Are normies going to boycott Red Dead Redemption 2 when they find out it has micro transactions?
Are normies going to boycott Red Dead Redemption 2 when they find out it has micro transactions?
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>my holy brand only evil people will dislike it
You literally have nothing abut a name to defend like that,, slave. Guess what? You are the normie.
Le reddit army reporting for duty
Good post, I like you user.
What the fuck are you talking about?
They'll boycott it once they see it won't be on PC.
I don't understand all the hoopla.
Yes, multiplayer will probably have them. Who gives a fuck? I don't care about multiplayer. As long as the single player is free of them, I really don't give a shit.
All the fuss over multiplayer is retarded. We all know its a money maker. The real focus should be on singleplayer. As long as that doesn't have them I don't care.
>implying anyone will be able to afford the gaming package from their isp after this week