How did a game that managed to keep such an over-the-top story tight and consistent...

How did a game that managed to keep such an over-the-top story tight and consistent, manage to screw that up right at the fucking end?

>manage to screw that up right at the fucking end?
But it didn't and your opinion is shit?

Pic unrelated


>there are people on this planet who dislike the ending to Ghost Trick

Thanks for reminding me to replay this.

The real question is how the fuck did Missile get out of the bottom of the fucking ocean

Having a convenient ticket back in time to stop everything bad from ever happening in the first place has always been a lame copout ending.

How can you wait out 10 years when the "4 minutes after death" thing only lets you experience the last moments of a person's life and is cut off from the rest of the world at that time" Not to mention you can't stay after the person dies, I think.
And how does a ghost fucking grow old and weak?

Ray is the only thing that bothers me. Everything else is amazing.
Am I not allowed to complain about one bit?

He's fucking Missile, that's how.