ITT: Times you're glad you didn't listen to Sup Forums

>Ugh user DAI is so SJW it's got gays and trannies in it you should avoid before you brainwashed by the leftist sjw ugh!
>Play game
>He's actually a very likeable character.

I was actually impressed by him, yeah, except for the "dad tried to magic me straight" plotline

Dorian is true bro tier and his opening mission is hardcore

Plus when you pick him, Cole showing up at camp to be like "templars inc" gave a lot more thrills then Dorian in the same role

He is actually the best companion, which is not saying much because the rest were so painfully forgettable.

Anyway, DAI's problem was certainly not being SJW, it was being a boring lame single player MMO.

god that fucking moustache though

Game is shit though. It's unbalanced and very repetitive.

The one thing that disappoints me about the game is that you can't pause during cutscenes.

A minor thing, but it annoys me so.

>He's a good character until the blatant "MUH GAY OPPRESSION" is shown.

That's the SJW part.

I'm your prom date you UGLY SACK OF SHIT!


Parental prejudice against their homosexual kids is pretty common IRL though, why shouldn't videogames be able to cover that?