Dishonored 2

>messing around on ship
>dive into water
>climb back out next to mission briefing lady
>accidentally bump into her while climbing
>"hurr you kept too many secrets"
>global stats: total kills 1
what the fuck man

>things that didn't happen

hold on let me make a webm


looks like just jumping on her kills her

that's fucking retarded

you accidentally shot the crossbow

you can see the ammo count not going down though

that's the flashbang arrow

lol didn't even know she was killable, can you keep playing the game without her or does it automatically boot you back to load screen?

Reload a save, moron.

just beat it last night actually

i liked the first one better but it was a great game overall

the Crack in The Slab missions was amazing

it will still kill an npc if its a headshot...

>global stats: total kills 1
I tried so hard not to accidentally kill anyone and then this

Actually, on the last mission
She revealed she killed your mother in the first game (or lover if your corvo) and you have the option to spare her or kill her when she confesses

In the expansion/DLC she is the also the player character

i know of all that, what am asking is if the game continues without her if you kill her. or does it make you reload since she drives the boat to most of the missions.

I'm on ps4 but im going to test this out OP, and also shoot a stinging bolt at her

have you bothered to keep playing to find out


no i finished the game in january, hence why im asking

Yeah, so jumping on ANY npc kills them.

what the fuck why

I can't believe I've never accidentally done that

what? if you finished the game then obviously the game fucking continues without her. You finished it didn't you?

If you took ten extra seconds you'd realize you can ride the skiff yourself

me too, actually.

you can kill sokolov too and even carry his body to megan and she has a bit of a breakdown and vice versa.

I don't understand you

what part of "The game literally sets you up to kill her" don't you understand? She's non-essential. Did it say "Game Over" in the webm you posted? No, it didn't.

why would I want to kill old man anton, he's like the coolest dude in the game

because you can

>kill sokolov
>"just more to the pile of bones"
damn genocide run was dark

>hiding from NPC guard
>he heard me jump from a railing onto the roof of that glass roof maze in jindoshs mansion
>jumps the over the railing, falls 10 feet and dies
Ffs arkane

I didn't even know you could do that. Sweet might play it again.

Dishonored would've been better if it didn't do a morality system, didn't have shit writing, and actually had light and audio based stealth instead of relying solely on line of sight once you're in "stealth mode".

is there no way to not get into a fight with delilah in the end? the one on the throne always flips her shit because I can't figure out how to take out the replica on her right without being seen

nvm I looked it up

what a punk ass bitch

nonetheless, the bolt never left his crossbow, as you can see because of the obviously unchanged ammo count.

Arent there bone charms that give you a chance to not use ammo?