Post yfw Disney takes the Star Wars license away from EA

Post yfw Disney takes the Star Wars license away from EA


I hope Mickey rips them a new anus

yup yup yuhckhoo!

>disney pulls license away
>bf players can't access servers anymore
a man can dream



>there are people actually trusting The Mouse

Trust me, things are only going to get worse.



Pretty sure it was Disney's idea for the loot boxes.



Nice try EA.

What publisher/studio would you like to see get it instead?

>be disney
>get rid of disney infinity and your own game devs and let others buy a license to use your properties
>MVCI and BF2 are two disasters in a small time period
If Kingdom Hearts 3 fails RIP Disney vidya

Heavy Iron.
They developed this kino, which is an instant indicator of quality.

Yeah, but >THQ, I dunno man. I think I'd go with CDPR just to make sure it's free of rere publisher meddling.

No better yet, Disney Buys the ENTIRE EA and fires all the execs and turn EA into Disney/EA game divisions. DICE be forced to make PIXAR related movie tie in games.

Can they legally do this if they feel like its hurting the image of the franchise? because that would be hillarious.

>Disney takes the Star Wars license away from EA
>they give it to Zenimax

They won't, battlefront will still make them multi billions of money. All the outrage only means more normalfags know about the game.

You know Todd would be a lazy shit ane just rebrand Starfield as Star Wars, rename some abilities force powers, and toss in some lightsabers.


>They won't, battlefront will still make them multi billions of money.
Neither version is in the top 25 bestsellers for video games on Amazon right now.
You were saying?

Sales are down 60% from BFront1, they got hosed.



Post YFW when Disney pulls an EA and buys out EA for its intellectual properties, and then proceeds to EA the fuck out of EA.


Is this even a question? Obsidian.


>Disney will kill EA in your lifetime

>license gets taken away from EA
>it's given instead to Ubisoft

i unironically don't know who i'd rather have make a star wars game than the developers under EA as far as AAA developers though

but that's probably the shooterboi in me speaking, DICE still has it in them to make really satisfying and atmospheric shooters despite some floundering under EA

and they have god-damn respawn, now.

Platinum Games
From Soft

Am I the only one, who thinks that EA might sho the benefits of Lootboxes (for companies)


>platinum games
kind of a meme pick and even though I like platinum I'm not sure I can see them being chosen, their frantic BALLS TO THE WALL melee action style would be welcome under Disney's Star Wars

>From Soft
I genuinely just can't see it. From's style is usually pretty dark and mysterious and I don't see them being a good fit for star wars
i'd definitely try it, they can do it.

Honestly if you just gave DICE like two-three years to work on a proper classic Battlefront game instead of throwing them through project after project or telling them to dumb certain things down

I think they could do a fantastic fucking job


How much effect did Lucas have on the games? ..Because pre-Disney SW games are good.


Haven't used this in a... while

Nobody, Disney should curb their kikery and not sell exclusive rights

ehhhh, they were visibly floundering a little after battlefront 2 and republic commando
>the force awakens
>the force awakens 2
>kinect star wars

what I heard, not that much
only the story


How would he handle the star wars IP


>mediocre loot-em up game with a bunch of normiecore features nobody asked for running off of an unholy hype machine where everyone will violently shout you down if you say "guys you're going to be disappointed"


>Disney takes the licence from EA
>gives it to Activision instead
Search your feelings.

How did EA even get the license in the first place? Did no one at Disney look at their record/reputation?

Based Wednesday

>posting wednesday on a wednesday
You absolute madman!

Release it on every console, PC, VR headset, and charge for “mini-DLCs”

you mean a record of successful FPSes that look gorgeous?

EA doesn't have the "LITERALLY SATAN" rep everywhere mate

It depends on the terms of their contract, user

The most likely answer is no, but contracts like this last for a limited time, and there's no way in hell Disney will renew it.

here's your answer.

Based Chad Lucas

>darth icky

Lucas is the one who when he heard about 1313 told them that the protagonist should be Boba Fett.


Reminder that EA has a 10+ year contract with Disney for the Star Wars license. You will never see a good Star Wars game again.

What if Disney instead creates its own game division and starts poaching