Is Pandaland the best area in WoW? I'm almost done and the quests are shit.
Is Pandaland the best area in WoW? I'm almost done and the quests are shit
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No, Mists of Pandaria was one of the worst WoW expansions. It was the beggining of the end basically, just blizzard pandering do the chink menace.
the only saving grace about pandaland is that it's very colorful
it sure is the comfiest continent by far
I only really remember that the pvp was good and the classes were actually fun to play, pve has always been dogshit in wow and the whole panda chinese aesthetic was shit as well.
MoP was a good expac for what it had to work with. It had a fuck-tonne of content.
pandaria was great but it had it's flaws, which blizzard fixed with later patches eventually
imagine being this wrong lmao
The leveling and raiding were among the best, as far as xpacs go. (though that seems to be the only consistent part of any xpac)
The overall theme, pandas (both npc and playable), and the dailies grind were complete and utter shit in every way.
Naw, that whole expansion was shit.