What's that kid? You think you can say bad words ON THE INTERNET? on a VIDEO GAME no less? Hehe, kid...

>What's that kid? You think you can say bad words ON THE INTERNET? on a VIDEO GAME no less? Hehe, kid... I'll have you know that stoicism, masculinity and white FUCKING males have no place in video games or on the internet... that's right...

*reports you*

How do we solve this recently emerging epidemic of thin-skinned pussy boys in video games, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop playing multiplayer soyboy bullshit

one day all we're going to have left is source games like TF2. we need to resist this left wing scourge of censorship.

You avoid PC gaming. Its a huge meme, you don't get complaints about """ toxicity""" on console.
You don't get many females on console.
You get dudebro chads who fuck around and want to have a good time with bantz, no hurt fee-fees or soyboys.

Start drinking it.

doesnt xbox live ban you for literally anything nowadays

>muh stoicism
>whines on the internet about hypothetical people

I've lost all of my testosterone while reading this. Hope you are happy.

if i start drinking this do i become a qt trap?
