What do you get out of contrarianism? are you so afraid of having similar opinions?

what do you get out of contrarianism? are you so afraid of having similar opinions?


contrarianism makes sense if you're avoiding a crowd of people that all act retarded

I'm not a contrarian

>I am entitled to my own subjective opinion

>crowd gets lootboxes and microtransactions banned
>lol they're retarded i must suck more corporate cocks!

>tfw enjoy any game no matter the genre or popularity as long as it's good
Feels good to not be a retard.

You do know that hating/liking something most people do or do not like isn't being a contrarian its called being a hipster.

There's a difference between something that's popular because of how good it is and something that's popular because it panders to the lowest common denominator.

You should never love or hate something just because everyone else does/doesn't.

Decide for yourself.

You know that Dr. Seuss book, The Sneeches?
You know how the star belly Sneeches acted like stuck up faggot's just because they had star's on their bellies and the others didn't? It's the same concept, people are always looking for things to make themselves feel special, their "star".


>arguing about arguing
Have we come full circle?

>contrarianism makes sense if you're avoiding a crowd of people that all act retarded

>worried about being associated with retarded people
>posts on Sup Forums, and even worse, Sup Forums
Too late

that picture is inaccurate because now contrarianism has devolved into liking mass marketed garbage because it's now popular to hate it

its not even funny how quickly the tide has turned.

We don't play games, so shitting on the opinion of someone who does is the next best thing.

Most of the criticisms posted here are legitimate gripes with mechanics, sales models, and social modalities surrounding gaming. It is not an echobox and there are a variety of unmitigated opinions. That said I believe the majority of the community here have been playing video games for a long while so generic tropes and sales pushes lose their leverage and the wow factor a lot of games have is greatly diminished due to the seasoned constituents of the board.

On top of that there is a large pool of players that interface with a variety of games so when "new" features are copied or otherwise stolen people here have the experience and devotion to call the development teams out for being uncreative or thieves. We expect better, that's all.

A lot of times the Sup Forums related bullshit gets over-inflated which is a good indicator that, once again, this is a diverse ecosystem.

>this game is shit
>this game is fun

but I think you can all agree that my 5 is pretty fly

well nobody actually thinks like that, so of course it doesn't make sense and no I can't explain to you why somebody would think like that because nobody does
as for me a lot of popular shit (games, music movies) I don't like because they FUCKING SUCK on objective fronts because I'm a nerd who spends way too much time devoted to those hobbies and I care a great deal about the quality of the media I consume

It's not even contrarianism: that would mean Sup Forums supports shitty games that no one likes, such as Battleborn. I figured it out a while back, this is the real answer:

Sup Forums hates things it's able to criticize. No, really. Probably everyone here has at least seen some gameplay of Overwatch. Wanna know why everyone hates PUBG? Because every fucking streamer has shown some of it and everyone knows its mechanics. Breath of the Wild isn't hated because it's popular, it's hated because everybody knows how to attack it. It's a known quantity.

You know why more obscure stuff like Space Station 13, Victoria II, EYE: Divine Cybermancy, or Dwarf Fortress does uncriticized by Sup Forums? Because the average user has no exposure to those games and couldn't even mount a legitimate-sounding critique without doing some substantial research. The most they can say is "the interface is confusing" which is usually met with "git gud". Older titles are loved not necessarily because of nostalgia goggles but because the younger audience that Sup Forums has on it (let's not kid ourselves) has never even seen gameplay from stuff like Turok or VtM. To be clear, I for one love Vampire the Masquerade, but if most people here had played it you can bet people would be using "Who. Is. That. Girl." as a meme to mock the writing style.

Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

One my major gripes is the level of black-and-white thinking here. It's either "Sony are money-grabbing jews" or "Sony are saving the industry".

>nobody actually thinks like that
You are aware that hipsters exist, right?

>You are aware that hipsters exist, right?
yes and they don't think like that


All true.
It's all about the site becoming a shitposting political hellhole. Fuck 2007 and everything afterwards.
This also reminds me of the Tortanic. That game had so many legitimate and obvious flaws from what was seen before the launch and /v rightly shitted on it. This brought in a ton of shitty trolls who think that v/ should be about relentlessly shitting on everything.
Basically rule #1 was broken.

look at OP pic. It's a completely insane way of thinking. It's just simply not true; there are not millions of people who think like this if any at all. If you see somebody you don't like and try to figure out what thought process brought them to the place you don't like and you come up with something as insane as that, maybe you're the crazy one

You made the claim "nobody actually thinks like that", which is obviously false. Yes, the image is overly satirical, but it is a criticism of some of the people who browse Sup Forums. How many of them are there? Who knows.

Why it helped me develop new taste in games...

>but it is a criticism of some of the people who browse Sup Forums.
it's a false criticism. it's an outright fabrication, not an exaggeration. nobody thinks even close to that. people don't blindly hate shit that's popular.

That game was pretty sweet

>Get bored of seeing the same gameplay/setting over and over with minor differences.
>Crave new and interesting gameplay to have to learn and adapt to.
>Crave new settings to explore instead of the same old stuff.
>Complain about stuff being paint-by-numbers with no creativity and effort put into it.
>Get called a contrarian.

contrarian is outdated
i think its more like this nowadays
>e-celeb told me not to like it

There are people who really enjoy being special snowflakes and being different from others. You've really never met this sort of person?

Partly this, I think. Generally, those under 25 tend to be more influenced by others, especially those they respect. It's only after about 25 our personalities and views tend to be less easily swayed.

in this example, the crowd is still the people playing Overwatch

lawl you just got skooled

thats not even what goes down for most people and you know it. it most likely even how you actually are.

whydo you assume people dont like things just because they're contrarian.

Sup Forums used to be a vicious place, but only because it had strong principles about video games. and as companies continually try to make profit off of video games, those who remember an excellent game market in the 80's amd 90's merely point out the bullshit and how things could be better. but if you think your ideas are more valid...well, thats on you. but i know what's bullshit and what isnt and im going to call you out if youre spouting such.

protip: lots of new teenagers find and start using Sup Forums regularly. everyday people age and teenagers are fucking retarded so yes, it makes perfect sense why retards post stupid fucking shit on Sup Forums

You see more contrarianism on this site because
>it allows people to express opinions without being attached to a name that holds the words with it forever
>they can't be ostracized later for an opinion they express in one thread since it doesn't carry
>anonymity makes it harder to tell a majority opinion from a minority opinion (e.g. rampant samefagging, louder is stronger, etc.)
>people that can't express contrary opinions on other sites flock here where they can
>people on this site grow cynical often due to the very nature of the site itself