Can anyone who's been a PC gamer for a long time answer me this:

Can anyone who's been a PC gamer for a long time answer me this:

Since nowadays you can connect your computer to the TV, what's the use of spending extra money on a monitor? Are there any benefits/drawbacks to just using the television?

Colour range, 4:4:4, latency

Most modern 4k TV's do have PC mode which supports 4:4:4 though, it's the colour space that's the usual problem

The primary cons are worse input lag, image settings being fairly different, and it's generally more strain on your eyes if you're trying to do any actual work.
That being said, these problems can be mitigated by buying smaller/better Tv's.

Really depends what you want to use your PC for

Laoptop to TV was my gaming setup for years. Other Anons have already mentioned it, but generally latency and performance are the key issues. A T.V. with the same specs as a high-end monitor probably costs 5x as much if not more.

Latency is the main one. A TV, even a good one, will rarely have latency comparable to a good monitor. This is less of an issue with controllers but you feel every millisecond with a mouse. Both general operation and gaymen. It's also plain too big to feel comfortable using most UIs designed for a PC.

TV's tent to have higher input lag
Monitors can have higher refresh rates and resolutions (144hz and 1440p etc)
Monitors have fancy features that reduce screen tearing
I know a 1080p TV basically costs nothing these days but once you play vidya at 144hz you'll never go back. It's like getting your first SSD. The price of a good monitor in my book is worth it

>Can anyone who's been a PC gamer for a long time answer me this:

I have a 52" tv hanging above my monitor, that's what I use mainly to play games, watch movies, anime, hentai, porn etc. Tv is too big for reading text and uncomfortable to stare up close for long periods of time, for example at an arms length.

do you seriously not know what pixel density is? monitors are vastly superior displays. just google all the reasons. the same size/resolution monitor isn't way more expensive than its tv counterpart just for the lulz.

Thanks guys, guess I'll just have to budge. It's so expensive though.

I should look for 144Hz then?

They don't make 52" TVs...

Monitors are cheaper.

what are your system specs?

144hz is one of those quality of life enhancements that you don't know what you were missing until you're using it, then suddenly you'll never want to go back to 60hz and never settle for it.

That being said, if you really have to save money, get 60hz so you won't know what you're missing.

And yeah, latency is definitely the biggest benefit of a monitor, even more so than pixel density. You can FEEL the lag on HDTV's, it's atrocious. I don't know how people play it.

multiplayer it's shit but other than that it's ok

i've got a 144hz gsync monitor. it's a thing of beauty, but your wallet will feel it. if you're super strapped for cash, i'd recommend higher frame rate with 1440 or even 1080 over a 4k60hz. you notice high frame rate straight away, just moving your mouse around the desktop. and if you're into shooter gamers it's a no brainer.

For me it's just too big, stuff designed for PC is meant to be on a smaller screen. It's fine for cross platform games though. Also people are bringing up latency but mine works fine if the picture setting is on gaming mode.

Higher latency but I doubt you would really notice it unless you keep the standard settings which can produce HUGE latency.
It amazes me how so many people don't know anything about TV settings. They even made it pretty easy by calling it "Gaming/Console mode" which gets rid of all the fancy shit

CPU: Pentium G4600
RAM: 16GB DDR4 3000Mhz
Video: GTX 1070

My current monitor is pretty old, 60Hz.

>Pentium G4600

>using a 1070 with a dual-core
Guess i'm not surprised you needed to be educated on the basic differences between monitors and TV's

yeah that cpu is... not great. for that setup i'd go for something like 1080p144 or 1440p120 or something. if you play stuff like cs, overgay, or pubgay, you'll be astonished at how smooth aiming is.

>CPU: Pentium G4600
>RAM: 16GB DDR4 3000Mhz
>Video: GTX 1070
One of those is unlike the others


Ya they total-
Holy shit. They dont make 52"

I use a mouse and keyboard to play games, so I sit at a desk. This means the screen I'm looking is right in front of my face, making a monitor make sense

tvs are too big. the optimal size for a 1080p screen is 24 inches for example

Why the fuck would I own a TV?

Depends on the games you are playing.

Anything FPS, MMO, RTS, or Strategy is best played with a mouse and keyboard at a monitor. You could have a setup where you have M+K and a TV, but it is a pain. The other advantage is the higher framerate with a 144Hz monitor, which is really nice.

For most other games, I have my PC connected via a HDMI cable to my 4K TV with a 360 controller and wireless receiver and can switch freely between them with Controller Companion. I have played quite a few major titles this way and it is a nice boost of resolution over most console games (I typically play at either 1440p or 4K at 60 FPS on the TV and 1440p at 80-144 FPS on my monitor). I'm considering getting a 4K monitor, but I am waiting for more options to come out.

>pc gaming
never ever

what a fucking waste

I can watch my computer on my TV but I can't watch TV on my computer.
Also, what if you have guests.

>Also, what if you have guests.

With those specs you'll probably be fine with 144hz if your focus is on multiplayer shit designed for toasters like CS:GO and overwatch. You're going to need something with G-Sync for everything else because anything bellow 144fps on a 144hz monitor gets choppy as shit if you're not using dynamic refresh rates.

Because TV's are absolute shit tier for gaming when compared to even my old and needing replacing monitor.

>I can't watch TV on my computer.
uhhhh hulu? netflix? piracy? no one watches 'television' anymore grandpa

I tried this out recently because I wanted to play some sports games and old PS2 games on the big screen and it was pretty great to be honest. Upscaled PS2 games looked great but games like NBA 2K had some screen tearing for some reason but it wasn't really an issue, also the colors looked way more vibrant on the television. There was one weird thing where some games that would usually jump around from 50-60 fps would run at constant 60 when plugged into the TV, anyone know why that happens?

screen tearing was likely because your tv has a 59hz refresh rate as opposed to 60

Bottlenecks haven't existed since 10 years my man. You need to educate yourself. You could run a 1080 GTX on a 2.00 GHz cpu and you'd still get 100% gpu usage.

you will go fucking blind if you play video games on tv

also its nice to sit closer to a smaller screen but thats preference

If you play most entirely single player, like me, it's fine to just use a TV. In multiplayer, the slight input lag will give opponents an edge on you.

Also, don't use a TV for anything but games and videos. You'll kill your eyes trying to read or work on one.

Shit panels