Metroidvania suck

metroidvania suck

Would you like to play a fighting game instead?

Metroidvanias are fun.

Oy vey!

thats a touhouvanialike

metroidvania is such a stupid name


2D Action/Platformers are my favorite genre. But not all 2d Action/Platformers are Metrovanias. That said, SOTN is still tied with Castlevania III for the best Castlevania game.

modern indie metroidvanias suck (shit like hollow knight and dead cells)


fug you




You're right in principle, but then you fucked up by picking the only good one as an example.
Also, Dead Cells isn't even a metroidvania.


Pic is not even a metroidvania

I would call it hollowvania


Why was 90s video game art so fuckin good?

90's anime art is good then they decided that nose was ugly
fuck K-on

>look at me being contrarian
>do I fit in yet?

I have idiot friends who say 90s anime looks unwatchable. Fucking postnarutofags.

You grew up in the 90s. Also, you don't know anything about modern anime.

>SOTN better than Aria

how anyone can think this is beyond me