2018
Instantly improves your game
Looking for NES side scroller
Good/interesting crowd funded game is announced/released
Is EA dare i say it
Reminder that blue and yellow joycons are patrician taste
This is literally the least black-looking black character I've ever seen in a game
This is Venom
"Waiting for players"
Nintendo Switch
Why aren't you going to play it?
FF XV Comrades
Just how do you fuck up so badly that you force new government legislation?
Thoughts on analog stick grips?
Post a meme of the last game you played
Unity Engine
This world has been connected. Tied to the darkness
"healer main"
But Mike this isn't the video game show and don't you hate video games because you're an angry old man
This is the best controller, you cannot deny
Are you an Umusexual?
Battlefront 2
What is the face of 2017?
No special rewards for getting every outfit
Tencent gets exclusive rights to operate PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds in China
World of Final Fantasy
So, this is the power of the switich
Kat's game
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Name JRPG series with better combat system
Yes very insightful op
Buyer's remorse thread? I bought one of those last week with mario odyssey and I'm not a big fan...
You're All Overeacting
How the hell do you level up your characters quickly? I've been playing this for a while...
Why does that piece of shit soiturtle on the far left get to blatantly fucking cheat?
Switch has 2 95% games in its first 9 months
Subnautica Thread
Metroidvania suck
Would you hire her?
Spend countless hours gathering collectables
What's the consensus on this game here?
Why are these the most beautiful and impactful credits you have ever seen Sup Forums?
What are some video games where the protagonist is humiliated?
Anything you want Sup Forums, please
Tell me what's wrong with this image
2017 was good
When is the next F-Zero coming out?
Anyone else disappointed with how fucking tiny dragons are in skyrim?
Stardew Valley Launch Problems
Why so tsun Sup Forums?
Dragons Dogma
GOTY 2018 confirmed
Characters women will never understand
Best fps ever made
I lost half of my brain and can't think very well...
Who fucking plays this shit?
You are Agent 42
Should I play Majora's Mask?
TES Morrowind
Villain is truly evil
Ps3 online is better than 360 because its free
Okay, so hear me out on this. But what if loot boxes are a good thing...
Battlestation thread
Wanted to ban GTA
Have you ever bought toys or merch based on videogames?
Lets take a moment to appreciate how good 2017 has been for playing vidya
Imagine your life being so void of meaning you spend your time online fighting over whether lootboxes should be in...
Project Diva Future Tone DX launches today in Japan. DX is basically an updated version of Future Tone...
The Great Debate continues
Star Trek
Do you like da grindan game?
Dishonored 2
What video games feature cats?
Did you ever guess that Sup Forums would get so steeped in its own contrarian bullshit that it'd actually defend...
So how was this game?
90+ meta score incoming
What games let me accuse men of sexual assault?
How hyped are you to to come back, Sup Forums?
Why do switch cartriges only go up to 32gb? Would it be impossible to make a 64 gb or 128gb cartriges?
What games are the best fishing simulators?
Will getting rid of Net Neutrality kill the gaming industry?
"I thought you were one of the shy guys who didn't pursue women"
What games did Sup Forums play too much of as a kid
He plays shotos or charge characters
Sea of Thieves “Diversity” Bullshit
Subtle vidya apparel?
ITT: Soygames
Valkyria Chronicles 4 announced!
Banjo-Kazooie thread!
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Japan time thread
Did video games turn you into a furry?
Game tries to be funny
Why do people like Dota 2 so much?
What kind of lootboxes would you like to see in the next elder scrolls?
The loot box meme is finally dead
What's the objectively worst game you finished and enjoyed anyway?
It's time to confess your Sinners
Harvest Moon thread. Let's get comfy
Under Night Thread
Hi 2017, I'm from the near future. I just wanted to let you all know that, soon...
Meanwhile, in 1940s Sup Forums
Who's the best witch in gaming?
Obective: Survive
"Supply drops will be cosmetic only"
Get pokemon your friend needed
What is the best Diablo-style ARPG of all time?
Filename thread
This game is better than Mega Man X in nearly every way. Sorry kiddos but its true
Time you had your hopes dashed, Sup Forums?
Where is he now?
The endings were just so bad!
Sup Forums's top 100 RPGs of all time (VOTING)
Tfw you realize you will never play all those as of yet untranslated puyo/madou games in english because of lost files...
Why would someone make a game this shitty?
Your bratty little sister has your Nintendo Switch and you must catch her to get it back
Just got out of prison. 3 years in new Orleans prison and shit is still the same it seems
ITT: Post best game in it's respective franchise
Monster Hunter World
This is a masterpiece
Hour counts
Cyberpunk 2077
Ryu doesn't want to fuck this
The start of my physical PS4 collection
Anyone here like rimworld
How is it?
Buy game
This game is good
Why do male protagonists in video games have to be this handsome?
Rogue, Mage, or Fighter?
There's always 3+ threads about BotW but I rarely see any of Odyssey now. Odyssey was competent, sure...
Why does it keep crashing every five fucking minutes?
Pipboy Readius Vegas Veteran
Post the worst game in the world
Let's have an Army Men thread
Thoughts on this game?
Classic won't be Vanilla, and that's a good thing
Even without the microtransactions, this game is mediocre at best
Hey there, Sup Forums!
What would you want to see in a The World Ends With You sequel?
How did a game that managed to keep such an over-the-top story tight and consistent...
Who's getting the license?
Hello Sup Forums, you're up way past your bed time, aren't you? Hope you've slipped into something comfortable...
Venom announced for MVCI
Remember when Blizzard games were good?
16 Years
What would you do to the Sharpened Volcano Fragment to make it viable?
*blocks ur path*
How do you like your lizardmen in vidya?
SFV is bad
Who else is still on the fence?
Have you ever been scared by a video game?
Why is sewer level always the worst in pretty much every games?
Who innovated more?
Tfw all the good MMOs are dead
Is this the only Japanese game to present Nobunaga as the blood thirsty savage he really was?
Ylyl Sup Forums edition
Peace Day never came
Games ending is immediately retconned in the sequel
Sup Forums I'm about to be homeless in a couple days because my mom is kicking me out for doing drugs in the house...
What do you get out of contrarianism? are you so afraid of having similar opinions?
Fortnite Thread Strategies and Gameplans
Are you hyped user?
How the fuck did Team Bondi get away with this?
Post a game and people try to guess what you look like
Say something nice about the Star Ocean franchise
What open world game has the best designed world?
Canada is about to legalize dueling
BotW is the best game to come out in the past five years
Do you play games while taking a dump? If yes, which ones and why?
How are herbs used in Resident Evil? Feel free to answer or ask other RE questions
Do you like Sonic Mania?
Ringed Shitty is...Shitty
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
So can we all agree that Splatoon 2>Splatoon 1?
Which video game character do you think has had the most porn made of them?
Black Friday thread, post vidya sales
What's the first game that comes to your head when you see the word "soyboi"?
Is tomorrow the November Sale?
Have you ever pissed in a bottle while gaming? Tell me I'm not alone here
- State of Hawaii to move against Loot Boxes
ITT: Show your powerlevel
Who else is excited for pic related? 300 hours logged into the first, so I'm beyond hype
Yakuza Thread
Best stealth games?
You do like this game better than Fusion, right?
Tell me, if the Tau'ri are indeed worthy of their freedom, why are there no good Stargate video games?
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet?
Which packs do I buy?
What are some good samurai games
Who's the most heroic character in a video game?
I like video games. Do you?
New york level
Only Nintendo would put such a bullshit hidden secret in their game
Can anyone here recommend some good indie games on the switch?
Give it to me straight Sup Forums
Is Spoony going to kill himself? I'm worried, bros
This is the new opening for Phantasy Star Online 2
When do you think the last time he was happy?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
You're welcome
Name a more kino scene in vidya
Is it really the greatest JRPG of all time?
Gamerfuel thread
It's 30 bucks on PSN. should i bite?
Post memes of the game you're playing right now
Is it safe to say that this is the turning point for Dota and HotS?
Idk what to play
Predict their GOTY
Is there any articles regarding game sales in Canada...
There are no good female twitch strea-
It's over
What's the status of CEMU? specifically BoTW. Getting a laptop with a 1070 maxq and want to play it
Lootboxes Confirmed as Gambling in Belgium
Is there a greater musical achievement than Uematsu's FFVIII OST in videogames?
Do they really expect us to believe that a short, weak, little girl could play volleyball well?
Know what? Only that the long night is over. The crown of government is tarnished, but that will fade in time...
Any hopes for God Eater 3?
Freedom Wars 2
The Switch makes for a nice heater
NEET Gamers Report In
How will this net neutrality fuckery affect leaf?
What is Sup Forums opinion on videogame music?
Is this gonna run at 60fps...
Tfw no Rogue One stuff for Battlefront 2
Why are people in online shooters always so angry and attack you personally, even if there is nothing on the line?
I hope you are happy
ITT: Games ruined by a fucking time limit
Do you have any problem with games with anime art style? Just asking
I happened to luck out and receive a free Nintendo Switch...
The only reason why I play Duel Links
Good russian video games?
I hope Sup Forums likes smashing Syndicalist scum
Will Japan ever stop gacha freemium grind bullshit? Not even Animal Crossing is safe
Fighting Games Thread
What mobile games do you play?
What did you play today?
Are normies going to boycott Red Dead Redemption 2 when they find out it has micro transactions?
The last game you played gets a mod installed based on the month you were born in. Is the game better, worse...
A week left until the end of Part 1 of the Returnee Campaign in FFXI
Nintendo Switch, Xbox One X, And Call Of Duty: WW2 Help GameStop Have Strong Quarter
ITT: Games literally no one defends
What are you emulating today Sup Forums?
Where were you when the Hitman franchise was saved?
The Mouse has put the boot down on EA / DICE and Battlefront 2
What's your favourite Max Payne game?
What did you play today user?
User, I'm disappointed with how your grades have turned out recently. From now on...
Why do writers include sex scenes in video games?
Why are the Switch spines on the cases so boring? No other console is like that...
Reddit was able to mark lootboxes as gambling and the whole microtransaction fiasco is now mainstream
Valkyria Chronicles
Fighting Games thread
Anyone else unironically want LFR / dungeon finder + flying in Vanilla
Remember that time when pannenkoek2012 offered 1000 dollars to anyone that discovers a glitch in a video game?
Any Christmas gift ideas for a gf who loves Overwatch?
Twins room
What's the point of this game again?
Can you guys stop fucking hating EA so much?
Killing Floor 2 Thread
Frequent playing of videogames relates negatively to collaborative problem solving
Find a flaw
Please Permaban my ass
ITT: the best games of their respective series
Story doesn't matter in video games. It's all about gameplay
Youre fucking kidding me
I said, look BEHIND you
WebM thread
Guess the game
Well this became less special
ITT: games Sup Forums only hates because they were told to
Hey user! Don't mind me, i'm just making my way to page 10 real quick, okay?
Now that Starcraft 2 is free to play, how are you all enjoying the game?
Bowser has a son. Do you guys think they'd ever give Mario a child?
What do you think of the modded Minecraft community right now?
Playing without vsync
Hollywood is full of rapists
He is unemployed
Are there any video games that don't have a main quest?
Is there a name for Yu-Gi-Oh! genwunners who think anything after synchro is shit?
You are going to die tomorrow user
Games that you wouldn't play even if they payed you. I'll start
Belgium says loot boxes are gambling, wants them banned in Europe
Belgium declares that loot boxes are gambling, will seek to have them banned in Europe
This is the future YOU chose
Why is Sup Forums so anti-art?
Why do gay characters in Zelda games have to be so flamboyant?
Sonic Unleashed was by all means a great game
What's your least favorite monster to hunt?
There are actually people that think this game is better than Oblivion
The Xbox 360 turns 12 today
3 = BB > 1 > 2 >>>>>DeS
November 22nd 1994 (Japan time)
Why do you hate survival/crafting games so much Sup Forums?
Stellaris vs Endless Space
Is it worth it? Or should i get it on sale only?
Surrounded on all sides... let the gangbang commence
Tell us about a time you were mad at video games, user
Skyrim thread
Why aren't you playing US/UM Sup Forums?
Why aren't you playing the best online fps on steam right now?
Was the mastermind lying at the end of Danganronpa v3
ITT: Post god tier boss music
Tell us your game idea, user
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Hype Thread
Thanks user
Screenshot thread?
Shin Megami Tensei V was announced fairly recently
*inhales in Swedish*
Dead Cells just got an update that adds new areas, runes and equipment...
2 years
WoW Classic
Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree this is kind of a shit controller, right? Smashfags need not apply...
What games must one absolutely played and beaten in order to fit in here?
Steam sale
What are some games about shattered dreams?
Face the truth, this is actually a good game, just not as good as the first and the second...
Starting Dark Souls 3 right now. What's the best class for someone who played Pyromancer in the first one?
Steam Wishlist Thread
Mario Odyssey is GOTY
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Please recommend me a game that help depression
Net Neutrality is being repealed pt. 2
ITT: Show everyone online you're an oldfag
Thank you dry baby
3x3 Thread
Switch Thread
Sup Forums's top 100 RPGs of all time
Is this the most disappointing sequel ever made?
Only user who live in Net Neutrality countries get to post here
So this is unironically the best boss theme ever, right? I mean be honest...
There is a dad dating game
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...