Shit like this is why we'll never be taken fucking seriously and are never able to have a proper discussion on this shithole.
Fuck all of you, whichever side you're on. I've been browsing this cesspool for almost 11 years now and never have I seen people actually trying to discuss anything properly and trying to teach each other new viewpoints.
You're just butting heads like stubborn cunts and never give in afraid that will talk your masculinity or some shit. There's a time for shitposting and there's a time for conversing like adults.
Every single one of you obsessed with reddit probably post there, I'd bet money on it.
Stop talking about some other website and start doing shit for yourselves you pathetic wastes of oxygen. I'm tired of all of you.
Adrian Hernandez
Alexander Harris
Yeah RIP
Robert Hill
Ah so now it's not reddit, it's some OTHER website that I also dont visit.
Gavin Sullivan
I don't get it, what happened?
James Sullivan
Sup Forums can't argue about, for or against anything without resorting to shitposting like babies and force mods to delete threads where people are actually trying to find common ground
Alexander Walker
Man I sure do like VIDEO GAMES
Elijah Reyes
Aiden Richardson
>reddit spacing
Colton Lewis
>being this butthurt over typical Sup Forums fare since the beginning of time
Christian Hill
Are you okay user?