The Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo is up on the JP store

The Yakuza Kiwami 2 demo is up on the JP store.
You played it already, right Sup Forums?
New Karaoke song about Majima:

Other urls found in this thread:!QNtQ3IRY!-0rDJa4gz61Sd9Fex-HIdFQgMf5wRQxUXHpr3fdQaO4!UwBl1IyI!EJnBwAqoJ5VholZL3eT9qBWqCZWVSgA-sAAtsPPDeWg

What is in the demo?

More garbage gameplay

Where is the NA announcement? I want some Yakuza: Zero levels of content/polish.

At PSX or VGAs.

>combat improved from 6
>weapons are back
>remixes from the original 2 are good
>framerate is slightly better even on regular PS4
Well done Orange Man

Also, here's the cover art for Like a North Star or whatever it is called.

We can always depend on Nagoshi to make things slightly better.

So I've only played 6's demo and now this one. What happened to the different combat moves? Why is pressing triangle always giving me the leg sweep.

This, I can't believe they still use the shitty 6 combat.
They just tackled on few new moves and sped up the animations a bit, not only that but they didn't fix the animations from 6 and they still don't connect properly.
But still the most annoying thing to me is how they reuse the assets, random models from 5, 0, 6 scattered around, RGG studio really lost their touch after all those years, now shitty rehashes with paid DLC will come as a standard now.