This is the best controller, you cannot deny

This is the best controller, you cannot deny.

Maybe if you like to eat ass

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>not eating the asshole of a petite, attractive woman
user pls

When will Sony make a good trigger button

DualShock 2

no way fag

unfortunately the thumbsticks feel like they have vaseline on them after a hour or two
you will need some type of grip on them to make it the best

but the shape is good

Literally and objectively the best controller to ever exist in history.

Dualshock 4 feels like a precision tool where other controllers are massive bulky and ridiculous

I like the DS4. I use it for when I slum it and play emulators but use the Xbone controller to play modern games. I also have the steam controller but thats an abortion.

Definatly best dual shock, but the battery life is straight garbage.

I don't know if it is the best controller but it sure is my favorite one and I own several controllers.

If it had 6-right side buttons, like a Saturn Controller, but DS4 everything else. I'd agree


It's the best dualshock sure. I don't think it's the best controller.

brb, getting a ds4


>He uses a mouse and keyboard for anything other than a FPS or RTS

I dont even own an Xbox 1. But I have the controller

>Racing games
>Fighting games
>Flight games
>Puzzle games
>3D Shmups
>Sports games
>Extreme sports games

The best controller is personal preference, retard. What a waste of a thread.

Me too

>3D Shmups

It is. The light bar is fucking pointless and if there was an option to buy a DS4 without it I would. I like to hold my controller facing up sometimes and the stupid light will blind you even on the lowest setting.

The mouse being better than an analog, the keyboard isn't any better than using the buttons on a mouse.

I've never heard of a 3D shoot-em-up.


I personally like the dualshock 2 / 3 better as i felt this one was a little fatter. But the analog sticks are too loose in the ds3 so take the stciks from ds4 and put them in ds3 and you have the comfiest controller.
Although that is my subjective opinion. And i have xboxs
>mfw people enjoy retarded fatass xbox controllers

Pic related for fightan

This for everything else

What bothers me about Xbox controllers is how much they curve inwards at the top, rather than the more rectangular shape of the DualShocks. It really cramps my hands.

I like the useful touchpad

Out of my way console fucking shits.


>used to 360 pad
>Xbox One controller feels terrible
>sticks are too high, triggers have less travel
>try PS4 controller
>sticks are terrible, worse position
>triggers are even worse than on the xbone controller

360 pad is the best, even with the shitty d-pad.

Literal meme. Maybe they'll get it right after a few iterations.

>Games that nobody plays

I'll never get the appeal for the Ds4 controller. It feels, looks and plays like a cheap knock off.


Better than XBOne, worse than PS3/360.

It has good ergonomy, even if I prefer asymmetrical sticks.
Buttons are good, D-pad is good.
Stick clicking, L3/R3 is slippery and shit.
Share/Options buttons too small, touchpad is needlessly large.
L2/R2, the attack buttons, still press down way too easily if you put the controller down.
Light is too bright.
Battery life is too low.

so how are you and the other guy who bought one of these enjoying them so far

What is that weird touch input bar? Never played PS4 so explain this controller to me.

*blocks your path*

It's leagues better than all the shit MS and Nintendo made, but DS2 and DS3 are still better.

Aside from fighting games, I cant think of a single genre where keyboard + mouse isnt the best

It's literally a worthless gimmick
that said the controller itself still feels brety gud

Actually really good. Wish more games had native support for them (or at least acknowledged them and turned on xinput tooltips and such)


Touchbar or whatever it's called.
It's basically two buttons (left and right side), plus it's touch sensitive, so it can have the needless "sweep right to left to turn pages in a book" -gimmick for exclusives.

>touchpad that almost never gets used other than as a basic button
>dumb light on the back for no reason
>pointless speaker that plays tinny sound effects which everyone turns off
Can't say I'm a fan. The r2 has broken on two of mine now as well.

wait, people actually enjoy these flimsy plastic gimmicks?

>I can't think of a single genre where keyboard + mouse isn't the best
You don't play enough games, user

The 2 ends look like dicks with the joysticks as ball. You're literally holding 2 black dicks while fondling the balls with your thumbs when using that thing

Right trigger got stuck yesterday, it will either not respond or trigger when I don't want it to, going to try and take it apart to see what the issue is, fuck buying another.

eh, dualstick shooters like Robotron, while playable with a keyboard, feel better with two sticks. also games like Katamari Demacy, or any games where you get into a vehicle and can just pick up your controller until you don't need to use it

steam emulates xinput so u must be doing something wrong with ur config

>entire population of console virgins switches to DS4

neither of these is anywhere near perfect.
But if you wanted a large improvement to both, just put the DS4 d-pad in the xbone controller, or put the Xbone analog sticks on the DS4. Boom 2 excellent controllers

t.pc+ps4 fag, own both and play a lot on each.

(and im not talking about base DS4 d-pad, im saying PS4 slim d-pad which is also better, aka the newest revision of the controller. it's more rubbery and much more comfortable, whle the base DS4 pad is hard plastic just like the Xbone's)

prove me wrong

oh wait, you can't

you are implying dualshocks aren't made of plastic or flimsy


>assymmetrical joysticks
>d-pad is still one chunk of plastic
no thanks

inb4 retard posting nigga-they-all-chinese.jpg

Best controller hands down.
get better at programming your controller, you can literally use the steam controller for anything

>>d-pad is still one chunk of plastic
Hey, what's that cross shaped thing

>light doesn't turn off

Is there an override or something I can set that makes games recognize it as a 360 controller? Darkest dungeon specifically refuses to, been trying to find out how to switch it.

Its unironically a great controller.
Has all the regular inputs but also more buttons in useful areas so you can do more.

I bought one for Rocket League to get more control. Had to get my muscle memory rewired but im better now with more fingers doing concurrent work.

>goes into settings and sets light brightness to 0

>Needs a controller for fucking Darkest Dungeon.

If you're playing non-steam games, you can just alter the desktop configuration to be a default xinput controller rather than its regular functionality. You do have to set it within big picture mode though, and restart steam/bigpic.


while you cant set brightness to 0 at least on the ps4, you can set it to Dim, which makes it low enough for you not to see it even in a dark room (because the TV light is jut that much stronger by comparison).

People like to make a big deal out of the light, well the xbone controller also has a fucking light you fags, now what?

select your character

>Needs a keyboard and mouse
Try a controller on your couch one day when you can afford your own furniture user, it's very comfy

I'm the first guy
I should have said him and the poster below him

I didn't mean for it to sound like only two people bought it, and wouldn't care if they did if it's comfortable and effective. I should just try one, it's not like they're that expensive.

>xbone has a huge fucking spotlight constantly shining forward off of the console
>ps4 has a quaint little light indicating whether it's off or on

you won't regret it tbqh fampai

>ps4 has huge orange glowing vein when sleeping
>xbone has nothing

Swap the ZR and ZL buttons for triggers and this would be perfect

>no dpad
>one stick
>manlet buttons all the way on the bottom of the controller

I really don't like how the triggers shift in place when fully depressed. Feels cheap.

you should probably see a doctor if you think the power light on the xbone is that bright

or were you talking about the controllers home button, which has adjustable brightness

you know, like everything else about it
the button layout
the deadzone
the vibration intensity
the trigger sensitivity

>This is the best controller, you cannot deny.
Oh butt I can.

>hey bro here's your new controller

>barely noticeable in pitch darkness dimmed orange
>huge vein



I fucking hate women and your waifu's ass is shit. Steam controller is better.

Sorry but this is the best controllers not some controllers if you change them they would be good / I bought because I had to because of shitty standard controllers that come with Nintendo consoles

that bitch better be stockings

This controller is absolute shit but I still use it all the time for emulators on my softmodded Wii because I don't have a classic controller pro, and fuck the gamecube controller

>can bind 3 d-pads to one track side if you really wished
>they can emulate sticks to effectively have 3
>buttons mirror the thumbstick in similarly comfortable ways as DS4's thumbsticks

sounds like you need to try it before you bash it

>can bind 3 d-pads to one track side
>using some soy trackpad in place of d-pad

>they can emulate sticks to effectively have 3
>instead of just having sticks

>buttons mirror the thumbstick in similarly comfortable ways as DS4's thumbsticks
>buttons where fucking sticks should be

Face it, user, that controller is a huge mess.

>soy trackpad
>as accurate as keyboard mouse
they have a stick
>should be
alright head controller director of the world, it's time for you to be impeached, as this is obviously superior.

>as accurate as keyboard mouse
>lacks the tactile feeback of either

>they have a stick
>only one
Give it up, fag. You wasted your money.

just change R2 and L2 back to normal buttons and we got a deal user

To anyone that was in the "should I buy a ps4" thread yesterday Gamestop respond and said "Online orders will received a virtual gift card with their order." so you will get the gift card if you order past the 23rd online.

>repeated the proven wrong opinion points
>wasted money
Actually this controller has proven to be better than any I've ever used, so you're just wrong. Don't judge a book by its cover, plebeian.


99% of every post in Sup Forums ever

I would agree, if it wasn't made like shit.

Sony controllers have the worst durability I have ever seen with any electronic.

Make all the buttons analog again too


The steam controller was pretty cool and innovative, makes me wonder what kind of crazy shit we'll be wrapping our hands around in 10 years.