Yakuza Thread

The Kiwami 2 demo just went live on Japanese PSN; it's around 9gb.

36 minutes remaining.

is it here yet

It's out, but I'm still downloading it. I just wanted to bump the thread for when its done.

hope devilleon streams

>X is accept
Is this because I switched to my non-Japanese account?

I don't know what information there's been about it, but it starts at chapter 2 on the way to Osaka.

>30 minutes

Oh shit there's a demo? That's cool.

I wonder what will be different from the final release.

Bikes are still as powerful as 6.

Yawn these games yawn so boring yawn Asians look like retarded weasels

so why are you here?

Are these games actually good? What is the appeal? Is Yakuza 0 a good place to start?

If they were bad games, we wouldn't be sittin here discussin it now would we? The appeal is fun combat and lots of minigames with general sillines.

So, did they remove the taunt button in 6? I noticed in Kiwami 2 it's now set to a different button

Yeah, it's gone there. So it's back now?

I haven't played Yakuza 2 since 2009 so i don't remember much, but i remember it being awesome and i still feel like it's my favorite.

I loved the romance between Kiryu and the female cap and i was extremely sad she was quickly written out early in the story of 3.

She made Kiryu feel more human.

Yeah, down on the D-pad.

>zero came out earlier this year
>kiwami came out a few months back
>they announce like three of them, with a hokuto one and an online one, shortly after
>now Kiwami 2 has a demo

Just how many of these fucking games do they make a year?

Fuck yes, I really missed it in 6

>trying to do a heat move
>do the tiger drop by accident
Holy shit, did not expect to know that at the start. Hope it's just for the demo, though.

>Yakuza Zero was released in 2015
>Kiwami in 2016
>Kiwami 2 is going to in this december
Gee, who knows!

Bikes were busted in 0, and only slightly less busted in Kiwami. You're telling me they're still powerful in 6/Kiwami 2?

I'm okay with that.

Its a yearly series newfriend. 0 and Kiwami came out in 2015 and 2016 in Japan.

More powerful. I'm talking beating a group of 5 guys with maybe 2 swings of a single bike at the start of the game.

he actually did it

Do I have to download it on the ps4? Because I'm not seeing a way to get the demo from the pc jp store browser



I'm so disappointed that they botched AIKA's model. She's much hotter than pic related

How's it run?

So does kiryu fight like he does in 2?

6 was like 30GBs, why is this way smaller

3-5 hd collection when

unfortunately no. he has the fighting style he used in 6.

I like the new dropkick. It's fun.

Is that Kana Momonogi?

people don't actually and unironically think these games are good, right? i mean i play it to pass the time when i'm bored but i've never considered it to be a good game. more like a time killer style game like call of duty

>that remaster of Outlaw Lullaby


Nobody considers you a good poster either, so it's all good.

Yeah, it sounds pretty good. Hopefully the other tracks are just as good, and not messed with too hard.

damn animations look nice, how does the destructible environments play in 6 / Kiwami 2

So for the Y6 players, how does Kiwami 2 handle in comparison?

You can throw people through glass and you can break the stands in convenient stores. You can throw people into furniture and things on the street and they'll get knocked away or break apart, but it's not really a big thing unfortunately.

About the same, but it does seem to run better on a base PS4.

Much fucking better.
>enemies dont block often
>40 FPS
>combat feels faster

>40 FPS
You mean it's unlocked?

Is that supposed to inspire confidence? I'd much rather have locked 30 than unlocked.

Yakuza 6 didn't have locked 30 FPS so its a breath of fresh air

next yakuza game might as well be 60 FPS at this point

In a perfect world, we'd be getting Kiwami 2 at the same time as Japan would. Best we could hope for now is mid-late 2018.

>tfw pre-ordered collector's edition purely for supporting localizations

and i dont even want to play Y6

so i was thinking on buying zero but all the jewtube vids show that the fighting is really boring not really deep or enough variety in movement like counter attacks , parries and too much press x to awesome is this how the whole fighting is?

>Are these games actually good?
>What is the appeal?
Solid beat em up action set in a realistic Tokyo
>Is Yakuza 0 a good place to start?
It's a decent one, best way is to play the series in release order

I did the exact same. The quicker it can get localized in the west the better.

In Japan, the series was released on a yearly basis outside of Kiwami and 6 being in 2016, Western releases are being more rushed to catch up since they stopped after Dead Souls for 3 years

What's the point in playing the demo? It's going to look and play exactly the same as the last 8 games in the series.

>What's the point in playing the demo?
To see if there's improvements over 6 and the engine

What's the point of anything?

>tfw No Tsukasa Aoi in the Yakuzis


Not exactly up to date with Yakuza are ya?

cause you're watching from people who are really bad at these games

How long is the demo?


Can you save progress in the demo like in 6's one or not?

You're free to explore most of the city but it ends after Kiryu mets Ryuji and he makes blow up that building in Kamuroucho

nope, no longer. probably because you can max out stats in the demos easily

>that feel when cant reasonable expect Kiwami 2 in English for a long time

She looks kinda old


Wait for TheEryk24, I think he'll do it today
He's the one who ripped tracks from 6 and Kiwami before their osts

What track is the mini boss theme? Nothing is making me remember

>a guy with a lead pipe
>4 bars of hp and kicked my ass with suh simple attacks
I'm so bad.

Is Honjitsu no Diamond available in the demo?

If the story in these games sucks and the combat is mediocre, why do people play these games?

It would be hard to record cleanly since there's no volume sliders in the demo.

>its the yearly complaing about the battle system sucks episode



If you atleast tried your baiting with some actual arguments (you)'ll get serious replies

that's a 6 exclusive song

>this butthurt

Fanboys that have never played a superior game. It's like cod fans saying every cod is the best fps ever made.

>still baiting

great. the SDcucks are here

>i-its all a lie

Yes and no. There's a lot of cool shit you can do, but a lot of it is either impractical or for very specific situations. For example, there are about a hundred "press x to awesome" moves but unless you swap out weapons regularly you'll be seeing the same ones over and over. There are counters and parries, but they're not very useful until you unlock the final styles for each character.

Basically it depends on how much you put into it. If you use weapons regularly, study the move list, and git gud, you can do some really cool shit. Or you can just mash and chug health drinks and beat the game anyway. It's really fun regardless, but if it's the sole reason you're interested in the game, you'll likely be disappointed. The focus really is on the story/sidequests/minigames.

>Actually good modern game in genre which is considered dead
>It's baaaaaad but I have no arguments
Fuck off

I'm not trying to bait. Nearly every Yakuza thread I go into people complain about how the story is shit and how the combat is shallow. I'm just wondering why people seem to love this series so much.

Because the story is really good. It's easy to complain about, but it's very enjoyable. The combat is easy, but it's not shallow. The series isn't for everyone, I guess.

The stories are garbage, but they're entertaining and the characters are all likable. I wouldn't call the gameplay shallow, but it isn't exactly complex, it's just a beat 'em up.

>shit environment not up to modern standards
>literally smaller map than most last gen open world games
>uninspiring repetitive combat
>bland story with excessive padding
>get random hobos alcohol from 5 different stores to process the story
>randomly switching to some random other character with no fucking idea who he is or how he is relevant
>bland side missions e.g. getting some random kid a video game

After playing 0 and Kiwami I have to ask. Are all the games in the series this similar? Will there always be a chapter devoted to stumbling upon a coliseum?

>stories are shit
that's just 3,4 and 5

>Will there always be a chapter devoted to stumbling upon a coliseum?

I only play for the minigames
Dont mind me

>Will there always be a chapter devoted to stumbling upon a coliseum?
You fight Majima at the coliseum in 2 and 3. With 4, you stumble into it as a new character, and in 5, you have another boss fight in it. I'm told you can't use the coliseum in 6, though.

I see. Guess I'll just have to space them out to not burn myself out.

why do so many people like 4 and 5 then

Good idea. It's pretty easy to burn yourself out playing these games back to back.
New protagonists.
The side content and cities.

>to some random other character with no fucking idea who he is or how he is relevant
this is why starting this series from release order
is not a joke

>Not up to modern standards
Every fucking single game made by japs
Everything else is subjective as fuck, go play some other games, fag

I remember those bunch of posters who started with 0 who swore they would quit the series cause Majima isn't playable anymore