The endings were just so bad!

>the endings were just so bad!
What would your "perfect ending" be then?

Other urls found in this thread:

Make the plot about the Spread of Dark energy and Reapers actually trying to prevent the forthcoming death of the universe

and for people for say this is a shit idea there's absolutely no way you can justify the official plot being "synthetics wipe out synthetics and organics so synthetics won't kill organics"

The Normandy SR-2 was the first Reaper.

Jeff Goldblum gives the Reapers a cold. A virus. A COMPUTER virus.

The ending itself wasn't bad, the problem was that it had no relevance to your decisions which is what was promised.

Ultimately it's just a shitty game the same as ME2. People overreacted and EA didn't have to fucking rewrite the ending.

Get rid of the star brat. Make my choices throughout the trilogy actually matter. Have one ending in which everything is fucked. One ending in which Shepard dies but everyone else is okay. Another ending in which Shepard lives and retires with his LI. Just end the fucking game after the scene with Admiral Anderson dying on the Citadel.

Honestly, there needs to be a lot more fixed with Mass Effect 2 and 3 for the ending to be completely reworked but this is where I'd start.


Shephard kamehamehas all the reapers and lives happily ever after

How about, one definitive, conclusive ending?