Characters women will never understand
He has 2 games so it counts
>things OP will never get
A woman suffocating him? I'm sure OP doesn't want that.
Just had to post your fucking fap bait.
Guts is mainstream pretty ruffboy now user
Decent pick.
Shit pick.
Good picks.
Maybe feminists
Trapshit's kinda popular among some women.
Same with boatshit.
Top pick
most men don't even understand Asura.
>he just wanted to get his daughter back
Here is your (you) so be happy user
Characters non-furry will never understand
I'm a woman and I understand all these characters
>Mr.House and Caesar
They literally can not.
Wearing a skirt doesn't make you a girl, fag.
I know that this is b8, but women do not feel the same level of anger, honor or valor as males.
Females do not know what it is like to give their life for an ideal, sacrifice their family and all of their belongings for something greater than themselves.
Prove it
on a conceptual level maybe, but i can't imagine you feeling the same things they did or thinking the same way they think. Not trying to be condescending here, I just don't think a woman could feel what a fatherhood instinct is like for example. I'd never know what it feels like to be a mom.
Consider the fact that most females will never even know what it's like to fight properly, and not some catfight shit, just a real fight.
Apparently, you'll never know what having empathy feels like either.
Characters that those untouched by Mother's warm embrace will never understand
I'm a writer and you're wrong.
To be fair I never got into any real fights either since I was really docile when I was young. I beat on my siblings from time to time but it was never anything you could call a fight, just typical sibling friction.
Yes I do
any character that exists and functions without; the aid, intervention, or desire to impress, a woman.
>Kizuna Ai
Get an actual waifu, you pathetic fag.
empathy has nothing to do with this. This is like knowing what it feels like to have a vagina, pretty much. Understanding, acknowledging, and caring about a person going through problems or feelings you've never gone through and never will go through doesn't mean you lack empathy. I'm never going to be pregnant so I can't know what it's like for a woman to go through that, but I can still acknowledge her feelings about it. I just can't know what it's like to go through it myself, simple as that.
Hit me up when you're a pregnant man.
>Females do not know what it is like to give their life for an ideal, sacrifice their family and all of their belongings for something greater than themselves.
t. faggot on Sup Forums while a lot of women died in battle or sacrificied themselves.
I could tell you the story of Clelia who led the women of Rome out of captivity from the Thrace, but you're a faggot.
>one of the most famous tropes in all of fantasy is the mother who sacrifices herself
>women don't understand anger, honor, or self-sacrifice
??????????????????? This is a stupid thread.
>I'm a woman
didn't dice change him to a black man?
>This is a stupid thread.
You knew that was the case from the moment you opened it, same as everyone else did, but you posted anyway
This is why you can't have these threads anymore, Sup Forums is now infested with roastposters and normalfags
Dunno, for a brief moment I thought I could convince someone they're retarded
kys normalfag
Historically there have never been real female soldiers, even modern day female "soldiers" are nothing but politics pandering trash and they do more to damage the teams morale they are in than help in any way.
You sound like a shit writer
White assault will stay in our hearts.
go back to resetera
Neither do you, you edgy fag
I dont even understand him
>dedicated father
>character women will never understand
...Neither will most males, retard.
Not everyone lives in the upper-middle class, all white neighborhood you do, moron.
>one of the most famous tropes in all of fantasy is the mother who sacrifices herself
I can’t even think of one. Do you mean figuratively sacrifice?
well what you've got there is a retard and an animal that actually followed through on its maternal instinct. Funny how you're trying to prove that user wrong with an anecdotal picture that also includes an anecdote that contradicts what you're trying to say.
If anything the point here is that humans can be trash
>>one of the most famous tropes in all of fantasy is the mother who sacrifices herself
The fuck? Since fucking when?
Harry Potter
Final Fantasy XIII
Fire Emblem 7 with Nino's parents
Trails in the Sky
Katawa Shoujo Hanako's route (although that's not really fantasy, I think it applies)
That's off the top of my head, I could probably think of more. I dunno if it's as common as that user makes it out to be but I see where they're coming from
I don't live in an upper-middle class, all white neighborhood.
>never been in a fight
Might as well change your name to Sally, nu-male
Oh I see, you're just defining a "real fight" as one that involves men, got it. Then yeah sure women will never be in a real fight.
Not everyone's a violent coiled-spring manlet.
Everyone I knew in school who got into fights was a retard mongoloid from the ghetto or a nigger. Even most chads won't fight unless necessary.
>if this game was made today it would have some kind of female clone
Honestly, you can just post the whole fucking cast on there.
Women weren't even in the crusades or any other sick nasty holy war. How can they even compete in the eyes of god. ROFL!
Lay off the soy
Don't you have another civilization to betray and destroy, roasty?
Go back in time and lay on the calcium.
it's true. in the last thirty minutes I've encountered at least a dozen normalfags. it's the mods fault, really.
>a woman that broke a legitimate peace treaty due to selfishness and deliberately restarted a war
Wow... so this.... is an honorable female
My girlfriend is a way bigger Berserk fan than I am though.
>and I understand all these characters
sounds like something from someone who doesn't understand would say
I bet she has a bigger dick than you, too
well, what can you really do at this point? other than going on at night in the americas, there's really no way to avoid normalfags. The sad thing is there's no where else to go. Yesterday Sup Forums was vomplete shit, so I closed it, but then there was nowhere to go. What's to be done?
>not understanding yaoibait
>yaoibait who decided to throw away conventions of linking the fire in favor of just watching as the world collapses
it seems like you don't understand women
>Nobody posted Armstrong yet
Come on bros, you know that this is the winner here.
Berserk was inspired by shojo as a whole actually
No, most males will in fact know what it's like.
You have to remember that most of us are not from USA or other first world country.
In post-USSRia shithole like mine it is impossible to grow up without fighting, that or you will grow up a complete sissy.
These threads are great in theory. There do exist characters who's motives and drives would be confusing to females. It always quickly devolves into "lol women don't have feelings XD" though. You are the one missing the point.
>tfw this could have been a nice Asura's Wrath thread and instead it's just dumb shitposting
commies kys