Canada is about to legalize dueling.
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Canada is about to legalize dueling
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I refuse to believe canada would ever do anything that based.
>choosing seconds
>getting the fear the night before
>getting wounded but our honor has been restored so we walk away amicably
legalize dueling now desu
Fistfull of Frags.
Non-lethal duelling unfortunately.
Time to dust off the deck
OUTLAWS and in a similar vein the High Noon Drifter wad for DOOM.
Holy fuck I played the shit out of Outlaws as a kid.
Really? Even if it's with blades it's still pretty based, why can't burgerland do this?
>On June 13, 1833, a young man named Robert Lyon was shot in the lungs by one John Wilson in the town of Perth, Ontario. The source of their dispute, according to Andrew King of the Ottawa Citizen, was a school teacher named Elizabeth Hughes. Wilson was in love with her, but she did not return his affections, and later went out with Lyon and a friend of his. When Wilson found out that Lyon had not only taken Hughes on a date, but also put his arm around her in a manner Wilson felt inappropriate, he challenged Lyon to a pistol duel.
>The encounter did not end well for Lyon, but Wilson was acquitted of any crime and was eventually elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada. He also married Elizabeth Hughes. “It seems the school teacher’s feelings for Wilson miraculously altered after the duel,” King writes.
damn liz
I don't really understand this.
So you can challenge someone to a non lethal duel legally if no weapons are involved?
So... a fist fight?
Back to basics
Goddammit, will it kill the fucking Leafs to at least be SLIGHLTY less pussy? What's the point of dueling if you don't run the risk of death? You'll just have retards spamming dueling challenges like retards because they can survive
It's essentially getting rid of an outdated law. No need to specifically ban dueling if assaulting and killing someone with a weapon is already illegal.
Gold digger
>What's the point of dueling if you don't run the risk of death?
If you're allowed to pummel the fuck out of each other then the risk is already there.
Welp time to dig out my old duel disk. This had been a long time coming, friends
>tfw Texan
too bad non-lethal only. canucks would get touched by a superior shot.
Queensbury rules and all that.
is jousting a form of duel?
Lol I was going to say, how are they going to legalize dueling when it takes a """""good reason""""" and like 5 years to get a decent pistol + carry permit.
>someone cuts you off in traffic
>meet at a red light
>legally allowed to get out of your vehicle and challenge them to fisticuffs right there on the spot
>mfw canada turns into WOOOOOOORLD STAAAAAAAAAR capital
That John Wilson guy sounds like a chad of the highest order.
>What western themed games would Sup Forums recommend?
None because Sup Forums is a Japanese culture board.
Japs love westerns though.
Nanny state-itis
Most western nations suffer from it
>non lethal dueling wasn't already legal
a true gentleman's sport
It's just the Liberals going through 150+ years of laws to eliminate the "obsolete" ones in one sweeping bill.
One of them is obstructing a “clergyman or minister” from “celebrating divine service or performing any other function in connection with his calling” or disturbing “an assemblage of persons met for religious worship"
I can't wait to find out what they sneak in there.
only weebs actually believe this
Where my /wizard/ bros at
What, so they go around arresting kids for playing with Nerf blasters? How the fuck was that not legal before?
non-lethal dueling is a consensual fight with weapons. Of course it wasn't legal in cuckland
Regardless duels were never meant to be to the death. It was always until first blood, the way first blood was achieved could cause death however. You had doctors on the sidelines and in the event of guns if both missed you were considered foolish if you insisted on more than two rounds.
>canada legalizing satanism
of course
>be an honest hard working wizard
>hear this
>mfw a bunch of fake wizards pretending to practice witchcraft will take my customers away
ironic satanism
Satan doesn't care how he pulls you away from god. Vapid memelords end up in abaddon just as sincere demon worshipers do.
Dumb leafs
>Satan doesn't care how he pulls you away from god. Vapid memelords end up in abaddon just as sincere demon worshipers do.
its like im reading dark dungeons all over again
so... hockey then?
there are actually a number of American states where this is allowed, it's called mutual combat
basically what it means is that as long as it's a fair fight and both parties want to fight, the police are not obliged to intervene and there are no grounds for charging someone with assault
most historic duels didn't end in death, even up into the age of early firearms, and when they did, it was usually afterwards, from infection or blood loss or getting a semi-vital organ minced
also this, if the strength/skill difference is large enough it's possible to beat someone to death
of course then you'd be charged with murder, but this legal openness would provide more credibility in arguing your case