ITT: Times you're glad you didn't listen to Sup Forums

>Ugh user DAI is so SJW it's got gays and trannies in it you should avoid before you brainwashed by the leftist sjw ugh!
>Play game
>He's actually a very likeable character.

I was actually impressed by him, yeah, except for the "dad tried to magic me straight" plotline

Dorian is true bro tier and his opening mission is hardcore

Plus when you pick him, Cole showing up at camp to be like "templars inc" gave a lot more thrills then Dorian in the same role

He is actually the best companion, which is not saying much because the rest were so painfully forgettable.

Anyway, DAI's problem was certainly not being SJW, it was being a boring lame single player MMO.

god that fucking moustache though

Game is shit though. It's unbalanced and very repetitive.

The one thing that disappoints me about the game is that you can't pause during cutscenes.

A minor thing, but it annoys me so.

>He's a good character until the blatant "MUH GAY OPPRESSION" is shown.

That's the SJW part.

I'm your prom date you UGLY SACK OF SHIT!


Parental prejudice against their homosexual kids is pretty common IRL though, why shouldn't videogames be able to cover that?

Because it makes no sense in context anyway and video games shouldn't pander to political topics.

I think you can punch him in the face if his approval is low and he bitches at you, Solas too.

I cared what Sup Forums thought when I was fifteen. That was 2007.

Then I grew up.

Sup Forums's almost never right. Journalism's also a joke. The only opinion that matters is your own. Don't let others influence what you think. Play the games you're interested in with an open mind. Discard what you've heard.

You'll be way the fuck happier. You'll enjoy gaming way the fuck more.



confession time

i actually like the lesbo elf gremlin

Because you say so?

It's an RPG from a series which focuses massively on character backgrounds and interpersonal relationships. How is it out of place?

1000x better
now if only you can make that fucking hideous elf thing look somewhat decent

All the characters are pretty good except for Sera, who goes so overboard on being flawed that it's impossible to like her even if she didn't look like a hideous monstrosity. Even Vivienne is OK, but it really makes no sense for that kind of person to be trekking through the wilderness with you.

Really, the game mostly shits itself in the gameplay department. It strips away the last vestiges of what makes a CRPG good, while being an awful action RPG in its place. Then splice in open world "go to the million things on your map for +1 resources", and you've got something designed by committee to be awful.

He is the only good thing about this shitfest of a game.


Because you have monster apocalypses, sin demons, various races of greatly differing appearance, mages that can bend reality or get possessed, etc. Why the fuck would sexual orientation be an issue? His parents would be more upset he was a mage after the events of DA2. It wasn't an issue in the previous games, why would it become one?

Her character was good as a non-romance but damn was she hideous.

Really though, my problem with DAI was that they tried so much to back to their "roots" that the gameplay ended up being a fucking offline MMO complete with harvesting mats every 10 seconds to craft gear.

Who made that character design and thought it was alright? Dude looks like he's in a pride parade

Gay people exist. Look in the mirror.

Many video games try to be realistic. Deal with it. Have you met a gay person that hasn't been discriminated against? Go to /lgbt/. They're tortured and fucking pathetic.

I don't see the issue. My concern is when the game doesn't let you react in a negative way. That's why I'm not defending Dragon Age. You should be able to kick him from the party after discovering he's gay. Or beat the shit out of him. You should also be allowed to romance him.

RPG games have no balls. They'd be so much better with true freedom.

>His parents would be more upset he was a mage

Uh they are mages from mage country where non mages are slaves


>video games shouldn't pander to political topics.

>Vidya has story
>Vidya story should only cover "x"


Because the series establish itself with very Middle ages politics, then applies a lens of limp-wristed American Ideology on top.

We're supposed to assume turning someone magically straight is bad and immoral, when in reality, he was the sole sire of a noble house and intended to carry on his families legacy.

This was never given a thought, everything putting a block in front of a rampant homosexual was bad and wrong and he needs to be a free little soul and let his faggotry flourish..... because for some reason, we're supposed to follow 21st century morality.

Using modern topics makes your setting topical, and thus less credible with internal consistancy.

See: Dragon Age Origins with the Dwarf woman who had a female consort, because Dwarven Politics didn't give a shit about that and she already sired offspring.

I honestly dont know if you're joking or not. That's not a dig at you, that's a remark about bioware.

Dorian is actually a bro. Iron bull can kill himself though. Just gayder trying to placate his own fetishes and refusing to make a female Qunari for the same reason while acting like people who wanted to fug dwarfs are pedos.

>Vidya story should be internally consistent and not just a platform to spout dated one sided debates.

>His parents would be more upset he's a mage

Not in Tevinter. The whole issue is that his father is a powerful mage and wants to continue his family bloodline into the future and having a gay son ruins it.

Me too I like the bit where I sit on the roof and the bit where I become a red jenny

I enjoyed Vivienne a lot actually. It is a bit silly for her to go hiking with you, but it was very refreshing to have a character that doesn't suck up to you in any way and has her own strong opinions on everything. Especially in DAI which is very centered on the Inquisitor and how great you are.

If DAI had less busywork in huge open locations and more actual interesting quests in smaller environments it would be a very solid game. I wonder if DA4 devs will recognize that or go full retard and create DA:Andromeda.

>Dad upset his son is gay so the family line can't continue
Just jerk off and use your magic to freeze the sperm, then let your parents juice some suitable chick and they can raise the kid. If they just want a heir then there's a bunch of options.

It's not a joke, it just means you're fucking ignorant about the topic and should shut up already. You literally missed the entire point of his plotline.

I didn't really like his character, so I didn't bring him along.

The fuck kind of world you live in?

Gays have bars, there are gays in position of power. There are certainly people who hate them, but there are people who hate them for any reason. No one is not hated.

Or the faggot can take one for the team, think about butts for a moment and knock up a suitor.

But apparently that is evil and wrong and faggots can only be blossoming fruits with each other.

I thought she was fine at first. By the time she tells you about her childhood I fucking hated her

>Noble women takes you, a elf orphan into her home and raises you
>Find out she made one lie about a baker being racist because she wanted to do something nice for you
>write her off as a bitch and hate her for the rest of your life despite taking you in and treating you like her own

Let me ask you this, do you want those topics to be obliterated from just vidya, or every entertainment medium?

It's not like lit-fantasy hasn't had gay rights shit in it before, but lit-fags don't care

Don't talk shit about my goblin wife

To be fair he had a pretty decent character story imo with his whole having to decide between the Qun and his mercenaries.

My fave choice was choosing to make Cole more human or not though.

no one cares fag

I find pandering topics just reduce the setting to a soapbox.

Nobody likes being told what to think, especially from their entertainment.


The problem with Sup Forums is that constant Sup Forums infiltration causes every legit criticism to be reduced to identity politics

DAI was filled with MMO trash, and timesink filler at the expense of storytelling, but all of the criticism turned to screeching about "numale soyboy gays trannys"

MEA was a narrative abortion with even more MMO trash filler and dreadful dialogue, but all the criticism turned to screeching about "numale soyboy diversity hires"

your wife is shit

Counter point:

Isn't the point of an RPG to play a role?
I have no issue with the inclusion of chracters like Dorian or Krem, but the problem is that the game forces you to interact with them in certain ways.

The game makes you sit through an after-school special bullshit conversation with Krem and Iron Bull's troops about how how Krem is trans, but you are never given the option to say either "I think that's wrong" or hell, even "I honestly don't care and don't want to hear about it"

If the game let you say "fuck off" to the trans soldier and his troops left because they didn't like you, that would be appropriate because you can play a role and experience the choice and the consequences. But the game railroads you into a certain interaction "you're so courageous Krem I totally support you" because they have a message they want to send.

The answer to inclusion in RPGs is MORE role playing, not less.

Yes, he's likeable, but I'm still a little bit disappointed. It's like with Val Royeaux. You always heard those amazing stories about it, but when you finally get to see it, it's just underwhelming. Tevinter mages are so different from what we've seen until now, but instead of giving us a companion, who embodies everything that makes their culture unique (especially the risky topics like bloodmagic), we get Dorian, who hates the backwards ways of his country. I wanted more dialogue like the conversation about slavery.
It also seemed weird how they let his banter with Iron Bull evolve. Having these two in your party should lead to conflict. Instead we have a few arguments in the beginning, before the sexual remarks are brought into it.

Please don't remind me

I'm pretty sure it's Sup Forums bitchin about SJWs at this point. A lot of western RPGs are bad because of technical and mechanical decisions, but lol no, it's all the SJWs!

Dorian is the best companion Bioware has ever written. Sera on the other hand...

No one hates Dorian, he is the only good part of the game.
That tranny, bull, retconning Qunari and turning them into moderate muslims, lesbo goblin, shitty story which continues dumb red lyrium plot, atrocious combat system, dialogue wheel, lack of tactics, shit quests and main quest, forgettable villain, ending in dlc and tons of other stuff is criticized.

You're retarded and Bioware hasn't made a passable game in over 10 years.

Here's the princess, user. Take one for the team, will you ?

>No one hates Dorian, he is the only good part of the game.
Some of the other companions are pretty good too. Blackwall is probably up there for having a genuinely interesting character conflict, Solas is alright, Varric & Cassandra are inoffensive, but nothing too great, and whilst I disliked him as a character for the most part for the way he was written, Cole's personal quest was kind of interesting too.

Overall though, you're right, the game's a mess.

the sjw shit didn't even factor into why I disliked this game, more that everyone is slathered in a thick varnish of baby oil and it has fucking fetch quests in a single player mmo. It also copied Garrisons and companion missions from Warlords of Draenor which was a stupid facebook tier game mechanic from WoW at the time. It just had a lot of shitty things going on it it.

Dragon Age has never pretended to be anything resembling historically accurate.

This, they do it in andromeda with the trans character in that. After they tell you your only options are to congratulate them, or ask why they choose the name Steve in particular. There's no option to dismissively go "Yeah great, whatever." or tell them you don't really give a shit.

With Krem I remember the worst thing you could say was "WAIT, YOUR TRANS?" and that's it. No matter what you do bull will start rambling about how the Qun views trans people and end it with a "THEY ARE REAL MEN." it's pretty ham-fisted in its message.

Still fucking sucks that they kept Varric but none of his wise cracking from DA2. Like why fucking bother at all?

I don't think you'll be able to continue your bloodline with her anymore.


When Krem reveals that he is trans, you can just totally ignore it. And you can just not speak of the topic at all with Bull. I sure don't, because it's cringy as fuck and really is just blatant '' look at this tranny aren't we diverse!! ''

Or do you really need a '' eww you are a tranny? gross '' option or something?

She's the last noble heir left in the entire kingdom. So just stop thinking about your twisted fantaisies involving muscular pretty boys and do it !

>Go to hinterlands
>Random soldier starts telling me about how they need blankets or herbs or some shit
>I, the leader of the organisation, have to go out and gather the materials myself, instead of sending out men to do it for me.

Why do games do this? Why do they try and make you leader of a faction but it just feels like your everyone's bitch doing their job for them, fallout 4 being the worst example.

I kicked that toad off the squad. I never do that sort of thing in RPG's because I hate closing off potential quests or whatever but nothing was worse than the shit that came out of her mouth.

But what does it accomplish, when she's too old to have kids?

To be fair, the qunari view on the issue even in DAI would be a nightmare for SJW's in real life. If you're a warrior, then you're a man. Period. That's anathema to what they actually want, which is just choosing whatever they feel like whenever they want and forcing others to bend to their will.

Too bad Bioware in all their pre release materials marketed him as if he was like pic related.

I like Vivienne. She's not afraid to be a conservative.

If I want to role play as someone who's a dickhead, yeah I do. I thought I was playing a roleplaying game. I can kill a fucking child in the original, or have his mother do it instead. I can fuck the girl some elf fag likes and tell him to his face that I cucked him, yet I can't tell a tranny I don't give a shit about their life story.

And yeah, you can talk to pull about it later but he'll always start telling you how the qun is alright with trannys and that they're real men no matter what you do?

Because DAI was originally supposed to be an MMO, and the Hinterlands are the best example of that.

What if someone wants to roleplay as a traditionalist Templar who hates Tevinter and thinks such stories are examples of the decadent sinfulness of magic-influenced Tevinter culture?

I'd play an RPG with Big Gay Al as a party member.

They probably would ask why only mage characters are able to make other mages Tranquil as punishment, before complaining about dialogue options regarding an unimportant NPC.

I love how fruits got nothing to shitpost anymore now that the truth has been laid out for them

Don't you think that's a little specific..? Now you are just being silly, it's not like the devs have infinite amount of money to quench every kind of roleplaying opportunity.

I'm almost convinced it's a shill tactic of some kind. 90% of AAA game discussion on Sup Forums consists of talking about minorities and twitter posts from developers.

So a normal person reads a Sup Forums thread about the newest game, gets the impression that the only issue with it is that there's a tranny somewhere and that the chief grass model designer doesn't like Trump, and buys it happily.

Same way game journos are paid to praise diversity instead of actually focusing on gameplay.

That's how RPGs work.

You provide broad responses so that individual role players can fit their role playing into it.

It's why most games go for the classic
when it comes to responses... so you DON'T have to plan for every role playing contingency, but give a broad range.

This is basics of game design for RPGs


>Bought Mass Effect Andromeda
>Its basically Mass Effect 1 with more features
>Enjoyed it entirely

Yes, but that's a problem with DAI that goes far beyond the dialogue options with Krem. While presenting you 3 options most of the time, it's not the classic choices you just described, but diplomatic / funny or sarcastic / irritated diplomatic.

If you can fit your role playing into a broad response like positive, neutral, negative, I think you can do so with the options given with Krem's tranny dialogue. You can ignore his tranny shit or ask a personal, kind of insensitive question. I don't think ANY of the choices are supportive to begin with, just neutral. There was no '' good on your for being a tranny!!!! I support you! ''

But in general Krem was horrible, there shouldn't have been any dialogue regarding his '' condition '' because it was just a silly side comment on Bull's big boobs. It isn't a very good or important character development or roleplaying opportunity to begin with.


Yeah, except the
>good story and world building
>likeable, well written characters
>interesting locations
>a protagonist who isn't a soyboy or autistic
>good villain
>animations not made by interns

You shoot aliens in both games and that's that.

I'm pretty sure you can disapprove of Dorian's homolust though.

I don't think you can outright say '' ew gross gays '' but you can tell him to stop flirting with you and tell him to spare the details on his homosexuality, but that's about it.

>dai was good!
>yaaass slay lesbo downie elf

so this is the power of /soyboy general/

it was a shitty game permeated with sjw shit, which only made it worse.

is dragon age a good series if I don't care much about SJW / cringe shit? Is the gameplay fun? Which game is best?

Origins is the best of the bunch.
2 is absolute horseshit and Inquisition is an anti-fun, single player mmo, sjw layered experiment.

Dragon Age: Origins is one of my favorite games, everything other in this series is complete garbage, though.

>he will never plow femwarden
feel bad man

>Sup Forums unironically discussing DA:I
How times have changed

You're trying too hard.
Gay or Straight, fucking a post-menopausal Woman is not going to bear fruit.
Dorians father just wanted a son, any son, and Dorian could have found the prettiest chick, or most masculine, and reproduced.
That's it.

Dorian's father was even ok with his son being a faggot, so long as he made an heir.
I like Dorian but his character was obviously just the devs pushing in a "fag with parental issues" character.

This. It's sad that Sup Forums has to resort to SJW to argue when a game is bad when there are way bigger issues with the game.

I was excited for RE7 before it came out while Sup Forums cried about being like Outlast.
Loved it when it came out and was the most fun I had with RE since RE4.

Yeah Dorian was likable but the game was still shit.