Shadow the Hedgehog has, unironically, the most hype as fuck intro cinematic in the history of video games.
Name a better one if you can (you can't).
Shadow the Hedgehog has, unironically, the most hype as fuck intro cinematic in the history of video games.
Name a better one if you can (you can't).
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He has rocket shoes, teleports and becomes invulnerable when he tucks into a ball, why were there even guns and a motorcycle in this?
I enjoy this game unironically. If you don't take it seriously, it's actually really fun.
Plus I grew out of my ''EDGE IS EDGY'' phase years ago.
It’s a fantastic cinematic, Tim Miller (director of Deadpool) worked on it, and will be working on the upcoming Sonic film.
The gameplay is actually pretty good. The controls are tight and precise except for basic movement being somewhat slippery, though that could be attributed to the fact that Shadow uses rocket skates. Gunplay isn't terrible and it was nice to have a change if pace with a more combat oriented game.
it's funny because he's a little cartoon guy and he's riding a motorcycle lol
Why don't games have fully CGI openings anymore? I mean, as hardware gets more powerful there's less reason not to just do it in engine but even then nobody bothers.
The game has like a million endings and stages too so, that's pretty neat.
>crush 40 is two over weight dudes that make songs that make you pumped while playing a game and only half paying attention to it
So why hasn't this game gotten a pc port yet?
Sonic is autistic enough as it is.
The worst part about this game is that you end up playing the first level and the two branching ones after that almost 20 fucking times if you want all the endings. The idea that spawned it (dude what if we gave Shadow a gun) was awful but they managed to culminate his character arc pretty decently going from SA2 to Heroes to this. A lot of other things are mediocre at worst, but also decent at best.
And don't even get me started on the soundtrack and unique world design. Lava shelter has the GOAT theme and Digital Highway/Mad Matrix are so fucking ballin
>tfw the best part of the Hero ending theme is only ten seconds long and isn’t repeated (00:25-00:35)
Almost all the old games plus some of the new ones are available on steam already.
Heroes was awful though...
It's fun but lacks depth in character and story.
It's pretty good. Game was fun too.
It was such a unique experience if nothing else. Really wish we could get more ambitious Sonic games like that again.
No, is.
I just wish we got spinoffs again. I'd take a thousand storybook games, Riders games, Rush, Advance, and even Chronicles before another Forces
Oh, but I can
>tfw still get goosebumps on my arms listening that to this day
The stain on the wall behind my TV is exactly the same shape as New Caledonia! If only this overblown footage of people I don't know fighting other people I don't know for reasons unexplained could be as interesting."
Because like Sonic Heroes before it enemies do not die from one hit, so a ranged attack of some kind is a logical fit.
The way Shadow uses guns fits his character. He carries one at a time and tosses it when he finds a better one/runs out of ammo. He doesn't carry spare ammo or sidearms.
Vehicles on the other hand are hit/miss. They work as level gimmicks: hoverboards over the radioactive goo, flying on an alien bird, etc, but the motorcyles were pointless.
is more hype
Halo was super popular at the time so they had ayy lmaos and guns to appeal to that audience.
>It's not in the Crush 40 version
Goddamnit someone just combine the two
Every time he cocks the SMG I lose my shit
>He didn't figure out how to drift the cars
I had more fun in Shadow the Hedgehog than SA2.
The speed stages were lengthy and had interesting designs.
The rails were fixed. The music was great.
The enemies were well designed.
The weapons were fun. 2P mode especially.
And it had the most levels in a 3D Sonic game dedicated to speed and gun platforming.
I don't care who calls this game "the downfall of Sonic before '06". I would buy SHth2 before another boost game in a heartbeat.
>pumps an assault rifle
Get out of here with that edgelord shit
Nigger/Beaner detected
I unironically believe Sonic was still good in the early 2000's. The Adventure games were kino, Heroes and Shadow were fun, Riders was a good spinoff, Mega Collection and Gems Collection had some pretty good value as well, there were the GBA games, etc.
>Riders was a good spinoff
Riders was a great spinoff
Nope :)
Heroes was better than A2. Only casuals who got filtered by the Shadow and Chaotix segments think it's bad.
Adventure 2 has better rail sections. And their rail sections aren't entire stages.
>Adventure 2 has better rail sections.
Brainlet spotted.
Still better than Forces, Rise of Lyric, and '06. This used to be what we called an average 7/10 game. Because Sonic Team put some fucking effort into this shit, even though they were lazy in just the cutscenes for this game.
>hold left on rail
>press A
>fly off into the abyss instead of hopping onto the rail to my left
>Still better than Forces, Rise of Lyric, and '06.
This shouldn't be seen as an accomplishment especially when two of those games are legitimately contenders for worst games ever made due to not functioning properly for 60% of the time.
Budokai 3 wins
Sonic Heroes would've been better represented if Sonic Team stopped picking "greenImean seaside hill zone". Recreate Rail Canyon with Generations rail mechanics and you got the hypest shit of all time.
SHth fixed this problem. Adventure rails and heroes rails sucked because of this.
remake plz sonic team
That's the point But really. Sonic fans shit on a new game. Sonic Team makes a worse game. Old game doesn't seem so bad now does it?
Except I didn't complain during Heroes, SHth, or Unleashed. They were good on their own merit, not supposed to be compared to "muh Adventure"
Not enough rock the dragon
You could say the same thing about Forces, people are making it out to be this atrocity of a game when in reality it's just painfully mediocre in every aspect but people are likening it to Sonic 06. I wouldn't call it a good game but I wouldn't call it a bad one either.
>pumping a SMG
my fucking sides
Except Forces was '06 tier hype that didn't deliver.
How can you defend a '17 AAA in a 4K gen when the game looks like it uses Wii models.
Why would they skip out on a Chaos and Shadow boss fight.
But also remember, early games were mediocre because most of that generation was mediocre. This is Sonic Team in '17, how could you defend this? Especially how it ties to Mania?
Post god tier Sonic music.
Sonic Forces is anything but AAA.
Not even the best in the Sonic series
Sonic Team has no excuse failing the hype of "not generations 2". Forces isn't a standalone when takes place after Generations.
>Hooters promotion
>E3 Coverage
>Promotional DLC and skins
>CGI Trailers
Smells like an AAA to me.
They wanted to test the Hedgehog Engine 2 on something moderately safe (You have to remember the person who the original HE left SEGA)
i fucking love this
>Bike explosion backflip that kicks into the lyrics
Disgusting how good that is
Heroes was trash and started the whole trend of replaying levels over and over
Not that user, but you're wrong. The Hedgehog engine 1 and 2 was a lighting engine, it had nothing to do with the gameplay itself. The gameplay was lost world sonic in a boost format with classic sonic playing worse than Sonic 1 gba. That's a terrible game in my book.
AAA games are not sold for $40 on launch, the production values for Forces does not look a game with AAA funding and I don't think it's a huge team size either based off looking at the credits. This does not seem like AAA game to me at all.
The best way to play this game is downloading a completed save and going straight to expert mode. It's every stage in the game one after another where your only mission is to reach the goal ring
It's nice not having to do the stupid missions or hearing characters that won't shut the fuck up, and dare I say even kind of fun
I'm ashamed that I actually kind of like this game
>not sold for $40 at launch
Surprised that Generations, Colors, and '06 did the exact same thing. Just because Sega doesn't do lootboxes and uses nipon tactics for cheap but fast labor doesn't mean it's not AAA brand. It's not an indie. And it's not Mania. So what do you call this multi-million dollar disaster? This game costs millions to make you know.
I enjoyed this game. It's silly. Unfortunately the very first level is the worst one in the entire game.
Sonic Team can make great games. All Sonic games have many things in common.
>Never live up to the hype
>Controls are never pixel perfect
>Story is edge-tier or over simplified cartoon show
Seriously. How can Call of Duty release new content every year and have cutting edge graphics and polish to make the gameplay fun and not Sonic Team games?
None of those games are AAA games you don't understand what the term means
>posting palmtree but no metallic madness
Reminder that sonic team removed their splash screen hours before sending out finalized code
Simple. A million-dollar marketing scam piece of shit that shouldn't have been greenlit past the idea phase.
>An AAA game (usually pronounced "triple A game") is an informal classification used for video games with the highest development budgets and levels of promotion. AAA game development is associated with high economic risk, with high levels of sales required to obtain profitability.
>Not Forces
You're a dumbass for thinking this costs less than $2,000,000 if you think that's how much a 2017 game costs for development. Especially since this is a MAIN title with a budget comparable to Sonic Colors.
Dunno if anyone noticed but if you have an automatic weapon, when Shadow fires his gun before the apex of his jump he will stay floating in the air until you stop firing. Not super useful except the dumb "shoot plane/balloon/escape pod" missions.
A superhero movie cost over $700 million dollars on AAA status. To say Sonic Forces, which is a full blown game costs less is really stupid.
Not that user, but JL costs a little over 300 million. Still, Sonic games don't cost over a couple hundred thousands because the development is under a year and full of cheap labor.
Bought this off gamestops website from that buy 4 for $10 deal a while ago, still waiting for it to come back in. I had the gamecube version growing up but I bought og xbox for better graphics and in retrospect I don't know why it mattered
As long as you didn't get the PS2 version it really didn't matter.
I did at one point a couple years ago and it was such trash I sold it almost immediately. Glad I stuck to gamecube for my sonic games growing up, I haven't played a single one on ps2 that wasn't infinitely inferior than the other versions
Is the NGC version any good?
PS2 multiplats in general were worse than their Xbox and GC counterparts, much weaker hardware, but the Sega games for whatever reason were borderline unplayable.
Yes, GC or Xbox is what you want. Speed runners use the GC version for what it's worth.
Will i love myself more than she loved me
Ya'll niggas step back, nothing tops this
Yeah no agreed. PS2 had great exclusives but Crash WoC is the only multiplat I can think of that was better than another console. The GC version of that was completely botched
What is the worst level in StH?
I can find one in the same series.
One of the Maria levels probably.
the cyber level with Espio
the Maria levels
Prison Island
The sandbox city level where you have to defuse/blow up the bombs