Is this the only Japanese game to present Nobunaga as the blood thirsty savage he really was?
Is this the only Japanese game to present Nobunaga as the blood thirsty savage he really was?
shogun 2
>Everybody freaking out over Nobunaga coming back because she's such a huge asshole
>Nigga Samurai helps out the big bad purely because Nobunaga was his bro
>When Nobunaga does come back, he's like "Nah, I had my life, it was cool, I'm good."
Even when he actually is presented as a horrendously tyrannical asshole Nobunaga is still a pretty cool dude.
Doesn't he have a magical color-changing bird sidekick in Nioh?
Historical accuracy is not the game's strong suit.
>what is nobunaga no YABOU
He wasn't a savage though. Buddhists were autists who kept putting their dick into politics and kept raising arms against him so he put them down.
There is a high chance that the only reason he didn't unify Japan is because one of his retainers couldn't handle to the banter.
what is literally every other game he's in? I don't know a game where he's not shown as a half demon with glowing red eyes
actually his peacock symbolizes nobility and enlightenment.
it also has all elements and most useful passive skills as its innate ability because Nobunaga is one tough motherfucker
Good fuck
>gets resurrected from the dead
>fucks off to be with his ice waifu and chill
is he our guy?
Threadly remider that wirriam has a fucking pixie has his guardian spirit meanwhile the antagonist has motherfucking uroboros
He’s the villain in Samurai Warriors, and the Sengoku Basara series.
5e animal sidekicks aren’t real, they aren’t meant to represent actual pets these historical figures had. they are simply meant to represent the animal motifs and personality traits they had.
you aren’t supposed to play Dynasty Warriors and actually believe ancient China was a bishonen paradise either. what matters is the cutscenes, not the MUH HISTORICAL ACCURACY of a lv.99 6-star weapon Lu Bu chasing every single officer out of the country running for their lives
when do I get moth waifu guardian
also what are the most useful guardians and which have the best attacks
good for him, the pixie actually has the hots for him and grants infinite respawn while the snek is treacherous and would leave him for the next host as soon as he was mortally wounded
>blood thirsty savage
>gets resurrected for a fight before telling the big bad to fuck off
He even went back to see his dead but not dead wife. Is he part of any DLC?
After you beat the 3rd DLC are you able to purchase Yukimura in his /fa/ white coat for transformation?
I'd call him a savage too if he whooped my ass at Nagashino. Fucking Takeda sympathizers.
no, you can fight him in extra matches in the base game, one alongside the nigga samurai, another with his waifu.
You get moth waifu on the last mission in the last DLC she isn't very good
Kato and Kara-jishi are two of the best for raw damage. Kara-jishi is only good if your build relies heavily on weapon skills though.
fuck off, nigger. almost every game calls him demon king
Shark is the best starter because of enemies showing in the minimap
best endgame ones are the Peacock for elemental damage and passives, Phoenix if you’re into crit builds and Saoirse if you want to level up/farm souls
I did it. I grinded co-op for 70k glory, it took a lot less time than I thought it would. You get 2k+ glory per visitor mission on NG+
my whole Glory ever since the beginning was farmed for the thicc onmyo. I never switched William back.
too bad I can’t take off that silly hat
most underrated post itt
Kinda. Pic related is regarded as japanese hero (bottom) and anti-hero (above)
>she isn't very good
so is this playable on PC?
also nobunaga did NOTHING wrong. Everyone in feudal japan was a bloodthirsty power hungry cunt. His only crime was being the best at it.
Should I regularly be switching weapons and leveling different ones up?
If so, what's the best thing to do with the old ones?
this is the only game I can think of that portrayed him as non-villainous
>so is this playable on PC?
Yes, silky smooth 60fps.
Isn't he like a literal demon in Samurai Warriors?
I know how you feel, but I'm gonna go ahead and flex on you here.
There's a mission later where you have to fight multiple waves of ninjas and ninja revenants before fighting Okatsu and then Hanzo + Giant Toad at the same time. There's a mission where you have to fight Toyotomi and Ninetails at the same time. Shit, there's even a mission with Nobunaga + Yasuke Obsidian Samurai
the Toyotomi and Ninetails one shat on me pretty hard til I managed to rushdown the fox. Playing the distance game is a BAD idea against them, like holy shit it's a terrible idea
*activates living weapon*
in some of the double boss battles, you don't start with a full Amrita gauge to activate, so lol yeah
I'm going to assume you've never played any KT games, user. They literally all present him that way, and he's presented that way in roughly half the movies and TV shows he ends up in, too.
Funny, because my method was opposite. I backpedalled and spammed weakness talismans and kunai at Toyotomi. I think you may have been foolish to target the fox for bursting, since it has significantly more HP.
>Playing the distance game is a BAD idea against them, like holy shit it's a terrible idea
Until you learn how to cope, that's very true. But my build has high agility and whatnot, so I could sprint away quickly and easily, so it just came down to being aware of what each enemy was doing at each time.
Mission's also bugged, because eventually Toyotomi stopped using his second phase but only after a couple rounds where he started with it active.
Nothing stopping you from using some Soulstones to fill it before you trigger the fight.
Pretty much this, he's literally the demon king in Onimusha.
Not only does Nioh pretty much openly credit him for laying the foundations of Ieyasu's famed peace, but it has him act quite rationally. The only thing Nioh does to make him look bad is tell you about some of the nasty things he did. But they don't even lie, the loading screen text for Mount Hiei fully acknowledges that the place was home to military activity, which is something Japan loves to ignore while they talk about how he killed everybody there right down to women and children.
How the fuck was Tadakatsu Honda like a deer?
>can consistently get to Hanzo
>Giant Toad wrecks my shit every time
Many of the spirits have explanations if you go to the Guardian Spirit Illustrations page.
>How the fuck was Tadakatsu Honda like a deer?
Well in this case, they gave him a Stag because his famous helmet had antlers.
The trick is to carefully get Hanzo down to about 70% total HP and then pop LW and use whatever buffs/debuffs you want and just fucking button mash and hope you can burst him down before the toad gets up in your face. Just beat it on Way of the Strong last night.
You can use spirit stones to fill your amrita guage over and over as many times as you wish until you run out of stones, which are easy as fuck to get, so lol yeah
his armor had antlers
I'm 2 hours in the game. How can I play as a qt girl?
Speaking of tadakatsu, I can't be the only one who was laughing their ass off after the first encounter with him. His whole "just give me the sword Il kill myself right now." And pleasing look in his eyes killed me after only really knowing him from the devil kings/samurai warriors series as a unstoppable machine man.
Pleading* brb killing self for phoneposting
>no second weapon equipped
I haven't played since near launch but all the content was so easy to cheese, I'm sure it still is but heard they nerf tons of shit like the 1kat backstab damage I used in the webm
Well you know that historically he was like a real life Musou character?
>Killing dozens of men in each fight
>Holding down bridges and chokepoints to turn the tide of battle
Like, he would just go out and fucking win. Every time. Never lost.
So losing to William was pretty fucking upsetting to him. I loved that moment. It's right up there with Kelley taking the wrong hostage and Nobunaga fucking off to the afterlife after a fun duel with a foreign samurai. Like, you have to realize he only fought William for kicks, because he was such a westaboo.
well Kujaku is still a meme build so it's still at least partially on the table
Weakness Talisman + Kunai Spam is just as easy if not a bit slower.
I can't do it anymore, user. I'm fucking done. This game just isn't fun anymore when you get to NG++ and get killed in 1 hit by everything that even looks at you funny.
Yeah the hostage thing was good too. This games been surprisingly enjoyable.
With a hot wife like Nohime waiting for him in the afterlife, of course he'd rather head down than hang around with some weird Brit cultist-looking guy.
Only reason I used Kujaku was because his damage buff stacked with carnage, does it still work?
Jokes aside, he felt being resurrected wasn't ethical or morally/spiritually acceptable. It's in his Spirit cutscene. He didn't like getting Jesus'd
yup, it's been carrying me through the DLC and NG+ pretty hard
Yes Kujakus damage buff still stacks. Its one of the best guardian spirits in the game for that reason
I found that fight fine, but this fight fucked me up.
Honda like never blocks so seems weird to not blow him up first.
But Tachibana is really bad at managing his Ki. Just toss a kunai or something at him when he investiably overextends himself and go do a finishing blow.
Yeah I know, he also felt that he had accomplished enough in his life and laid the foundations for his follower and his follower's follower to finish the rest of what he'd set out to do.
Nobunaga's really cool in this game.
Kou Shibusawa is a big fan of him. He even voiced him.
the faster enemy is always the more dangerous
Kessen 3 white knights him to the extreme and made Mitsuhide as a moustache twirling (figuratively since he is clean shaven) scheming villain who plotted his betrayal for some time rather than turning on him due to mistreatment and losing of faith.
>PS4 player
>Want to unlock Nobunaga so I can play as /OurGuy/
>Don't pay for PS+
>Can't get the points necessary without grinding
Awful game design.
yea and that's why i'd kill Honda quickly so you can focus all your attention on shiggy, since his main threat is his unpredictability in reacting to attacks (comboing directly into hyper armour moves when you go to attack him etc).
Like with Nobu and Nohime I always take out Nobunaga first because Nohime is the biggest threat.
theres a difference between villain and enemy
donate all unused gear to the teahouseguy and quit to your ps4 dashboard right after and youll still keep the items you woudlve donated and the glory
you can get up to 100k glory this way per week
Does William's accent sound kinda goofy to any of you or is it just me?
Did you know him?
nobunaga din du nuffin