It's over

The FCC just announced its plan to slash net neutrality rules, allowing ISPs like Verizon to block apps, slow websites, and charge fees to control what you see & do online. They vote December 14th. But if Congress gets enough calls, *they* can stop the FCC.

Other urls found in this thread:

you have to go back

they keep moving the date. perpetual delay may be the best approach to this.

>december 14
no more burgers on the internet? best birthday gift

It's a futile effort, OP.
Killing net neutrality is something Sup Forums wanted.

Are you fuckin' serious m8
This effects you and your shitposting capabilities.

Damn, it feels good to not be an American.

no it doesn't

congratulations on being fed soros and google propaganda

please go bakc to where you came from

>the state of americans

Can't wait for Sup Forums to get placed under "extreme content" category you have to pay $30 extra a month to access. Good fucking luck convincing your parents to buy that tier of internet.

GO back to 2014 kid
No one cares

It's more like most of Sup Forums's user-base doesn't care.

What America does, the world follows.

I'm not a burger. I don't give a fuck.

>land of the free

Only reddit soyboys are for destroying net neutrality.

>I have no brain and i must shitpost

Your post is not funny at all. Dont try again. Just kys. And OP too.
Reddit is your place

>What America does, the world follows.

lol no, the world sits back and laughs.

>moot, a literal cuckhold
>Sup Forums, intellectuals

The choice is obvious

I still have no fucking clue what net neutrality is supposed to be.
Everyone is saying something else and many times both sides have the same arguments.

no one cares pajeet

Get lost, newfag. This isn't something you can just scream reddit at. This is serious.

dude, not so fast. this shit happens to all of you as well as soon as this shit hits the states

I've been here longer than you, faggot. And it fuckin' does. This site barely operates as is, you think Hiro's going to shell out enough japbucks to put Sup Forums in a decent paybracket?






I doubt that given how Sup Forums got Trump elected and it's one of the websites defending the abolishment of net neutrality the hardest.
There will be an unofficial order to make the site except of restrictions.

How many times have they tried this? Seriously.

yeah the rest of the world voted for a reality show star

can we go 3 months without doing this song and dance

>Everything reddit agrees with I have to disagree with
Is it worth it being a contrarian when you're being harmed because of your retarded ideology?

Oh its not meant to be funny lad. What will be funny is when you retards suddenly find yourself faced with paying extra for specific sites and you wonder to yourself "Hmm, how do I blame this on Soros and not myself?" Those mental gynastics will be amusing.

Reminder that only soyboys support Net Nutrality

>. This isn't something you can just scream reddit at. This is serious, kid.

*Tips fedora*

Again? Jesus christ, when will they stop?

I don't know who my representatives are though

How ignorant can you be

There's only one man who can stop this:

Trump said it’s a good idea and he’s given me no reason to regret voting for him.

They’ll keep trying until they finally get it.

Have you even done any research? If this shit goes through it is designed to be symbiotic in such a way that it cannot be removed. You will have to pay to view individual websites and ads will be more rampant than ever. When other countries realize that this is a money forest they will do it too.

welcome to canada

>wanting companies to be able to charge you based on your usage of various websites


now fuck off fag

>CTRL+F "reddit"
>3 results
>post this
I'm gettin' real tired of seeing you faggots shilling for reddit in every thread
>close thread

Im so tired of the net neutrality shit coming back time and time again like some kind of zombie

Just let them win, fuck the internet.

This. Trump got our backs.

not until they win or they lie dead at our feet

No it isn't.

>being a marxist demanding the government regulate everything

Battle For The Net

CGP Grey


Huffington Post Article about ISP's abusing their power

Verizon Protests

It keeps companies from comcast from throttling services like Netflix or anything else you might connect to

This, can anyone explain to me in layman’s term, what it does? I hear something about being charged more for certain sites, but then I also hear some saying net neutrality promotes censorship. What’s going on?

Correction: 6 results as of the time of this post

yes I actually know what NN does unlike most unintelligent sheep here. It's not the savior that people think it is and most big tech want to keep it because it makes them money. This whole thing is propaganda by big tech.


this is what we get for allowing monopolies to form under our nose







Lol @ American internet

Net neutrality is the only reason why Sup Forums remains a thing. With all the shit going on politically do you think Comcast is going to want to take flak for allowing people to access the racist sexist shitholes of the internet?

How the great have fallen. It wasn't like this when moot was still here.

yeah I'm sure the government of the united states of america will mandate to each and every single private ISP that they specifically not charge extra for a forum that the mainstream thinks is effectively a haven for CP and murderers

I mean is this really the point that we're at? You're just going to blindly allow this to happen and say

>We'll WE'RE not gonna be affected by it! We're special!

Look how triggered you are by replying to every comment that calls you out on your bullshit. It's time for you to go back to The_Donald and cry about how mean Sup Forums was to you today.

I'm pretty sure reddit users breathe oxygen as well. you should start sucking off the exhaust pipe of your car so you're not caught breathing the same air as reddit you dumb faggot.

>mfw Americlaps voted themselves off the internet
>and they're fucking proud of it

>what Sup Forums wanted
Since when is Sup Forums one person?

this. They suffer nothing for the attempt so they'll just try to wait until we're all sick of fighting it.


wow guys

this is totally not leftist propaganda AT ALL

you have to kill yourself

you have to go back

>this kills the Netflix
Not seeing a downside 2bh


if ISP don't like government regulations they can just return the billions of dollars they took from tax payers.

Net neutrality TLDR version

let's go storm some corporate offices
lobbyists and lawyers get the bullet first

comcast doesn't give a fuck about anything other than money
I've been pirating shit for years and all I get is letters about some DMCA thing

>not wanting government regularion on some things but not others to strike a balance between total government control and total anarchism
I want freedom but I also don't want to be fucked over by corporations.

>voting to destroy their own communities.

These guys honestly don't sound very smart.

I sound like an autist, and its pretty late so i don't want to disturb anyone

can i just send a email? maybe a letter?

Are you fucking 14? This better he bait.

>Living in a third world country

so what if it's leftist when it's true though? This shit isn't about partisan politics.

Makes it easier to kill yourselves.
No wonder suicide rates are so high on murrica.

get fucked faggot

no NN for you

plebbit also rejects suicide so why don't you off yourself already?

Confusion of terms, probably. Net Neutrality means that every bit of data, every signal etc. is treated equally regardless of source, this means that companies cannot legally charge more for people to use one service over the other, or have one user pay more for internet than another.

What it basically means is that you, a user, have a default speed determined by your service package/router etc. and this is the same speed regardless of what you're connecting to, reddit moves at the same data speed as Sup Forums (unless shit like servers get overloaded or some such but that's a different matter)

Removing net neutrality means an ISP can throttle your connection to certain sites, meaning reddit ends up loading a dozen times faster than Sup Forums because reddit pays your ISP a premium while Sup Forums is soft-blocked as a racist shithole.

You do NOT want your ISP to have power over which sites you can conveniently visit, you do NOT want to be rid of net neutrality. Your ISP meanwhile would love nothing more than to have this power, for obvious reasons.

>Want to regulate the guy who tries to circumvent the free market and has effectively succeeded in areas


Unless you're a fucking anarchist you can accept that occasionally there is an actual reason to regulate something

>this thread is full of piss, i'll just top it up with some of my piss too that should help

>vote a literal retard into office
>fuck the environment
>now essentially vote for a castrated version of the internet
Contrarianism has gone too far.

If liberals like net neutrality then it is clearly detrimental to society. Fuck net neutrality.

>netflix stopped giving a fuck because it'll hurt their smaller competitors more than them
Nice job.

Thank god corporations will make more money. That's what is really important.

I haven’t laughed this hard in years

The fun part with phone calls is that they're difficult to ignore compared to written correspondence.

if you're too dumb to understand why net neutrality is important then you pretty much deserve to have your porn taken away.
that being said posting about it in a thread on Sup Forums is one of the furthest things you can do from being productive. Nobody who has any power in this situation is going to be reading this.

Yes it is.

Read what NN actually is and why democrats want to keep it.

Quit being fed propaganda and use your mind you sheep.

I used to be for net neutrality but then I saw Redd*t and the l*berals are for it too so now I'm against it because I want to spite them in every single thing even if it affects me too

>retard liberals thinking trump wouldnt remember the site that won him the election
back to r*ddit kids

>Letters about some DMCA thing
This is why new Sup Forums sucks. Everyones a fucking redditor that knows jack shit.

I can't wait to watch a bunch of fucking millenial cunts ruin everything good about the internet. Comcast's gonna laugh their way straight to the fucking bank. Get ready to pay for website "packages", just like cable TV.

At least when the internet gets doled out to us piecemeal I'll be happy knowing it fucked you too.

This also kills [that thing on the internet you like]

Oh, and it doesn't kill Netflix; they fought it before, but this time have openly stated that they have enough jewbucks to pay for the bracket they want so they're not bothering this time.

kill yourselves
