Will Japan ever stop gacha freemium grind bullshit? Not even Animal Crossing is safe.
Will Japan ever stop gacha freemium grind bullshit? Not even Animal Crossing is safe
This might actually be the one series that could make this work.
It's the same shit EA did with Dungeon Master.
>Pay money to speed up Leaf production!
Animal Crossing hasn't been good in forever. Stop blaming the mobile game just because it's mobile. Same with FE. Stop doing that shit.
EA doesn't make Amiibo or severely underpowered hardware though. It makes sense they make phone games for franchises that work best for them. They still support other consoles and made Henry's Hatsworth so they're all good in my book
How do people not get bored out of their minds with Animal Crossing? I play it for like a month then get bored. My fifty year old mom on the other hand plays this shit game every single day for the last 10 years (Wild World). Don't know how or why she does it
AC on 3DS is the best in the series
Fuck your nostalgia
>shitting on your mom for playing best animal crossing
For shame, user. Your mom is a cool mom
A chore simulator for children with physical DLC out of the ass.
No thanks.
I don't mind that she plays it, it's just I wonder how she keeps interest in it. She has literal fields of golden flowers and has nearly maxed out the amount of bells you can have in the bank. I admit that takes dedication for a ten year old game
>an animal crossing game is for kids
really makes you think
Point in case
>it was shit anyways
How is it not?
If Nintendo Wifi Connection was still up and running I'd ask you to ask your mom if she would add me. She'd be one of the only people I know that still actively plays WW, she's that cool.
There is no gacha in Animal Crossing, you're clearly a retard and should kill yourself.
Animal Crossing always took forever to do anything though. Plus it's easy as piss to get the same 'experience' as someone paying money by keeping up with the My Nintendo missions, which are more generous than ever.
after Zelda, Metroid is next
get ready to pay to collect hyper missles to beat down Ultra Instinct Ridley
Is there a link to the download anywhere?
Why spout words you don't even understand?
So does this game have amiibo support? You have to wonder why none of Nintendo's mobile games use them when most phones have an NFC reader built in.
I doubt Nintendo would want to release Amiibo support without 100% of devices being compatible, to avoid accusations of some people having an advantage. They even made a wireless Amiibo adapter for the original 3ds models ffs.
>phone games
[continued laughter]
>better graphics than the switch
[continued laughter]
Based mom plays best AC. How does it feel to be such a disappointment as a person, and a video game player?
>Pocket Camp
Do you not understand that words have meanings?
Literally nothing about this game is gacha. The only expense is for stamina/making things build faster.
Fuck you Toby
Yeah, that's cool.
How does the friends list shit work? Like, after adding someone can you receive messages from them? If so, fuck that shit.
You can't send messages unfortunately but you can visit their camp
Didn't work for amiibo festival, won't work now
Amiibo what now
The 3ds game got an amiibo update
id: 8805 8414 135
Fuck off Toby
Aren't you one of the Spider-Mans?
I'm having fun.
Add me bitch, need to hit up that quarry.
jesus christ I'm going to be fishing forever help
>nothing but chinks
they're japanese, for what its worth
Yeah, it's kinda weird how I keep seeing a bunch of nips and maybe one or two not-nips.
>Close out of game for a second
>Switch back to it
>Hey, here's your hundredth 199MB update :^)
>things that didn't happen
You have 2 updates. One for the starting area and then one for the whole game after you do the tutorial.
>and weebs say the best games come out of nip land
Add me, I'm always selling shit as cheap as the game lets me and I check for quarry requests constantly.
What is the difference between Kicks and Tommy? They both seem to buy furniture off you at the same price.
yeah boi
i got a 15k rhino beetle thing for sale too if anyone's interested
I think they can do it, its just a matter of-
Im afraid not, son
I thought it was brown.
im red green colorblind :(
Keep me company Sup Forums
how old are you?
post your character, samefag
underage b&
roast and add me plz
wow was that guy really underage b&, nice
Is best boy Marshal in the game yet? Also is there a limit to how many animals you can invite to your camp?
Adding everyone from this and last thread
I need to know this, too. Level 8 right now and I don't think he's in
The way they shove TIME BOOSTERS and TICKETS in your face is pretty damn predatory for a game catered to children. Nintendo is pretty damn scummy just like the shitty chink gacha games and western yelling man base building games.
Maybe it's just me but the camera and screen orientation makes movement clunky. If you want to move downwards there is very little of the actual screen to tap or hold on.
>you will never buy lootboxes to try to unlock Ankha
Another issue I had with the camera is furniture, like the lattice wall, blocking villagers so I have to move it to talk to them
You know what to do
The furniture camera in general is a pain. I try to scroll and end up moving furniture by accident.
Any reason to save up these nets/honey or should I just use them?
Apollo wtf wtf wtf
Japs spend a majority of their lives on a train, they need something to play.
Gacha refers specifically to purchasing unknown, randomized items for real world currency.
Add me my tomodachis.
i hate animal crossing, i just want to fuck the dog
I keep getting the communication error. anyone else? I've been playing a while, but I still get it
their servers are probably being overloaded by nintenbros
Servers are busy. Just retry after a minute.
Hahaha they aren't quest rewards. They only exist to sell. You can't withdraw things from market boxes, only delete. Nobody's going to buy it.
>put on a skirt by accident
>can’t take it off
I guess this is my life now
Have they added anything since the Australian release? The damn game only has like five fish and five bugs. Can't believe I got up to level 30 just doing the same stuff over and over.
Why don't they just make a full-fledged game for the switch?
I'd fucking buy a switch for that over this shit.
Anyone know if you can use a special paint job used on a previous camper type on a different camper type? Don't wanna lose my lovely lace paint job.
Haha Reddit
Once you've bought a special paint job you can use it again any time.
>Soon the likes of this and Fire Emblem Heroes will be forced to remove gambling
Feels good. While we're at it, let's move all mobile game posts to /vg/.
how can I choose new clothes? Do I have to wait till the market refreshes?
>Do I have to wait till the market refreshes?
you're fucking joking, right? did i fucking just throw 15000 bells down the fucking drain?
Yeah, you'll need to put on a dress and then put on a shirt to get your pants back.
Welp, fuck me. Didn't mean to reply to that other user.
There’s no gambling in this game but I’ll give you credit for your nice driveby shitpost anyway.
nah they only sell for 100 each
I'm sorry, user..
I think it resonates really well with girls and the gays because there's no conflict and the animals are cute.
They've also all been girls in my experience.
You'd have to move actual generals like drawthreads to /vg/ first.
No one was ever, ever, ever going to buy it at 15000.