>Doom is better on Switch than on PC
Doom is better on Switch than on PC
Video game reviewers are clueless. This game was an easy 9/10 on every console/PC. Not sure about Switch since I've never played it.
>this thread again
>Switch version released later with bug fixes and better multiplayer
>Different reviewers, different opinions
Doom has received patches and updates since it originally released, hence why the Switch version has a higher score.
Unfortunately, reviews are time sensitive. Many games would have gotten much better grades had they been reviewer half a year later for example, once some things are fixed. But that's not how it works.
8.5 should be the rating all around desu. Its a good game.
>numerical review scores have no real scale and are completely meaningless
It's a better handheld shooter than it is a console/PC shooter. Simple.
Nintendo Bonus is real
Why do so many on Sup Forums protest to that?
Different reviewers. Also, Nintendo ports usually get shit on so this is actually an exception and not the rule.
protest to what specifically?
It's true though
Sup Forums needs to grow up and accept that handheld is the future
>giving a higher score on the 30fps version
>only good fps game in the last 5 years
What a time to be alive.
but Killing Floor 2
Caring about " Journalists' " opinions.
Reminder that Doomguy will never be in Smash
>guns are less satisfying to use than KF1
This is really sad
Reviewed by the same person?
>Bigger means better
Are you a literal kindergartner?
There's not really anything wrong with what he's saying desu.
the dev and team may be fags but i still like the game
My PC version of D44M got a BSOD when I was in the first hell level that corrupted my save file.
So yes I'd say maybe the Switch version is better.
You reek of Reddit.
No, the higher score was given to the portable version.
>caring about reviews
Ok, and you totally didn't come here from there when GG started.
sure, Yoshiro.
>That feel when Switchfags are going to post positive things about Payday 2 to seem like a big boy platform and Overkill will get away with it for a few more years
Sure thing Mr. "Video Game Objectification of Women is a Real Problem"
It's pretty easy to explain. When doom came out game reviewers were not sure how to handle it. It's not a cover based military shooter which are all the hotness these days, so they gave it a lower score. But consumers actually liked it, now that it was rereleased and they know that people like the game they gave it a higher score to look like they're in touch with their consumers.
Which runs and looks like shit.
The portable version doesn't run at all anywhere else.
What updates made it a +1.4 value change?
That's a massive change when you consider how review numbers are treated like a grade than a score.
Reminder person who reviewed Shitch version is literal Nintendo fanbaby
>PC version shows + and -
>Switch version doesn't
hmm really makes me think
Centered viewmodels.
Maybe try reading the reviews instead of just looking at the big numbers?
is there any decent non-slutty sfw doom gal art yet?
Explain this
I'm glad they sorted the multiplayer loadouts and repetitive arenas for the switch version, are we getting a fixed pc release?
Did you miss Titanfall 2 or something?
Jesus christ
You can go to the site and expand to see the pros and cons
Also multiplayer has improved through patches
>shitty multiplayer is so shitty that removing it improves the game
Wow... so this... is... the power... of multiple... reviewers... sugoi
Games simply play better on Nintendo platforms.
Every developer put more care and love into making the game good with Nintendo making sure that there's quality behind it. This is why every game that appears on Nintendo play better because they care more.
What prompts you to make this thread over and over again when it's 2 different people reviewing, and the 7.1 is unfair to a game as good a d44m?
but thats the port score, not the game score
>game is 7.1
>the quality of the port is 8.5
wooow so hard to grasp
Nice rebuttal, So(n)yboy
The message here is "Doom2016 is a mediocre game that pales in comparison to the original, but we have to give it more points because Switch owners have literally nothing else that's even remotely fun".
Pain in the ass controls and camera that makes you physically ill and will fuck you over because whoever made it thought it would actually be a good idea to have your fucking weapon break. Stupid, stupid, stupid game.
Nintendo has been dead since they started making Gimmicks: The Consoles/Handhelds. Fuck them.
7.1 game gets an 8.5/10 port
so its 6.035/10 overall? switch btfo
Should be 8.5 on PC since that's the only version where you don't have to use analog sticks for aiming like casuals.
but shitch has multiplayer... at silky smooth cinematic 22fps
It's not included in the box blunderfag
>Stupid, stupid, stupid game.
I am glad I'm not that autistic over weapons breaking
The best game of all time runs at 30fps though
the last of us :^)
That's a funny way to spell bloodborne
Oh wait it runs at 24 fps
I'm not going to sit around reading reviews for games i have no interest in playing and any kind of change that is a huge tangible change, like this one can be easily articulated by any non - spastic overly defensive sperglord.
0fps on Shitch, hahahaa
>Nintendo version
Well OF COURSE it would be better than some PKEK shit.
Why is there an issue with nintnedo’s Score when it’s the other consoles that are so god damn wrong about DOOM.
Nintendo bonus? More like overt console scrutiny.
>it’s the other consoles that are so god damn wrong about DOOM.
what did he mean by this?
Doom PS4: 1080p 60fps
Doom Shitch: 600p 22fps
Graphics makes the game huh?
Remember how amazing the original doom was to look at? Truly a masterpiece.
switch review was writte 1,5 years after the original, and by a completely different reviewer; with the game also having had many patches
Console shooter scores should be capped at 6/10 unless they support kb+m.
Does someone have the metacritic image that shows how despite OP's cherry picked review, the Switch version is actually rated lower?
switch version being a blurry slow motion mess does hinder the gameplay. you are delusional if you think otherwise
it actually WAS amazing when it came out and a technical marvel
>showing reviews from literally THE biggest review site is cherrypicking
0 FPS on PC too.
I just checked and it looks like the User reviews are the most consistent while there’s outliers for Xbox and Switch.
So why is this thread even up when it’s clearly showing off misinformation?
You can't take your PC with you on the go.
6 critics vs 40
Sup Forums eternally mad as fuck. What a glorious time to be a Nintenbro. I've spent the entire year laughing my ass off.
>Different reviewers
Gee, almost like IGN isnt one opinion.
Nice cherry picking faggot. Your tears are delicious.
He's right though. Looking pretty ain't going to make the game play better.
>runs worse on shitch
>gets better score
Que se passa?
This is a new meme that's not related to a recent event therefore I hate it.
Roaches annihilated.
look at the graph and you'll see Shitch is consistently below PS3 (yes, PS3)!
Females won't be playing KF anyway, might as well sexualize them for the male players which are 99.8%.
Besides girls love the female characters in Overwatch, despite being a fapbaits. All his theory about "sexualization is evil and turns off female gamers" is a complete utter bullshit.
You don't want sexualization in your christian game - fine your choice, but don't give us this bullshit excuse.
More like they didn't understand DOOM at first try and gave 7.1, but after all hype and shit they found out DOOM is actually one of the best games, so to make sure nobody will notice the previous rating they went 8.5 :^)
The console is called the Switch because when you see how games look on it you get turned off lmao
i dont understand any of you niggers, why the fuck do you fight over which one is the best console, do you guys get paid or something ? you spend money on consoles you don´t gain any cent from them why would you fight for fucking brands they are all games and that´s all
laptops are portables you retarded ninbaby
is 1993 Doom came out today, what would IGN give it?
Nintendo money
I am confused by that bottom tweet, those gameplay/graphical points don't improve the gameplay according to that faggot. Yet somehow being portable makes the game itself better?
10/10 if the franchise was still established
4/10 if doom was wiped from the planet and 93 just released as the first