Holy shit, this game is so fucking amazing, every day I discover something new about the physics. Is there any other game with this game's physics and chemistry engine?
Holy shit, this game is so fucking amazing, every day I discover something new about the physics...
Other urls found in this thread:
None, but people will exaggerate the mechanics of games like far cry and just cause 2, just wait and see.
>corpse ragdolls
>Is there any other game with this game's physics and chemistry engine?
yeah, sjw nu-males make indie games that have stuff like this all the time
Unironically this
It's amazing, one of the best games ever made. But Sup Forums will never admit it.
Examples being...?
show me one
5 seconds in google. There are a ton of them.
The absolute state of botw shitposters
>i-its not the same, you're just a shitposter!
What was the physics there? Looked like a scripted animation
Where are the impromptu circuits and elemental interaction with materials?
The lifeless body slumping on the spikes was a thousand times better than BOTW's ragdoll shit straight out of 1990s era 3D beta demos.
>Where are the impromptu circuits and elemental interaction with materials?
stuff is catching on fire right in the gif, are you retarded?
actually i think the indie game might actually do a lot more than botw
both botw and kids are shit btw
all physics
>reposting from /r/gaming
Now if only they made an interesting world to go with the physics.
i have good news
>implying all the good video game discussion doesn't come from them
Sup Forums is for shitposting and triggering people like you who give a fuck.
no fuck off to reddit
Stop posting off topic.
wow you can 1 shot enemies 10/10 perfect game!!!
That's not really impressive tho.
How do people quickly get out the time stop thing after swinging a weapon? I finally tried to do some tree travel shit the other day and realized I couldn't do it. Link kept finishing his swing animation and letting the tree hit the ground before pulling out his time stop shit. I've seen people cut a tree down and quickly stop it before it hits the ground, smack some energy into it, then grab on to it and fly away.
Is it a permadeath dungeon crawler platformer like Vagante?
Metal Gear Solid V TPP
But the lightning with when it was coming back wtf?
Is your stasis upgraded?
At least 4 of these are pictured at different angles with slightly different sunlight to make them appear like they aren't the same boring plains.
>dude physics
two worlds 2 would blow your mind
>posting a dead game
that Shinken Patsu Baku Matsu Hatsu Datsu arrow
Literally 2 of them are, and its the most notable location in the game
And yet aside from the lost woods and the shrine quests, what do you do in most of the areas, what distinguishes them aside from the scenery? Virtually nothing, most areas of the world have the same type of shrines, same type of stables, same type of bokoblin camps, same type of mini bosses, and mostly the same type of enemies. It's amazing that in a world with so many different regions, they feel so lacking is distinction from each other.
>More and more major nintendo titles keep getting turned into westernized trash
What game and why isnt it on switch?
Holy shit, and you also open the same thread with the same stupid expressions!
Is there any other idiot with this level of stupidity?
>too poor for a Switch or a Wii U or a functioning PC
Alone in the Dark?
>DLC 2 is going to introduce a hookshot rune that is literally the Just Cause grapple
Cant wait
That doesn't make BotW's ragdolling bad, autist
I often see people try to say that the world is boring, or doesn't have much in it. Not only is this false, but it is a baselss criticism anyway, because it totally ignores the point of the game. BotW is NOT a game about exploration. The real focus on the game is on its intertwining mechanical systems, the sophisticated world interaction and the way in which it rewards and encourages the player to experiment in creative ways. BotW is jaw-dropping in the physical interaction and the systems in place that come together to create a complex interplay of mechanics and doing creative things in the environment.
I am tired of seeing this point ignored, people criticisising the world design assuming that exploration is meant to be the prime point of the game, it is not, the prime area is on the sophisticated world interactions that you can experiment with in countless ways, and you're meant to really explore the depths of this system. This is what makes BotW truly revolutionary. This is something that really needs to be established: BotW is, first and foremost, a game of complex mechanical interplay, and it should be judged on those terms. And, as it stands, it accomplishes its goal of creative and rewarding gameplay better than almost any other game has accomplished it.
When I tried it I was in Master Mode and hadn't upgraded yet. It shouldn't really matter since I saw the tree grab thing in a speed run. Normal mode.
>even in the same location the game can look completely different and beautiful in a new way
>this somehow is bad? cheating?
>this also somehow negates the beauty of other parts in the game
>trying to shit on a beautiful looking game for no reason except a terrible opinion
Examine yourself. Look deep into how pathetic you are don't look away.
I've never seen a game make people so pissed off before. It's amazing. Even now Sony fanboys throw a fit that it doesn't do anything new. I love it. ALSO WHERE"S THE EXPANSION
>even in the same location the game can look completely different
This is called photography, you can do it in real life or any other game, its a trick.
...was that supposed to, or..?
That looks pretty dope honestly. Not many games are like that in 2D but BotW does it in 3D and there's nothing like it in its genre.
and people wonder why there's only ai for 5 different varieties of enemies
>a camera system and day/night/weather system and the designed nature of players exploring different angles of the same area in an open world seeing it different yet beautiful all the same
>it's a trick
are you just trying to be shit at your arguments? lmao
So all Nintendildo shitposters come from Reddit? Why am I not surprised?
>he's not looking forward to open world/GTA clone Animal Crossing
>He's not looking forward to DICE star fox
>He's not looking forward to Excitebike: undercover
>He's not looking forward to Wonderful 101: Hero agency manager with new wonderful ones unlocked through lootboxes
>He's not looking forward to Kirby's creed: origins
>He's not looking forward to Super Smash Bros Battlegrounds
>He's not looking forward to Donkey Kong: zero dawn
>game discussion is shitposting now
I want neo Sup Forums to leave.
you'll get bored. very soon.
unless you like fast travelling across the world looking for berries, I wouldn't get your hopes up.
Woah! Grass and sky, holy shit!
Are there any other games that have grass and sky? Holy shit!
>game is as interesting and varied as the real fucking world
>this is bad
Imagine having a life so sad you spend your time on Sup Forums searching for the source of every op post to try to call out Reddit.
What is supposed to be impressing me? A spell that makes a rock, and a spell that makes anvils circle your head?
>I want neo Sup Forums to leave.
Nobody is asking you to stay here Reddit-kun. In fact, we'd all prefer it if you and your people all left for good.
>get ousted
>don't know about reverse image search
>try to talk shit to undermine the fact you're an underage Redditor
Now you're just being silly.
jump cancel my dude
jumping or sheathing the weapon cancels the attack, although that might be for 2H only so you dont do the end slam
You're easily impressed by ragdolls and physics aren't you? Or is it only impressive when nintendo does it?
It's funny that I've probably actually been here longer than you. This place would unironically be better if people didn't give a shit about where an op post came from, it's not like the discussion will be the same. I don't know why you can't understand that.
>ruining threads about vidya because you'd rather bitch about reddit
I've never even been there.
This pasta fucking sucks
Other games have had physics
but Nintendo perfected them
1. Upgrade stasis
2. Gyro aiming, I'd never have been able to catch a boomerang in the air without it
>It's funny that I've probably actually been here longer than you.
I guarantee you haven't Reddit-kun. Anyone who's been here since the old days knows this place went to absolute dogshit the moment SRS and its mods started calling the shots.
You can stop pretending to be an oldfag when you can hardly keep up with the timeline of this place.
Now please, fuck off back to your stupid upvote circlejerk hugbox you so desperately pretend not to be from.
What makes a world interesting is not in the pretty vistas but in the small details that make a world feel intimate and lived in.
I didn't really get this impression from BotW.
Gee thanks! Now i think its a better game! Heres your upvote!
Well I just made a gif and reposted it somewhere else! Call the cops I don’t give a fuck
>hit an enemy so it falls over, it slides away like its on friction-less glass
druley dey berfekted it
>the absolute state of Zeldafags
You idiots don't belong here.
Fuck off and stay there.
If you don't think BOTW is a great game, you are literally just a contrarian
If MSM hated BOTW you would admit how much you love it and you know it
I think I kept trying with 1H weapons since that's all I had. Thanks.
You are correct, sir!
BotW doesn't have any minibosses
Giant cyclop pigs?
>If you don't think BOTW is a great game, you are literally just a contrarian
I think the game is a great starting off point with the mechanics.
But almost everything else about the game is just fucking boring, I honestly do not see the greatness in its very boring world and the shitty shrines. The mechanics are great, everything else is mediocre, and this honestly doesn't even feel that contrarian because I feel like a lot of people feel the same way.
So shitposters are literally out of arguments and just say it's shit and leave it at that? Sad. It's awards season.
>resorting to the "y-you're wrong!" argument
there's no helping these people, is there?
It's not a great game, it's an overrated mediocre game.
There is literally no way you could defend the classic dungeons and items being replaced with boring and repetitive Shrines and Spirit Orbs. People are pissed cause the game COULD have been great, but everyone is too busy sucking its dick cause of brand recognition to point that simple fact out.
Everything that can be criticized about the game already has, but Nintendo dicksuckers pretend that criticism isn't valid.
The only place I have ever heard this opinion is on Sup Forums. Nowhere else. Literally no one but a few contrarians on Sup Forums, intentionally trying to stir the pot, feels this way. It's hilarious that they keep trying.
No those are just enemies
There is, the system of get item use item on dungeon then never use it again is shit and stupid.
I will never understand why this world of shrines, korok seeds and bokoblin camps always gets so vigorously defended by everyone. It's shit. Give most people the same assets and easy to use construction set, and they would probably design something far more interesting than what we got.
You were saying?
You keep reducing it to that when it's not, you get a list of shit to do that's not seeds and shrines then discard it, every single thread, every day, get help you pathetic being.
So you think they are all lying, and don't actually find the world boring, but are doing that just to be contrarian?
Do you think it is impossible for someone to find the world boring?
Play a real Zelda game first, and then try to shitpost.
>two hundred millions years ago
>dumb as brick ai knew how to throw back grenades
It was impressive then. Not so much in 2017.