ITT: Criminally underrated gems

I'll start


The only good Sonic games are 3 and Generations and this is objectively true.

Friendly reminder to Classicucks.


>Adventure games
all because people have been shitting on them for the past few years doesn't mean the several years of fellating them never existed

>trying to shit on Advance 1 by putting it on the wrong side
Nice try user

Basically virtual on
And that's not a bad thing at all

I remember that. Such a great game, never got the newer ones though.
I know they moved on and is now the basis for practically every new Gundam game now
Only reason why the Gundam games don't suck anymore

Shake shake

no sonic heroes?

Sonic Heroes is overrated shit

and adventure is not?

When will you start?

Just stop, user. Unleashed has nothing to do with the Adventure series. People aren't gonna fall for your forced memes.

I can understand Unleashed, maybe Adventure 1, but I wouldn't called SA2 understand.

Wrong, SA2 is great and generations is okay at best.

Also this

user, shit can't be underrated.

Lol, sonic adventure? Underrated? It's one of the most overrated games of all time OP

I'll never understand what was the mental process behind making the werehog a thing. I mean why did they think the game needed that?

>unleashed keeps getting praise.

I dont see it. I agree with the other two though.

Also, does Sup Forums wholeheartedly hate the sonic advance series? I played one of them and didnt hate it.

It was a hook for the furry community (which happens to lapse with sonic fandom a lot)

Bought this on a garage sale.
Some of the weirdest games i've ever played
Why is the old man constantly trying to grope the main character and why is she trying to save him after kicking him a fuckton of miles away?
Everything looks like depressed shy guys and the bosses are scarily realistic sometimes.
Still a really memorable and fun game

As someone who played sonic adventure 1,2, and unleashed as a 22 year old back in 2014, i can safely say they are all great games. SA1 is sadly held back by almost seeming directionless with a severe lack of polish, especially in things like cutscenes, collision, and bosses. SA2 took the 3 main strong playstyles of 1, added an addictive ranking system and an explosive story and ran away as a king. SU is one of the most beautiful, immersive, fast, and frantic games i have ever played with a charming and surprisingly emotional story and a ton of replay value.


Sonic spinball and 4 really dont deserve remakes. I definitely love the idea of a sonic advance and rush inspired mania however

Both of those levels are fucking cool though. And the Mania team will do them much better.

>A new Spinball level with the retro physics engine.
Yes, please.

But the furry community already liked sonic. They were gonna buy it anyway so it was very retarded for them to try to appeal to them by making the game worse.

So basically SEGA relied on Deviantart for this game success.

Shit, shit and even more shit! Great thread OP!