ITT we trigger womyns showing them that female videogame characters are superior, also Make:APP thread

ITT we trigger womyns showing them that female videogame characters are superior, also Make:APP thread.

the laidless Sup Forums user appears again


I still love my wife.




ITT OP's retarded for thinking there are girls on Sup Forums


MakeAPP is garbage because it assumes every bitch with smooth skin is a ghoul wearing enough concealer to hide a Panzerkampfwagen.

>t. roasties

toasty roasty

She is like a mighty fine wine

>I'm in love with things that don't exist
I mean I agree in the sense that women are generally nothing more than a pain in the ass that you can have sex with, but they at least exist.

She still looks fine without imo.

from the same guy

This apps tone ups the light by a notch so you look paler.

No shit everything looks like shit

We already know that though
>using the word trigger in 2017
What are you, 12?

Why do all girls wear makeup


this honestly just makes people looks like they are 2 weeks away from dying or a terminally ill cancer patient. Their faces looks ghostly

Why are women such liars?

Why dont you?

Isn't that obvious from the beginning?

spotted the tumblretard

Because the app is flawed. Both the people thinking this reveals women's true faces and the people throwing a fit because it's a negative filter are treating the app like it's a divine revelation when it's just a mediocre algorithm that's fun to fuck around with.

>MakeAPP is garbage because it assumes every bitch with smooth skin is a ghoul wearing enough concealer to hide a Panzerkampfwagen.
Woman detected. 99% of women with smooth skin are doing exactly that, because they've absolutely destroyed their faces after smearing crap all over them for the past 20 years.


Because society puts excessive emphasis on a woman's physical appearance. Women, especially young ones, are constantly complimented on their appearance until they believe it to be the absolute central part of their identities. This makes them work very hard at trying to maintain this beauty, even if it's a façade.

Basic gender theory, bud.

Women that are ugly and insecure wear makeup. Only natural beauty can survive the wrath of makeapp. Only virgins and roasties will disagree.

I was complimented on my appearance every fucking day when I was a kid and now I'm overweight and never really cared about it.

>Sup Forums is so full of normies we have regular threads about fucking phone apps


found the newfag

Wrong. TaySway is 10/10 even without it.
Stay mad roastie.

As far as I know Taylor Swift is much better looking than that without makeup.

Holy shit what a salty bitch. Maybe instead they could all take this as an opurtunity to realise their natural beauty and how absurd make up actually is, but no, lets defend the make up industry instead and blame one dude

You're sure'bout that?

make up is a male invention because 90% of women's "natural beauty" doesn't meet their standard of what beauty is.

That would be awesome, I fucking hate make up. Specially because most women don't even know how to use it and end up looking like clowns or dirty whores. I specially hate red lipstick.

Post Gentia.

>insecurity: the article
I looked up the article the other day hoping it would have some good, snarky comments, but it was the most nauseating clit rubbing commune I've ever seen.

Lol, I just thought it was funny to see these pictures, didn't think someone would get salty about it. Looks like women do wear makeup as a mask to trick people.


Well get to working out fatty

Is 2B a white android?

I mean you might have a point but being complimented on something a lot when you're young doesn't really have that effect on you.

because most of them are ugly and makeup makes them look good
men cant wear makeup without being called faggots

>sexist app


Fucking way hotter without makeup

The roastie is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a whore, a bitch, a traitor, a cunt, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But remove her make up and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>implying there are girls on Sup Forums

The fact that he made the app proves what he's a misogynist who hates women just because he's a sad little virgin with a small dick.

>turns into Donald Trump

I unironically watched TYT in the beginning before they went full retard. This dumb bitch was always at that point though, i don't remember ever saying anything that sounded remotely smart, usually she either said the dumbest shit you could think of or repeated what someone else already said. A Masters in Blowjobs if i ever saw one.

Women and League of Legends players produce the purest most beautiful salt.

>tfw male and have to look good without makeup

I agree with this article somewhat. If you can't tell that a woman's eye shadow and eyeliner is not part of her actual face you are retarded.