>"Waiting for players"
"Waiting for players"
Other urls found in this thread:
>losing 36% of your player base
>mfw that's like 3 players at best
>checked to see if it is real
>only 8 in game currently
Holy shit, that's low even for Lawbreakers. Wasn't it at 300 a day ago?
Is there ever even two full lobbies in this game?
seems I didn't save the one of the guy literally begging people to play this game with him in the steam forums
was hilarious but also gave me the feels
>please play with me
>lawbreakers started a x2 xp weekend this week
>five(5) fucking players
>tfw some obscure bara scat guro furry VN has more players righ now than lawbreakers
>I need you
So what went wrong Sup Forums? Was it bad marketing? Is the game actually that bad?
Or was it Blizzard squashing their competitors like bugs
He already works on another game with Devolver.
>have like 5,700 discussion threads on steam forum
How is that even possible?
just refund it friend
don't make sad steam posts like that, it makes me feel bad as well
It's a billion dollar IP, guys.
>incredibly ugly tranny characters
>tranny toilets
>costs money
gee I wonder
5700 different people asking stupid questions.
>"Please play with me. I need you"
None of that 60 player bullshit
>sleeping in the queue #deadgame
hey, at least he's aware
It's just charging up now. You know, like a slingshot. It has to go back far enough to shoot forward.
yeah but not that fucking far back
at this point the elastic is fucking broken
The real pity is that this is actually decent game, too bad the PR was the worst shit ever.
>you need the entire player base to fill a single team
>servers still running
God damn
I thought I'd laugh, but instead I felt really bad.
>please respond
>Hillary Clinton pandering
>Rick and Morty pandering
How did it fail?
>Make ow copy without all the things that make ow appeal to mass audience
>Expect it to be good
What were they thinking
when will they pull the plug, Sup Forums? I am very sad for those 4 people playing, I just want them to stop suffering.
CliffyB isn't as big of a name as he wishes it was. Most people who actually know who he is by name don't actually like him very much either. So if anything, including his name in the marketing hurt more than helped.
Oh i fucking needed this today
Do you think those 5 players all know each other?
Poor kid should just refund it.
hes also done a pretty good fucking job at pissing people off. hes a loud mouth, and when he jumped ship from the pc to consoles he talked a lot of shit about how pc games are dead, and then he turned around and proceeded to claim pc was not dead as he called xbox fans butthurt and jumped fence once more.
he also bragged about some dumb sjw tier shit with bathrooms rather than focusing on making a good game.
dudes a retard.
thats just sad
doesnt this game require at least 4 plaers on each team?
only thing which could salvage this is going f2p, who the fuck would buy this if you literally cannot play
>1 million views
What the fuck
Feel kind of bad for it. The game isnt the worse thing ever and could easily be one of those friendly casual games to hop on once a month.
A lesson of why good PR is important. There's reasons why publishers spend millions on marketing and ensuring they don't rock the boat. But seriously lawbreakers shouldnt have spent its entire time in the limelight only for edgey rocking of the boat.
>be cliffy B
>make characters that appeal to the soyboy tumblr crowd
>give them an incredibly boring design, personality, and ugly aesthetics
>arena shooter playerbase wants nothing to do with it because nothing appeals to them
>tumblr crowd hates gameplay and multiplayer shooters so they avoid it too
Is anyone shocked? He put 2 polar opposite design choices and thought people would play it.
Cliffy b is a cunt and he deserves this
So when is he going to do a kickstarter for Jazz Jackrabbit 3?
A million views for a content update but still only 30 players, how fucking sad is that?
Some kid probably asked for this for his birthday, after months of saving up he was able to get it, just for this to happen :'(
Spaz is ableist so they'd have to remove him.
Yeah what the hell? I don't really understand how that's possible.
Wrong target audience.
He targetted the people who like his kind of lip service. But don’t actually play games.
I-I need you too, Jolly...
>you can be 1 of the best players in the world
Gonna buy it now.
h-he he, this is really funny guys, my sides are in the orbit right now hehe ;_;7
-arena style shooters are unpopular
-the aesthetic is hot garbage
-a niche audience settled in then got the rug pulled out from under them with 1.4 (massive regen, global health increase).
I could go on for hours about every stupid mistake and misstep but that's it in a nutshell.
Holy shit my sides.
Just like in that Junji Ito story, the wait times become longer and longer, until the day the wait became infinite and Jolly never played Lawbreakers again
it's almost like consoles exist
>i-i-it's alive on consoles!
The eternal cry of the dead game fanboy.
holy shit his wife is grody
Would you pay for bots DLC guys? Or maybe you would just pick any other game which is not dead?
big streamers were playing it is why
So all Cliffy has to do is pay a couple of big streamers to always play his game, and he'll be set.
that's deus ex
You could probably complete a playthrough of Deus Ex by the time you find a full game in Lawbreakers.
>theres 1000+ people on the lawbreakers discord
>they dont even play the fucking game
Add it to the list of games that sjwwatch has killed.
Oh yeah blame it on blizz, don't blame it on the game being a piece of crap
>battleborn was crap
Alright dude.
I picked Battleborn up for $5 at the Dollar Store, and was actually suprised.
It's extremely mediocre and clying, but not actually "bad." I even did end up like some of the character's gameplay, especially the support characters more than Overwatch. But even Paladins often has better designed characters than OW.
Game isn't terrible. I've played far worse. Problem is the presentation and marketing (which Cliffy B admits was bad, but at the same time it was his fault it was bad to begin with and he isn't owning up to it). Now he's saying they're using the Sunshine character instead of Deadzo (the frowny face thing) and gender neutral bathrooms as the face of the game even though its too little far too late to make any sort of impact on sales since nobody plays it anymore
Instead of focusing on tutorials or guides on how to play the game instead we got
Sounds like almost every other shooter these days.
Damn. That's even less than my favorite open source arena fps
>the last number of my post is higher than lawbrakers's playerbase
you mean mine
>they're using the Sunshine character instead of Deadzo (the frowny face thing) and gender neutral bathrooms as the face of the game
yeah that'd definitely help
this is the actual reason the game failed so miserably
Alright, let's say for some reason Cliff realise how much he fucked up and ask your help to change and save the game. What would be your first change?
This guy put 145 hours into Paladin. I don't think he's a kid either, just ESL.
Switch the ugly girls to jap qt
There are more posters in this thread then active lawbreakers players
Why do you find the failure of lawbreakers so funny Sup Forums? All this is doing is telling the industry arena shooters aren't popular, they won't make a profit and simply aren't worth investing in.
No. Lawbreakers just sucked because it was realistic overwatch for trannies.
I played it during the free weekend, made a post on twitter and Nexon just gave me a code.
I'd like it if it was free. But this is what Cliff gets for shitting on Xbox fans.
1 million people seeing the trailer and laughing at the game
40 people playing the game - mostly in singleplayer because multiplayer matches never start due to lack of players
I'd do two. One: Make it free. Two: Release it on Xbox with free Gears skins.
you cant save a game after it bombed this hard.
you cant revive a dead game. the damage has already been done.
best course of action is to cut your losses - stop development for it, stop wasting any further resources on it, go make a new game instead, and dont repeat the same mistakes that killed this one.
R6 Siege would like to prove you wrong.
First, make it Free to Play.
Second, rework the design of the characters, no more pandering to people that DON'T play games and make their sci fi armors and clothing look more unique from each other.
Third, add tons of content for people to pursue, skins and shit like that.
That looks like it could be quite fun but it's reaaaally cringy
1million views but only ≈1300 likes/dislikes.
lmao they bought the views. Compare the amount of votes with other videos on youtube. I bet the video only has 36k legit views and they bought 1million extra
It's just too hello fellow kids to be good.
>i need you