Switch has 2 95% games in its first 9 months

>switch has 2 95% games in its first 9 months
>POS4 has none in its lifetime
So this is why so(n)yboys are shitposting about the switch all day.

Other urls found in this thread:


>b-but n-nintendo bonus!!!!! :^(

>DKC tropical freeze
>greatest 2D platformer this decade
>83% metacritic
Damn that nintendo bonus!

Peasants like this make me smile. Ah, the PCMR

can you only afford 1 platform?

I can afford a PC that can beat any current gen system in graphical performance, and emulate anything else. I don't need other systems.

Nintendbros are sure insecure about their toy tablet with kids games.


>I can afford
the way you worded it that makes it sound like you don't actually have this PC yet?

>PC mustard race keeps talking about how it can emulate any console so theres no point in owning them
>can barely run 3DS games well after 5+ years
Also have fun never owning anything. Just a license to rent code.

I do

>POS4 has none in its lifetime
Dragon Quest Builders and Dragon Quest XI are both worth 95. But both are also coming to Switch.

>rent code
well, that's if you buy the game ;)

Lmao nintentoddler can't even type

post speccy

POS4 stands for piece of shit 4 you fucking autist.
go back to sonygaf.

>95% games
So Switch games aren't even 100% games? They're like game surrogates?

away from pc rn
mightyape.co.nz/product/baboon/26510908 this but a handful of mods (wifi card)

>away from pc rn

i am though nintenfag

no you don't have a pc

sure thing

I do own a pc

this emulation meme never gets old.
must be great to build your own pc just so you can play 10 year old games. and let's be real, no matter how easy you fags want it to sound like, it's not.

you guys just list all the things that you theoretically can do on your pc while people are still having trouble getting gta iv to run.

I actually love being able to pick up a classic game for free and upscaling the res so it looks much better than the original. enjoy buying physical copy just for a 10yr old game

It only takes about 1-3 years for a nintendo system to be emulated at a decent speed

Take cemU for example. it's a wii u emu that's actually pretty stable after a few years

>no speccy
whether you actually have a pc or not is irrelevant, the fact you actually own one of those garbage gamer prebuilt pcs speaks volumes. I'm willing to bet you're just some prepubescent teen most of Sup Forums seems to be anyway

Pic related, it's my build. Nothing special, but it's on par with yours and I paid literally half what you would've paid.

I agree with , there's something oddly satisfying about the process of emulation itself, and obviously in most cases you'll be able to play the game better than the original hardware could. Although I've tried cemu and it's pretty garbage, really poorly optimised with most of the games not working, so I think this is really, really stretching it. SM3DW, Cpt. Toad, Woolly World, TPHD, DKTF, and BotW work alright but everything else is simply not playable (and even then, BotW, DKTF, and Woolly World have a lot of issues; and every game has audio clipping errors). Dolphin is personally my favorite emulator and one of the most reliable, the devs are fucking wizards.

cemU isn't perfect now but give it a few years
and yeah, dolphin is black magic at its finest

I admit cemu has been improving a lot, the 1.11 update increased performance by like 10-20% which is actually quite a big deal as for many that'd make the difference between questionable ~25 fps and playable 30. Although it is a shame that the xalphenos fps patch is basically required unless you have a high-end i7 skylake+ or better. I was extremely impressed with how well cpt. toad and 3d world emulate in particular, though. Still, I picked up a wii u anyway to play the games properly as I got sick of the audio errors and being unable to play a lot of the games.

Fair enough, that's the issue with more recent consoles. If a Nintendo game won't emu nicely, you're fucked because we just won't get a pc port