Is this gonna run at 60fps...

is this gonna run at 60fps? I dont think I will be able to get use to less than that after playing this for so many year at stable 60fps on 3DS

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30fps on consoles. Which is unfortunate.
supposedly could be more on Pc whenever the fuck they plan to get around to that.

30FPS cap on consoles. No news on PC version

I'm used to playing on delicious 18fps on the PSP1000, anything more than that will be welcome

the fuck you talking? The game ran and looked like shit on 3DS.

This isn't strictly true. The pro/x versions are capped at 60; that said, it seems to hang around the 45 mark. I've played it myself, and there are plenty of videos around at above 30fps.

>play at 60 FPS on PC
>take twice as much damage
No thanks.

git gud faggit

Nigger, MH4U ran at 30 - 45 FPS on 3DS.

There is no concrete information that Pro or XbX versions will have the option to play it at 60FPS.