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Video Games #3979
Video Games
Majora's Mask is the best Legend of Zelda game
Is there a game that comes close to FTL in terms of Price/Quality?
ITT: Vidya characters that personify Sup Forums boards
It runs at a smooth 30 FPS
Hat in Time
What games made you feel like you were going on a grand adventure?
It's another comfy Saturday, anons. What are ya
Metroid prime 4
This fucking game. Easily the GOTY
What's their endgame?
What games do Canadians play?
How much money did they lose by cancelling this
Final Fantasy XV
What secrets Rise has?
This game any good? In the mood for an action game and I never got around to it...
The Nintendo Switch will sell 25 million by March 2018
How do you organise your Steam library, Sup Forums?
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning
What was the point of this character?
What is the worst injury you have gotten from playing videogames?
Pillars of Eternity 2's beta is live. Fighter multiclass is OP
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Get told game is """fun"""
Runs in alone vs entire enemy team
Holy shit, this game is so fucking amazing, every day I discover something new about the physics...
Demon's Souls level design
The legion no longer believes in slavery. this aspect is totally removed from the faction
HOP IN FAGGOT! We are gonna hunting space pirates!
Screenshot thread
Creative Writing Assignment
Post em
Be honest, do you like Jaina's new look?
Luutboxes r bad please ban!
Did Nintendo blow their load too soon? There is absolutely no way Year 2 can even be half as good as this
Honest opinion time: What do you think of this Character?
Are roleplayers the most pathetic scum of all time? Just a bunch of manchildren taking video games too seriously
Trick question:
Name a more terribly managed DLC system than Crusader Kings 2
Which Max is your favorite?
Ask a person who just spent €90 and about 600g to get this skin anything
Let's say Valve introduces a paid Steam subscription model that allows you full access to the entire steam catalog for...
Videogames are art
Why do people give money to people for nothing in return?
Here is your 2017 GOTY
Remember when Fire Emblem regained its dignity?
It's saturday Sup Forums
Convince me not to buy the Switch
As a kid, game discussion was about gameplay and fun
DLC is really fun
The multiplayer community is toxic
You get a choice between these three masks. Which one do you pick?
Post your top ten vidya characters of the year
Something came in the mail today Sup Forums
Why didn't anyone tell me how pretty this game was?
People on this board actually think FFX was a bad game
Bought this kino PS2 game 10 years ago
Awoo is angery
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the doctor's thoughts of the doctor?
What are some games that weren't seen as "big" on release...
Name a worse designed rpg protagonist
TIME's #1 Gadget of the Year 2017 is the Nintendo Switch, beating out the Samsung Galaxy S8, iPhone X and Xbox One X
Can anyone who's been a PC gamer for a long time answer me this:
Last WOW thread reached the post limit
Any of the motions on that title card
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Why didn't you buy her game Sup Forums?
Help me buy this game
What did you name him, and why?
What do we do with the Darkstalkers franchise? It's so cool and I want more
Steam Link is 90% off right now, should i get it for the 5 bucks?
You can literally buy poptart boxes to gain XP in Destiny 2. Is this seriously what gaming has come to?
Hideo Kojima isn't ga-
Dad starts a let's play channel
Find a flaw
Doom is better on Switch than on PC
Best Faction in TWW2? I'm currently enjoying the Lizards quite a lot. I guess I may as well include Mortal Empires too...
What else am I missing?
ITT: Black friday haul
Characters ONLY you main
If jap games were so good why they sell like shit
Disgaea thread
Game has loot crates
Needs to stay hidden
This is a screenshot of an official Sonic game
My 85 year old grandpa wanted me to teach him how to play World At War. He doesn’t want to go home now
You can only remove one from gaming forever. Which would it be and why?
Warband is currently on sale, and that means Napoleonic Wars is currently on sale...
I was reading this old article about gaming in South America:
Did I do good? Did I get memed?
Find a flaw
Good Guy steam
Is that user? i heard he jerks off to video game characters
Nier Automata
Super Robot Wars is not dead
You thought you knew everything about lootboxes
Dragon Ball Fighterz thread?
I just got this on Steam. What am I in for and how do I git gud?
RPCS3: Yet more Rendering Improvements
What is your opinion on forbidden love in videos games?
Ubisoft, EA and Bethesda are to video games what (((pop))) is to classical music
Moray Towers on the rotation twice in a row
Why aren't you picking it up?
Thoughts on Dead Money?
Give me an egg
Why the fuck do people like this game?
"""Gamers""" killed gaming
Filename thread: bantz edition
Please help Blizzard
Why aren't playing Artificial Academy 2 anymore, Sup Forums?
I want to see some Odyssey screenshots
Your opinion on Zero Punctuation?
*gives the Pope a Steam code of Undertale*
Gaming Headset
Why hasn't this game been allowed to come to switch yet...
What is your november GOTM?
Why does Capcom keep making these amazing games that they push out the door half-baked?
Will we ever lose our steam games?
Do you have PlayStation Plus, Sup Forums?
Not gonna lie. Looks dope as fuck
Is this the best VN ever created ?
I'm sorry guys Nier is just to horny for GOTY
Games comparison this gen
This is not appropriate
Why the heck is kat walking around public with her underwear
Yandere simulator
AAA game budgets in the West routinely go over 100 million and the end product usually pales in comparison to Witcher 3...
Metal Gear Online
Game is amazing overall but has a meh ending
No Survivors
I love you, Sup Forums!
How can one franchise go from so high to so low?
How come no shooter has been able to top this? How did the same studio that made this masterpiece, make WII:TNC?
I play girl characters because I like staring at their asses
No wonder, it's a cinematic machine
What are some good games that can be played with only the mouse? Things like FTL, Yugioh, hearthstone
What keyboard do you guys use for gaming?
Top 3
Why do I miss it so much?
Best PS2 game ever made. Prove me wrong
RTSes are dead
Scout players
Darkest Dungeon Thread!
What went wrong
Draws a 100% woman
Australia had its first Black Friday and in disappointment
Leave it to me, plip
Phone games
Find a flaw
WOW, I didn't expect I could emulate a Wii U game and get a full speed on my literal toaster. This is awesome!!
Is anyone concerned about the wireless signals this console gives out, especially to the two joy cons...
Worst PC ports thread?
What should i expect?
How did this game end up a better spiritual successor to System Shock than all Bioshock games?
Game tries to be funny
I want to trade in my Switch to buy a PS4...
Post your battle stations
Literally impossible
Can we have a Masquerade thread or
Would Nintendo get away with this in a modern remake of ALTTP?
How do I get a job?
So this is a "great" western game Sup Forums has tried to meme as the pinnacle of western design and gameplay
Nintendo Switch is one of the best selling items during black friday
She better be the fucking MC of XVI
Even Valkyria got a new sequel, why won't Sega make a sequel out of pic related?
This is the power of virtual novels
Does everyone prefer Pauline to Peach now?
Buy her game
What's the most pleasing pixelart style?
Which one should I buy? Or both?
"One of the biggest difficulties with Mighty No. 9 was it being done through Kickstarter...
Uhh why the fuck would anyone choose the PS4? Seriously
ITT: Must-Buy Steam Sale Games Under $10
What hardware is in your PC?
The Patrician mouse options are having both a Deathadder Elite for FPS/General use and a Naga Chroma for...
What game lets me simulate 1980s japan?
Steam Sales: Black Friday Edition
>Chris is a neptunia fag
In philosophy
What is the best Final Fantasy game in your opinion?
MMO Thread: Happy Birthday Aion
Who is your Character of the Year?
Why isn't there a truly balanced, truly perfect videogame yet?
This game is a legitimate masterpiece, it's the best game ever made
Confess your gaming sins to father Hulk. Hulk crush puny sins
1313 never
That one game you have an strage urge to reinstall and play every year
Steam Profile thread
Comfy video game YouTubers
Why russians love pirate games
Just want to let you know I met with Rockstar again ;)
ITT: Popular series that never had a good game
FFXV Comrades
Getting rid of one system for another
This is a great game
Well, Sup Forums?
Gaming chairs
MMX5 for kids
I picked this up during the Steam sale and I'm not sure how you're supposed to go about this game
What the fuck? I bought Nier Automata for a good fap and am stuck playing this asshole...
Mafia 3
Bungie got caught rubber banding the progression system in Destiny 2 and is only fixing it after the fact
Do Visual Novels count as videogames?
Other than Nioh and Souls games, are there any more "game games" left? That is...
Filename Thread
He did nothing wrong
Beautiful women are incompetent video gamers
Based Bethesda
What games let me play as the bad guy?
J-j-...j-jame.... bb-bideo jame
The old thread died before I got the chance to answer those people asking about this
Zombie boss
What games are hitboxporn?
Is Overwatch alone worth buying a PS4? The only other games I know I'd guy off the top of my head are Fallout 4 and FIFA
This chick looks and acts sexy af in the clips ive seen
Over at Uncle's house for thanksgiving
I'm pretty sure my Mom bought a Switch on black friday to give to me for Xmas
What the fuck was his problem?
Are videogames ruining your life?
Hello I am the best SMT spinoff protagonist
Far Cry 5
How can I force myself to be hyped?
What went wrong?
Tfw no friend to play vidya with
Would BOTW be better if it had a weight gain mechanic like San Andreas?
Which is the better S-RPG, Sup Forums: Tactics Ogre or Final Fantasy Tactics?
This isnt caltegolized fat in america
It's not a perfect game by any means, but it certainty has heart
Buying Used/Refurbished
Do you want to see this happen?
Doom is the greatest FPS ever made
Comes over
Vidya OTP thread
I don't find this game particularly fun. How alive is Mario Kart 8 on the switch...
What are some games that capture the LOGH feel?
What do you predict the next Call of Duty to be?
Sonybro walks in to room
Post a picture of yourself and have other user guess your favorite game
Top 10 most annoying characters in video games
Sangheili are the best aliens in Halo
Why isn't there are a survival horror game where you play as Shiburin?
Whats a good game i can play that isnt too hard on my cpu? please help im willing to pirate
What's a good name for Magnemite?
V3 ruined the franchise
Look at this cool dude
Best GBA game ever made
If you didn't buy this game, YOU are the cancer killing the industry
Big news internally
I heard people say Lisa is Latina, not Black, this isn't true is it...
How hard is it to make a video game from scratch?
Casual filters
Your minmaxed stat is only slightly above the opponent's
People on this board right now think this post is directly calling anyone a Nazi
Are there any modern games with good cover art?
This is my wife, say something nice about her
Xenoblade 2
ITT: Games that accurately predicted the future
Games need more Yuri desu
Wait... ps1 games looked like THAT??
Your thoughts Sup Forums?
Best timeline
Is it going to change everything?
50% off one month after release
What happened to them?
What's the better SAO game on PS4?
How big was your load?
Metal Gear Solid Discussion
G-guys! Overwatch sucks and is overrated!! Please come back and play tf2. PLEASE!
Just watched it for the first time. What game lets me feel like him?
What are the covering up?
*makes your genre niche*
Woww it took 2 of you to kill m-
You did play as Gimli right?
Game tries to make a political statement
Should I buy an Xbox One X or wait for the inevitable X2 or whatever successor there is ?
What's one game you like that never got a spiritual successor?
Do you think she browses Sup Forums?
Have you ever fallen in love with a character someone else created in a videogame?
Name a character that has had a harder life
To all the people shitting on BoTW here...
Is there a game where the NPCs can fully pronounce your custom character's name?
How do I enjoy this game?
New Years Resolutions for 2017 - Post em!
Did it bomb?
What's the most addicted you've ever been to a video game?
Literally the worst character Blizzard has ever produced
Why aren't you pIaying Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actuaI graphics
Post characters that are just like you
Did it ruin Resident Evil?
ITT: We ruin Sup Forums's day by reminding each other about cancelled games
ITT : Characters ONLY you main
ITT: areas in games that feel comfy and safe
Ha ha
Buy one of these during black friday
I will post this everyday until E3
Level up
What's on your wishlist?
Report: Microtransactions, DLC Make Up Majority of Video Game Revenue Despite Consumer Outcry
Create a procedurally generating 13+ billion light years wide open world
Be honest with me brehs, Blizzard is gonna ruin this aren't they?
This is the weakest Souls/Borne game. Yes, even weaker than DS2
Release the best platformer ever made
Beat odyssey
Which one was better?
Take a screenshot of a game you are playing and others guess what game it is!
WoW: Battle for Azeroth
Looking for Baal?
I play games for the story
Like it or not but this is peek female performance
Do you guys play any anime games?
How do you go from this
Is the Great Plateau the best part of BotW?
What was the last western game that you enjoyed playing?
Is this worth $5?
How much has Sup Forums changed for those who've been browsing for at least eight years?
Why is it so difficult to make a good Star Fox game?
Classmates start talking about vidya
Damn i love capitalism lol
Checked 4 Best Buy stores around me today - couldn't find a single Switch
Previous thread:
What makes a good Female Videogame Character?
Lord Gerstmann blows out youtubers and twitch streamers
Did it bomb, Sup Forums?
Vidya Academy: Unlimited
What is the edgiest game ever created?
Enemies start complaining about you by name
That one guy who spams the same joke on your server day in and day out
Go to
What's your excuse Sup Forums
Battlestation thread
Tfw no goblin princess gf
ITT: E-Celebs that steals thoughts and opinions from Sup Forums and post videos about it
Has he finally gone insane?
Why would you put a stupid fucking light on the controller that you can't turn off?
Were all the FFs before VII shit?
Fuck you I like it thread
Is there a single video game character more powerful than Super Mario Blanco?
So when this game inevitably gets heavy discounts, will you buy it?
Comfy minecraft thread
Pyre thread
Name a better US game developer
Anyone else thoroughly underwhelmed with this POS?
Do you play games with your bro Sup Forums?
ITT post dead/Flopped consoles that still have more games than the ps4 does now
This game was pretty fun but Anthony Burch's writing ruined it to the point where I just turned the voices off and...
Are Khajiits the best race in Elder Scrolls?
Name one thing any game does better than old school Runescape
Why does a successful game need a free trial and a 50% off sale?
Black Mesa Source
Dragon Ball Fighter Z
He plays handheld in public
Sup Forums Says the Switch is not selling this Black Friday
Fan remake exists
Don't m-m-m-misunderstand my flames -- I just meant fun and games
"what did he mean by this?"
If she were alive would she be a streamer?
There are people here who never got to experience the original WON menu
Star Citizen, what went wrong?
Hey i remember this guy being kind of funny back in like 2008
Open world RPG by the developers of Forza Horizon. Is Microsoft finally gonna deliver some fucking games?
ITT: Annoying fucking cunt enemies
A small island of sexually repressed manlets managed to make 2017 one of the greatest years for vidya all on their own
The Game Awards are dead
Marvel Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog has, unironically, the most hype as fuck intro cinematic in the history of video games
Be expert soldier training your whole life
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
You will NEVER come home from school and play a quickscoping match on nuketown and then play ascension with your friends
Stop being mean to Game Journalists
What was the best Zelda?
Health bar is green
Just got a switch
Sup Forumsidya Favourite Character
What video game youtubers does Sup Forums enjoy to watch? Some of my favorites are BDobbinsFtw and Core-A
Le Tarantino Face
Why are fighting games so complex? Why are special moves and combos so hard to pull off...
Hey Sup Forums. I don't usually even think about this board, but i have a question...
A sequel gets announced
Why didn't you buy a Switch today?
Weekend Jackbox
Download FFVI rom to play it
Opinion on this series?
Which one should I get, Sup Forums?
Do Latinos like Nintendo games?
Now that the dust has settled, how does Sup Forums feel about mario x rabbits?
Why aren't you playing Cup Souls right now Sup Forums?
I just started playing this today. What does /vee/ think about it?
December is going to be comfy as fuck
Buy her games
Coolest looking armor has terrible stats
What kind of Warhammer 40k games would you like to see in the future?
Danganronpa would be better if it kept all of the characters and the artstyle but had a different plot and was a...
Dragon Quest VII
How hard is Champion's Road REALLY?
What does Sup Forums think of Crowbcat?
What are some good computer mice?
Why does Sup Forums think game companies shouldn't be allowed to spend money on marketing?
He killed billions
The best graphics in gaming
*absorbs energy*
You'll only ever see a girl this happy when she's holding a genuine, strong Nintendo system
Is this game worth getting?
Is this better than the first game?
Game has a post-credits scene
Do you have a significant other? Do you two play video games together?
Look what I just bought
How is that gaming channel of yours doing?
Rawr xd
Someone come to best buy and save us from the Switch
ITT: games only you played
Are people really this desperate to see anime tiddies?
Villain was actually the good guy
Should I buy this for 8 euros? I'm a big original Doom fan. Is it very demanding for a PC?
Just how powerful is the Nintendo Switch? I am looking at one at Bestbuy and the visuals are stunning
What RPG Maker game are you currently playing?
Did I fuck up?
Game is announced
Why is it only okay when Jap games have lesbians...
What in the ever-loving fuck were they thinking?
Why is this game awesome?
Demon's Souls, now on PC
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Why is this emulator so good and all others so shit?
Are you ready for Resident Evil 2 Remake? What are your hopes and wishes?
Mugen is not a fighting game?
Do you prefer voice or text communication in multiplayer games...
Witcher 3
Why are MMOs so fast paced now...
Whats it gonna Sup Forums?
So when does this start getting fun
We will never get Force Unleashed 3
How much longer until Perofella 5 is released?
Pictured: The average Switch hater
What is the best Mario Party game and why is it Mario Party DS?
What makes borderline between current gen games and last gen games?
Gotta type fast
Times you were really blown away by graphics
What's his name, Sup Forums?
Denuvo is back, baby!
What went wrong? This game is a shitshow compared to fallout 1
Out of bounds speedruns
Is it actually normal to be into video games and still not have any friends?
Have you bought the H3H3 character pack for Payday 2 yet? Really love it lol...
Does the DOA games stack up to other 3D fighters or is it only popular because of the girls?
Episode 10 never ever
Are you looking forward to the DLC?
Who deserved its score more?
Always hear Sup Forums say that Infinite is a piece of shit
Why is this allowed?
Finally 100% a game
So I went to my local Target last night and there must have been literally dozens of these things piled up and...
ITT: forgettable characters
Lara or NuLara
Show me your perfect smash roster
Reminder that if you've ever seen this screen in game you're irredeemably bad at games
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Why is Duriel such a cunt. First time I've had any trouble in this game. Is it because I'm a barbarian?
Is there ANY game that evokes a greater sense of exploration and adventure than Grandia?
New Vegas Builds
Pillars of Eternity 2's beta is out. Spoilers: It's fun
What game is this female gamer playing Sup Forums?
Who else /patientgamer/ here...
How would you make a New Vegas TV show, Sup Forums?
PS3 latest update got hacked today with custom firmware, why isn't Sup Forums talking about this?
Why are Indie games so much better than AAA games?
Would you an Amy Rose?
Soyboy protagonist thread
Women on Sup Forums, what are your honest thoughts on the sexualization of female characters? Does it bother you...
It's black friday, what gaymin gear did you get?
Why do you think the gaming industry went to shit Sup Forums?
3x3 Thread
This VN would have been way better if all the meta shit was cut out and it was just about trying to become close with...
Is it possible for a professional gamer to be cool? pic obviously unrelated
Am I the only one that doesn't like the Daedric quests...
Is this the most mindless game in existence? I literally felt like my IQ was dropping as I was playing this
Are you looking forward to Kirby Star Allies?
User why do you say horrible stuff like that online? It's only a video game. What if they actually kill themselves?
Game has massive plothole that renders the entire plot into nonsense
You have approximately twelve seconds to tell me why dorfs are not the greatest fantasy race in video games
This game fucking sucks
I want to stab this fucking rabbit
Who was in the right?
It's comfy!
I hear you aren't buying my game. EXPLAIN
Why are Nier Automata fans so autistic...
G_saberrealisticcombat 1
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
The Virgin Uncle. The Chad Nephew
All trolling aside. Skyrim is my favorite Elder Scrolls in term of combat...
I'm looking to get a couple video games for someone for christmas. She's a girl. She loves Persona 5 to death...
ITT: Games you couldn't possibly beat without a guide/cheats
So I went to Walmart for Black Friday and there was at least 10000 people there all chanting in unison “we want...
Do you prefer multiplayer or singleplayer games?
Hey daddy-o!
It’s $2.50 on Steam right now. Is it any good?
Complains about piracy
Was the giraffe bj game really that bad?
I need a clever steam name
Explain to someone wo has never player final fantasy VII or even touched a final fantasy game (Eastern Europe...
Realistic RPG
Both 1440p
What's your favorite pokemon?
Less than a month after release
Not even a full 30 days old
Will joosten model for more games?
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Name one thing this game does better than every other Soulsborne game
I don't understand what happened here. What the actual fuck is this ending, man. how, why, how, what
2017 is the best year in gaming. Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't
This is the only good rpgmaker game
Ask the monolith
There are actually people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who don't own a CRT TV
Wolfenstein 2 literally the most selling game rn
I like this game
Its going to change everything
What’s with all the hate for Overwatch here?
Why aren't you downloading and stocking up on heaps of games Sup Forums before it's too late?
Is it just me or does Runescape have an incredible, mystical atmosphere that no other games has replicated?
Why did he stop making videos?
3D Platformers
Minecraft Thread. Post your favorite builds
Okay Sup Forums, I finally got tired of my PS4 and bought a PC, some good specs (friend picked up the parts for me) now...
How could you make a good Kamen Rider video game?
Custom Character
Is VR worth it and which headset should I buy Sup Forums?
What are moves in fighting games that could work in real life?
Star Citizen
Is SM64DS the best remake of a game?
Games that do LGBT characters right?
Should I get the Oculus Rift or the Nintendo Switch?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Is the MMO genre just completely dead...
What does Sup Forums think of OneShot?
ITT: the most overrated games in their respective franchise
Undertale, the game where anyone can die
The Nintendo Switch will have sold 25 million by March 2018
"I heard that user is working on making a vidya game!"
Pokemon has shipped over 300M
*cries* The franchise will never be this amazing again, will it? *tears seep down from face* I-I just...
What the fuck is "kino"?
Animal characters result in comfiest games
I fell for it
Choose your fighter
What is your excuse?
Target specifically called out the Switch as one of its best-selling items in the post-mortem of Black Friday sales on...
This year will be remembered as the year Nintendo made its comeback, and took the gaming industry by storm
Hooked up my PS2 Last Night
Post the best (or worst) vidya ads/marketing stunts
Is it only me or was 2017 the worst year in gaming yet?
It was good, but it was a "this is a solid Mario title" good
Just got this. What am I in for?
Do you think fat characters are underpresented in video games?
Is there a single videogame where "open world" doesn't go in the "cons" list?
Splatoon 2 sold more than BOTW in Japan already and might outsell it WW in the long run
So today's the final day of the FFXI Free Login period
Mirrors Edge Catalyst
Bow deals more damage than gun
How realistic is it to make it into the master league in SC2 in 1 month...
When was the last time you were disappointed in a video game?
Can we have a peaceful botw thread?
They can't even sell them on BLACK FRIDAY when everything else is fucking GONE
Games with Cruise Ships?
Localization is pretty well guaranteed at this point, just got to play the waiting game
Buy game, excited to go home and play it
How can you deal with english dubs?
So what are some good exclusives on PS4 besides Bloodborne...
So now that Nintendo and Ubisoft are butt buddies...
The main story of this piece of shit includes an arc where a strong indipendent warrior white woman won't stand to be...
Mascots that are dead
What has been your latest time sink anons?Besides shitposting on Sup Forums of course
ITT - Pleb Opinions
We still don't know shit
Guys i just got a ps4 after years of being exclusivly pc gamer
There are people that still play games at 1080p at the end of 2017
Dragon Ball FighterZ
If kino had a name, it would be Gael
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Post Collections
So I went to my local Target last night and there must have been literally dozens of these things piled up and...
Just give me FF7 with a graphical update and voice acting
Analyze a discrepancy
Temporary party members
Just finished Persona 4 on Switch. Anything else you guys would recommend?
ITT: shitty soundtracks
4000 YEARS BEFORE THE BATTLE OF YAVIN... all the tech was the same
Best butts in video games
Now that Final Fantasy is dead, can we all agree that X had the best version of Bahamut?
Discuss this wog
Escort mission
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...