Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo is available on Japanese and other Asian PS Store. store.playstation.com/ja-jp/product/JP0177-CUSA10583_00-RYUKIWAMI2JP0000 Thoughts so far? Compared to Y6 demo framerate seems stabilized, combat has faster pace and the music is close to original Y2, as opposed to Kiwami 1. I'm liking it so far and at worst I can see it at least as good as Y2.
Also compared to Y6 demo, Kiwami 2 already features westernized confirm/cancel buttons on western consoles (X for confirm, circle for cancel)
Can't be arsed setting up a JPN account for it, all I know is that its from when you enter Sotenburi for the first time till you meet Ryuji at the Grand.
Asher Hill
Fuckkk and I need to play 6 and 0. I forgot is 0 the one with the "golden times" where you get super rich. I like that one.
Sebastian Foster
some fun new moves
Noah Rodriguez
Looks pretty cool, actually.
Elijah Young
It's definitely way more enjoyable to play than 6, and the new moves make the combat less boring, even if I still prefer the old styles from before 6
Joseph Brooks
What's better 0 or 6? I only have the budget for one of them atm
Grayson Lee
6 isnt even out, only in Japan but the game sucks compared to the rest of the series.
Jace Ramirez
Y6 is not out in the west yet. Y0 is generally considered the best or second best Yakuza and it's currently on sale on PS Store.
Nathaniel Smith
I know the engine doesn't run perfectly yet, but man i'm still impressed by the lighting and that they even had the money to make a new engine to begin with. These games usually have no budget at all